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Everything posted by sharkdiver

  1. sharkdiver


    This is very similar in the imp as it is on my skin - it's a very HEAVY foody blend. I think, this is something I would wear to bed, if at all, since it smells so much like food, that I can't see myself wearing it out. as for the notes, I can definitely pick out the wine, the honey, and there is definitely that buttery cake note. It's not cloying, but I don't find it "creamy" - mostly, its very sweet, rich, and heavy buttery cake. It kind of makes me hungry
  2. This is really beautiful! At first, I get the woods, sandalwood, and amber the strongest...but then further from the wrist, I am catching whiffs of the vanilla Orchid and the pomegranate I really like this a Lot!
  3. sharkdiver

    Detestable Putrescence

    This did not work on me at all...This was a VERY buttery vanilla, which the longer it sat on my skin, turned into a plastic-y burnt smell! Into the swaps it goes!
  4. sharkdiver

    BPAL for fancy, elegant and formal occasions

    I think Snow white is always a beautiful choice for weddings...I wore it on MY wedding day, and it made me feel calm, cool, collected, and beautiful
  5. sharkdiver

    L’Eau de la Passion Bath Oil

    Hmm, I agree with the "The jury is still out" feeling, I don't dislike it, but it;s definitely not my favorite oil, mostly because I'm not one to normally reach for any kind of floral scents. for me, It smelled very strongly floral, and for some reason (maybe it's the carnation mixed with the honey and myhrr) but it smelled strongly of stargazer lilies, which very much reminded me of a funeral home...BUT, it mellowed out a little in the bath, and to be honest, the lingering scent that was left on my skin was not nearly as strong, and it was gorgeous! I also agree with OctoberGwen that it layers beautifully with the Perfume oil. I would say, this was not bad, and I would rate it a 3 out of 5.
  6. sharkdiver

    Tin Foil Hat

    This reminds me so much of Polo Sport men's cologne!
  7. sharkdiver

    Aloof, detached scents?

    U Mutter museum - has a very unique, "green", cold...specimen like feel to it. I think you can order it form the museum, or hunt around for a decant to try before ordering.
  8. sharkdiver

    The Gorobble

    just coming back to say that after having let this sit for a few months, and retested it tonight, it's DIVINE!!! The marshmallow creaminess is so much bolder now, and the smoke settles perfectly on my skin - smells a lot like a toasted marshmallow should smell now, and a lot less like a cinnamon yankee candle! LOVE!!
  9. sharkdiver

    Wine, Beer, Rum, Bourbon... the booze scents

    I can't believe Halloween: Las Vegas hasn't been mentioned! It's Snake oil, meets Dorian, Meets Sangria, a hint of smoke, and frosting...it's Amazeballs. It was Forum only, but it may still be available!! http://www.blackphoenixalchemylab.com/forumonly.html Oh, and SMUT, which is up now with the Lupers: Red musk and booze notes!
  10. sharkdiver

    Variety of Pleasing Amusements

    I'm not sure about this one...I too can pick out the different notes, but on my skin, it behaves VERY similarly to how "The Changeling" was on me...it sort of has that buttery nutty tang to it, though it's not at all foody - I think it's the tobacco doing this, but I don't dislike it...I am going to put this one away and see what happens to it as it ages.
  11. sharkdiver

    Narrow Opening

    I really like this one! at first, there was a bit of white flower impression, but that calmed down very quickly once it hit my skin. This dried down to a beautiful, refined black leather with a bit of the light white floral behind it. It's not sweet at all, but very "distinguished" it sort of reminds me of a very classy Master - a old fashioned man who wears leather, and who is respected, but is definitely not someone you want to cross...even though it makes me think of a man, I wouldn't say it's a masculine scent. I REALLY like this one! it get better the longer it's on!
  12. sharkdiver

    The Vine

    add me into those who think this is LOVELY but very quick to fade...In the bottle and wet on the skin, it was all lovely fresh juicy pear. Once it began to dry, it got creamier and creamier, and the honey began to sweeten it up even more. After about an hour, all that was left was a warm very light honey scent with a bit of "creaminess" no more pear. I have no problem slathering this though!
  13. sharkdiver


    I love my SMUT! I can see the amaretto, but mostly, I got lovely red musk and cherries!! This was so so good. Nice throw too!
  14. sharkdiver

    Milk and Cream Notes

    From some of the scents I've tried, I am also a huge fan of the Milky/creamy notes...These can come from Milk notes, Vanilla, or even Tonka (which usually comes off as a creamy soft vanilla-ish note) Some blends that I loved which had prominent milky/creamy notes: Dana O'Shee (creamy almond) White Rabbit (Creamy linen, tea, and Honey) Pussy (creamy warm and sweet - mostly from the Tonka, Brown sugar and honey) Aged Elegba (Creamy vanilla coconut and a sweet splash of rum) Antique lace (There is a creamy almost vanilla linen note) aged Dorian (creamy vanilla tea note) I have not yet tried: Alice, any of the Milk Moons, Obatala... Also, there are some promising blends from the new Lupers/Shungas: The Vine (honey, pear & Vanilla cream) Blossoms in Springtime (Vanilla bean, Vanilla Blossom, Honey, beeswax, etc.) Also, as someone else pointed out, there is also BPTP bath oils: Castitas Bourbon Vanilla
  15. sharkdiver

    Aquatics - scents of the ocean, the sea

    Calico Jack would probably be a good place to start: Sea air, driftwood, waterlogged kelp, and the memory of plundered spices sprayed over worn leathers, rough musk, and the salty wooden floorboards of the Revenge. Mary Read: Salt air, ocean mist, aged patchouli, sarsaparilla, watered-down rum, leather-tinged musk, and a spray of gunpowder. Port Royal: The Sodom of the New World! -- touted as the richest and wickedest city in all creation! Port Royal was the center of 17th century Caribbean commerce, a notorious safe harbor for pirates, and the site of our third flagship store, which was, sadly, destroyed in the earthquake of 1692. Spiced rum and ship's wood mixed with the body-warmed trace of a prostitute's perfume and a hint of salty sea air on the dry-down.
  16. sharkdiver

    Creamy Spicy Florals, a/k/a Florientals

    I'll also throw out White Rabbit - the black tea is a bit floral in a sense, and it is definitely creamy and spicy...Love! I will also second morocco & Antique Lace...(good luck with Antique lace though, that one is hard to come by!)
  17. sharkdiver


    Tested this this morning! In the bottle: smells very strongly, almost astringent of eucalyptus and Mint, with a bit of floral peeking out in the back. Wet on Skin: Whew! Very strong, I can definitely see the associations that were made to this smelling like a Vet's office - there;s something astrigent, and very medicinal smelling upon first application, but thankfully, this fade within the first 2 minutes, and the frosty violets come out to play Dry: This. Is. Gorgeous. If you can get past the first two minutes after applying, the dry down is so worth it! This smells just like LUSH's Daddy-O shampoo This is a great scent, though it doesn't have quite the staying power as some of the other BPAL scents I've tried - though it's not bad. I'd rate this one: 3.5 / 5 (the lesser rating is for the initial Vet smell)
  18. sharkdiver

    Dragon's Milk

    I am wearing this one today, and oh my it's so gorgeous!! The bottle I have is fresh, and I already love it...I can't imagine how awesome this will be aged!!
  19. sharkdiver

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    Sort of random, but I was testing a decant of Cabaret.Goth yesterday, and it kind of reminded me of Love's Baby Soft for a while...a few hours in, but quite as much, as this was far more beautiful then Love's baby soft, but there was that same "vibe" for a while there.
  20. sharkdiver

    Quirkiest, most bizarre oils

    Adding two more - Ultraviolet (GC) - eucalyptus, Minty Violet. I will be testing this one tonight, as I bought a 5ml unsniffed...reviews were mixed, but since I adore all three of the notes, I'm hoping I will love this. Blood (GC) - I kind of want to like this one, because there is an incensy depth to it, but the metallic tang mixed with the dragon's Blood (which, I normally LOVE dragon's Blood), it's like...off putting to me. Not that it smells bad, but it just makes my skin crawl...I can see why they call it Blood!
  21. sharkdiver


    Just dropping in to confirm - this one ages BEAUTIFULLY! I was lucky enough to do a swap for a 10ml 2005 bottle, and it is so creamy, coconutty, and sweet...it's beautiful. My hubby says this is his most favorite of all my BPAL bottles! (it seems that with aging, the "darkness" from the rum and tobacco definitely mellow out, and the sweet creamy coconut takes front and center!)
  22. sharkdiver

    Quirkiest, most bizarre oils

    to add a few bizarre ones: Poisoned Apple (GC) - not because it smells strange, but it is the craziest morph ever - It starts out wet, like the most perfect red juicy apple...then slowly, as it dries, the hemlock and oleander takes over, and the apple all but vanishes...its like a downward spiral into poison land! it's very wearable though, so I highly recommend trying it, if you like apples! The Wiley Grasser (LE) - That was sickeningly sweet cotton candy, and...Pine Needles. Very odd combo, that somehow worked! was too sweet for my taste, but many people love it. It's DC'd now though, but you can still find some through swaps/sales I'm sure. The Malignant Dreams of Cthulu in Love (LE) - this was like musky/oceany scent...combined with Chocolates. It's awesome. White Rabbit (GC) - was perfectly crisp clean linen with tea, honey, and cream, with a bit of ginger and pepper thrown in...it's lovely though, on me, I could smell the ginger and pepper only in the imp, but on my skin, it was only clean linen, tea, honey, and cream. another GC that was bizarre was Beer from the Marsh Woman's Brewery - this was grassy, clean, with a slight hint of Beer. I couldn't decide whether or not I liked it...
  23. sharkdiver

    Lesbian/bi themed scents!

    this might be kind of a random idea, but I've never had any sexual orientation associated with Vampires, whether they are male or female...I just sort of associate them with being SEXUAL...so on that idea...I would think any of the vamp-ish scents could feasibly fit the bill...I've seen plenty of vamp movies where women vampires are having sexual encounters with men and women alike...the same with male vampires. Just a thought! From the Vampires don't sleep alone section: Tombeur Transeo VILF I would also think from Sin & Salvation: Lust (this doesn't have to mean between a man and woman..everyone lusts!) Ars Amatoria: Lucy's kiss O Perversion From the New Shungas collection: Playful Wooden Mallets (i'm sure they are more in here!)
  24. sharkdiver


    I managed to track down a 5ml of this...the notes were so promising, I purchased unsniffed, and so glad i did!! Thia has become one of the most comforting, and beautiful BPAL oils I own...I love the way the honey is warm and creamy (thank you Tonka!) on my skin...my husband loved it on me too!
  25. sharkdiver

    Egg Nog

    I had such high hopes for this one, but alas it did not work for me in decant: smells like spicy creamy Eggnog! wet: This starts off SO promising! on my skin, this instantly turns into rich creamy vanilla frosting! I don't know how or why, but it definitely morphs from Eggnog to frosting... Dry: In the few minutes it took for this to dry, the rich creamy frosting scent faded away to leave me with the Play'doh scent! this is the first BPAL that has done this on my skin. It also seemed to absorb into my skin quickly, leaving barely any detectable scent other than a slight whif of play'doh. Oh well, Glad I wanted for the decants! Creamy scents usually work well, so this was a surprise!