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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Corvidchaser

  1. I've become so attached to this one this week for some reason. It's very comforting.
    The rose mixes with the bergamot & though I usually dont like rose, as it dries to powdery on me. The milk seems to soften the "old lady" scent of roses on my skin.

  2. I LOVE the smell of this!

    Someone mentioned its just like opening a herb cupboard, which I completely agree with. Warm, dry and definitely tea leaves!

    The big problem though (and this is first time this has happened to me) IT BURNS!

    I shall use it in my oil burner instead. It had a very xmassy scent about it.

  3. I think this scent actually turned me into a rose fan. Ive always associated it with "old-lady" smell but this is a lot more dainty and delicate when wet then as it dries becomes more fuller and classy.

    I didnt notice any change in the notes as the day went on. It suits more of an evening perfume to me, not fresh roses but like one you would wear on a lapel to impress someone.

  4. I adored the poem that accompanied this scent, so I had to try. I seem to love the graveyard smelling types.

    I get literal wooden door frames and an old house from this straight off from the Imp. Once it begins to dry on my skin the "funeral boughs" become more obvious but very gentle and relaxing. As though theyre blowing in a breeze.

    I'm not very good with pin pointing florals but I think this is a dried, old flowers not new fresh ones.

    Overall, the notes in this relax me and it instills a feeling of peace.

  5. Ive never tried a plum scent so here we go!

    Overall when wet: Waxy/candied/fruit with a tinge of something leafy. The daffodil pollen mixes well but gets drowned out a bit by the plum. As it dries, it turns into a very sweet floral for me. It reminds me of my sisters body spray she wears by "Impulse" (Paris) Lasted well, a good number of hours!

  6. BPAL introduced me to blackberry notes and I'm so glad because it's not something I wouldve thought to try!

    I think the best thing about this scent was the staying power. It lasted ALL day and didnt change too much from the first hour. Didnt turn powdery when dry, just stayed fruity yet grounded because of the sage & dark musk. I seem to love any scents with tea notes and that must be the part that gives this a clean crisp kick.

    Added to my favourites for sure!

  7. This arrived with a batch of Imps purchased from Balame today :)

    Since I saw TEA was in the notes, I had to have it! Very clean crisp, refreshing and given a kick by the ginger. There's a fruit in there I cant quite place my finger on yet..citrus has been mentioned but it seems more like the rind not the juice.

    It lasted well but not as well I'd like for such a refreshing scent that acts as a "pick me up" whenever it crosses under my nose.

  8. I've seen this scent described as "Fruit loops" a lot and I'd be inclined to agree but what distinguishing it from just a fruity smell is the pepper I think. It grounds the other notes as it dries. A bit of a tendency to smell too much like a new car if over applied I think BUT very uplifting due to the citrusy notes.

  9. (Imp bought from Nursekins. Thank you!)

    Summer months in a bottle! :heart:

    I smell Jasmine whilst wet but when dry this is all Honeysuckle to me but I can smell a grassy note that changes it into fields of wildflowers drying in the sun. I thought at first it was a bit too strong but about an hour later it became a lot lighter and the scent followed me around instead of being stuck in my nose.

  10. Very creamy and sweet when wet.

    As this dries I smell fruit, I think its pineapple? A Vanillary-ness comes out too mixes with a pastry scent. It seems to come out in different layers as it dries and lasts VERY well.

  11. As much as I LOVE the smell of this in the Imp and whilst its wet, it dries and goes horribly wrong.

    It truly reminds me of my mothers homemade bread and butter pudding whilst wet but when dry, a strange soapy smell comes out of hiding and ruins it. I tried to leave it for a few hours but had to go wash it off.

  12. Am I the only who can smell the bergamot in there? It has a slight citrus kick to the mossy beginnings after about an hour of wearing. Maybe its because bergamot is one of my favourite scents. I see so much dark green in this scent, definitely the moss.

    Very floral but more like dried flowers since the smokey/incense notes mix with it. I agree with everyone who says its a layered scent which need concentration to understand it but perhaps that's what The Caterpillar wants. To confuse you first.

  13. When smelt in the bottle, there was something in the background I didnt like. Made me recoil at first, I still dont know what it is BUT once on my skin and dried it truly WAS comforting! Someone mentioned it was "like a hug from a dear friend or mom" I think I can agree with that.

    I think Iambe needs to be given a chance. Warm up to her a little and have a chat, she isnt what she seems on the surface.
