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Blog Comments posted by furygrrl

  1. I post reviews in the review section *and* my blog purely to keep track of what I've reviewed. It's way easier to glance at what I've got written here, than to scroll through the entire review section or all my previous posts looking for entries - for me, anyway. :blush:

  2. I can honestly say that I'm not sure what to think at this point. I've never been on the "other side of the fence" during one of these situations, and I'm not really one for adding to drama-fests, so even if I *did* have a concrete opinion, if it wasn't mind-blowing, I doubt I'd share it.


    That being said, however, I feel I must weigh in on this pervasive theme - these insinuations - that HAEE customers are being bribed with extra product in exchange for positive feedback.


    As one of those individuals who has both received a gift and reviewed several products favourably, I find it terribly offensive and almost slanderous, actually. Aside from a few order-related emails, I don't know Michele personally, and yet now I have to "watch what I say" with regards to what freebies I may have received or what products I may be enjoying 'cause if I don't, I run the risk of being labeled as some kind of shady accomplice, pimping HAEE in return for perfume KICKBACKS!


    I shouldn't think I'll be talking much in the HAEE thread anymore anyway - not after a previous poster mentioned that the constant chatter/bumping in the HAEE thread seemed "planned" - like it was some kind of concerted effort (read: CONSIPIRACY) by those of us *in* the thread to keep the HAEE topic visible.


    Since when did mud-slinging at other forumites - even the subtle, "wondering aloud" kind - become an accepted part of this discussion?

  3. I definitely agree with the above poster - on both accounts, actually. :)


    My youngest furbaby (*and* one of my DH's older family cats) had a problem with puking after every meal. The vet reassured us that it's a common problem - from hairballs to eating too fast. One of the best indicators as to whether it might be a more serious problem is what the vomit looks like: solid to semi-solid kibbles is likely eating too fast. Worms can also make a cat vomit excessively, as I learned with one of my other kitties. An obstruction in the stomach/bowel could also be at fault - if the vet rules out all of the lesser problems, you should ask about an xray.


    With regards to the odd kitty behaviour? Some cats need years to adjust (yes, I said years) to new situations, whether it's moving or gaining a new sibling or parent - and sometimes they never return to their old behaviour, sometimes the adjustment period brings out a whole new personality! :D


    As long as there's no excessive fighting (we're talking violent, dangerous, bloody stuff, here), obvious signs of extreme stress (ie. licking/gnawing off their own fur), and both critters are eating/drinking/using the litterbox/occasionally checking in with you or the hubby, there shouldn't be anything to worry about. Perfect example: my mom's weirdo cat, Luna. She was adopted from another family five years ago. Upon arriving at my parent's home, she took up residence under my little brother's bed for months, not even coming out to eat - we had to serve her under there. When she finally *did* emerge, it was only to rush into the basement where my younger sister lives, and she's been there ever since. On the rare occasion, she'll join my parents for some late night television, but she prefers spending her days sleeping in my sister's armoire. And like I said, it's been five years. Luna's original mom (moved abroad) was flabbergasted at hearing about this bizarre behaviour - and my mom had never witnessed any strangeness when she first visited the home to inquire about adoption. It was just Luna's way of adjusting. The vet says she's totally healthy, and she *seems* happy (she plays with my sister and sleeps with her); she just doesn't want to leave the security of the basement - she obviously finds comfort in it. :)


    Whew - sorry for the long-winded post. My heart just breaks (for pets *and* their parents) whenever the issue of re-homing is brought up - especially for behavioural issues. If you *are* still concerned (and what good guardian wouldn't be?), definitely ask around for more advice - your vet, your local shelter (they often deal with "problem" pets, poor things), other cat-lovers in your area, even an online cat forum/message board.


    I hope things work out for the best. :)
