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Everything posted by Rhowan

  1. Rhowan

    Milk Moon 2005

    Milk Moon is very creamy honey milk on me but the added "lunar oils" gives this a hint of mint to me. First applied, it didn't agree with my nose - minty honey milk? But as it dried down, it started to grown on me. Completely dried down Milk Moon is so beautiful, light and innocent. The mintiness has faded, leaving me a gogeous milk note with just a hint of honey! I am in love.
  2. Rhowan

    La Fée Verte

    In the vial and wet on my skin, the first impression is a very cool and light It is a bit floral, a bit lemony, but I cannot pick out the different notes as of yet. Drying down, I am starting to be able to pick out the vanilla, musk, honey and best of all, the Moroccan spices. The lemony florals are still the top notes to this blend. Completely dried down and I am shocked because it has completely reversed itself. The light moroccan spices, and honey sweetened vanilla musk have become the top notes as the lemony florals have become the bottom. My conclusion? LaFee Verte is a honey sweetened, brighter version of Morocco and it is absolutely gorgeous! This is a most delightful summer scent! No absithe smell here but then again it is an absithe "theme". Great throw and awesome wear - this would hold up in the summer heat well and also be a chilling winter scent.
  3. Rhowan


    Mitzvah is a the most exquisite caramel cream that one could ever find! When first applied, it is almost like you have poured the ingredients of a fine caramel right on your skin. I find that Mitzvah doesn't morph at all but completely stays true to it's scent. To me, it reminds me a bit of Red Lantern - but Red Lantern turned into something that smelled fake. No comparison to Sugar Skull either - Sugar Skull was an almost pure maple syrup on me. Even after a few hours, Mitzvah smells the exact same to me - the most decadent, rich, carmelized sugar and sweet cream. I am not really a foody person but this is one I could wear all the time. Good throw, long wear. Wonderful!
  4. Rhowan


    Obatala is a beautiful scent! It stays true on my skin from the vial to complete dry down! It is fresh cocout, milk and a sparkling cold water stream. I have seen comparisons to Milk Moon and yes, I can see the similarities. But where Milk Moon is soft creamy and warm, Obatala is soft creamy and fresh, fresh, fresh! A beautiful cool scent for the summer months!
  5. Rhowan


    In the vial and wet on my skin - OH! Fresh Pure Honey!!! with a small hint of herbs Drying down - DAMN! the fresh honey just got sucked up by my skin. What is left is just a bare hint of something herbal....and then *POOF* it dissapears. About a 1/2hr later, I sniff my wrist and there is just a very tiny, wee little scent of dried herbs. conclusion? Not for me. I would give anything to have had that fresh, pure, honey note linger for a long time. It was the perfect honey.....
  6. Rhowan


    Thanks purplegirl for sending this imp to me! In the vial and wet on my skin - green and aquatic Drying down - This becomes an even darker green and very familiar Completely dried down - I know this! It's a lake I go to every summer. There is a spot near where we always camp that has an inlet to it that almost makes it a pond. The water is clear, it is surrounded with trees and swimming there is very tranquil since no one swims there but me. This reminds me of a time I was swimming and enjoying the green tranquil surrounding and a lightening storm hit. Conclusion? Olokun is very deep, dark green aquatic with a bit of ozone. I love this scent! Great throw, long wear. This is definitely going on my bottles list!
  7. Rhowan


    In the vial and wet on my skin - spicey leather! As it begins to dry down, I can smell the different notes emerging, a little bit of tonka, a hint of leather, woods and incense! Completely dried down this is very woodsy incense. I love it! I put some on my father and it was 100 times better on him - funny huh? So, my dad gave it a big thumbs up and he is usually not a cologne wearer. conclusion? Great throw, awesome wear! This will have to be a 5ml for my father!
  8. Rhowan


    In the vial and wet on my skin, I get major lilly, honeysuckle and a touch of pear - way overpowering. Drying down, I am trying not to wash this off- it is way to floral for my taste and is actually giving me a bad headache. Okay! I made it to the complete drydown. Completely dried down, Juliet isn't so overpowering. What I am getting is a very white and clean floral the sweet pea has really softened and so too have both lillies. Conclusion - I am not a floral person but this ends up being nice - I don't know if I can make it through the dry down though. A *very little* goes a huge long way so apply carefully. Huge throw, long wear! If you like white florals - this is for you. I'll keep the imp but it's not bottle worthy.
  9. Rhowan

    Enraged Bunny Musk

    Enraged Bunny Musk didn't really morph at all from first wet on my skin to completely dried down. It smells like a fresh green meadow to me in a powdery form - I know that sounds weird but that's the only way I can explain it. I was definitely worried about the powdered notes - powdery like if I wear rose or some honeys that dry down to a powdery grandma scent But this is definitely not a grandma powder but a beautiful soft pale green scent. It has good throw and incredible wear - I wore it all day and the next morning I could still smell it! This is a keeper!
  10. Rhowan

    Beltane 2005-06

    ... It doesn’t matter where your faith lies, Beltane is sacred to us simply because we’re human. It is a celebration of new growth, rebirth, of the fertility of our land, our spirits and our bodies, and is a reminder of the joy in simply being alive. Celebrate life! Wind some flowers into your hair, dab a little oil behind each ear, toss the first petals of springtime onto your yard, and bless your garden the old fashioned way! In the bottle and wet on my skin, fresh clean spring!! As this begins to dry down, I am starting to smell an almost citrus note somewhere that is mixed in with water and greens. Completely dried down, I find myself in love!! I live in Boise, Idaho - City of Trees and we have a river that flows thru the center of town. In the summertime it is common practice to float the river in inner tubes or small rafts. Smelling Beltane gives me an instant scent association to floating down the river: The smell of the cool river and all of the trees that line it. Very green and aquatic. Conclusion? This is by far a keeper! The scent association it gives me, roots me to my home town, the river, the trees. I LOVE IT! Good throw - GREAT wear!
  11. Rhowan


    Usually mints don't work on me but I really wanted to try this because I *knew* for some reason it would work... In the bottle and wet on my skin, I get a very strong peppermint with a subtle hint of vanilla. This is the first time a mint stayed true on my skin. Beautiful. As Snowblind dries down, the vanilla starts to wax as the peppermint wanes. Still beautiful! Completely dried down, the vanilla has taken on a more prominent place in this oil and peppermint is the perfect support. What I am left with is "The perfect vanilla mint" !! Conclusion? I am so grateful to be able to own this scent! It is so beautiful. I think that this could be worn as easily in the summer as it could be in the winter. Good throw and long wear. Excellent!
  12. Rhowan

    Monster Bait: Underpants

    In the vial and wet on my skin all I can smell is total butter rum! As this dries down, Underpants stays pretty true to the first wiff - total and complete butter rum. Completely dried down - I am pretty disappointed. The butter rum has faded almost completely. My favorite note of Sandalwood never did arrive and all that is left on my skin is the sicky smell of sugary saffron. (say that five times in a row!) Saffron doesn't like me... Conclusion? I will keep the bottle and maybe try this again. I am keeping my fingers crossed that maybe my nose is off and the sandalwood is just hiding for now...great throw, long wear (fingers crossed for my next spin!) ETA: About 3 hrs. later I started to smell something really sexy wafting around me and I was like WTF? So, I put my nose down to my wrist and Oh! this is so beautiful! The icky saffron had totally faded, the butter rum was lingering in the background and the top notes of the sandalwood and vanilla were awesome - kind of reminds me of a buttery vanilla Smut! I really don't know why it took so long to morph on me ? No matter though, I will just make sure I apply well in advance. It's 10am and it is still prominent on my skin.... Gorgeous!
  13. Rhowan


    In the vial and wet on my skin - wow rubber and peppermint - ick! it's like a used band - aid dipped in peppermint oil. I hope this dries down a bit better. As this dries down, the peppermint is not so prominent and I am catching some cocoa and some coconut - no butter rum or vanilla. It's still on a base of band -aids. Completely dried down, Spooky is not so bad but it took over 1/2 hour to get so I could stand it. I can smell each note well now and it is a very light scent to me. What is funny is that it almost smells like tanning oil with the rum and coconut. Throw is good and wear is incredible - you can't wash this stuff off. While it dried down so-so on me, given the chance I would never buy a bottle of it.
  14. Rhowan

    Mabon 2004

    In the vial and wet on my skin it is full on blackberry wine and oak. As Mabon dries down, I start to get a hint of the apple, a bit of sage but then the myrhh comes out and just about overpowers the whole thing... Completely dried down this is a most beautiful and complex scent and I am in total love! Top notes are black berry wine and apple (I don't get the cider but more of a fresh apple) the ivy, hazel and sage are middle supporting notes, and the myrrh has receeded to support the whole scent and give it a perfume-y type smell. Conclusion? Mabon brings to mind a misty autumn walk in the English countryside - such a beautiful autumn scent. I will cherish the imp I have of it. The throw is a bit on the mild side and the wear is very good.
  15. About 6yrs ago, my colon died. Kaput! Gave up the ghost. I was left drinking that nasty crap they make you drink before you have a colonoscopy - but I drank it every day just to go once a week so... My Gastroenterologist was debating on having my colon removed but he decided I needed one more test before the decision was made. The only thing I was told about this test is that it was called a defacography and that it measured my rectal floor pressure - or in laymans terms, how well the shit went down the chute. Thus the term Defacography - a study of defacating - little did I know.... I arrived at the hospital for my test - very happy that, for once, this test didn't involve drinking vile tasting barium enhanced with Hershey's Quick to make it more palatable -ha! like you can disguise the taste of barium - hello?! I am called for my test and follow the nurse through a hallway draped with plastic and tools all over the place (my hospital was having remodling and construction done) I enter a room that has an xray bed that is upright so you can stand in front of it. I am perplexed to see that there is a 5gallon bucket with a platstic liner in it, and a toilet seat on top of it, in front of the upright xray table. I change into a lovely hosptial gown, complete with peek-a-boo rear, and I am asked to go sit on the make shift toilet while they take an xray. WTF? I am told it will show my rectal floor at rest. - okay, so that wasn't so bad..... The xray table was then laid flat and I was asked to lay with my butt facing the doc. He lifts up my gown, exposing my blushing cheeks, and places and round metal piece on my butthole. I am then asked to stand up and squeeze my cheeks together so I don't loose said metal marker while they put the xray table back to horizontal and place makeshift toilet in front of table. I am asked to sit on the toilet thing (all the while keeping the metal thing in place) and they take another xray. At this point, I am thinking to myself, this is pretty ugly, I hope this is the end of the test. Ha! And it gets worse.... The xray table is once again laid flat, I am told to lay down on top of it. The doctor removes the marker. He goes off to get something, and I see him moving the construction worker"s tools out of his way. As he rummages around, I he picks up a calking gun and starts heading in my direction. OMG - the caulking gun is meant for me?! I thought it was part of all the construction but find out that it is one of the defacography dept. tools - I kid you not! The doctor places a rubber hose on the end of the caulking gun, and in the slot that a tube of caulking material goes? He puts a tube of barium. He tells me to relax (ha! sure!) and he puts the tube up my butt and starts to "caulk" barium up my ass. I am thouroughly disgusted - How much worse can it get? Let me tell you, never ask that question, because, things can definitely get worse!!!! So, my butt is full of barium and I am once again asked to get off the xray table while they once again place it upright with that damnable makeshift toilet in front. I am asked to sit on it and told - hold it hold it! and then, they start to raise the toilet thing with a remote control and..... drumroll please... for the finale.... The toilet thing I am sitting on is raised into the air. Yep, I am sitting there,barium caulked up my ass, on a stupid 5 gallon bucket with toilet seat attatched and I am about 5 feet in the air - and if that isn't humiliating enough.... an xray video camera is placed on the side of me, aimed at my poop chute. The doctor is standing in front of me - my knees are eye height to him (OMG can I just die now?!) and with video xray camera rolling, I am told to poop out the barium!!!! Can I just say "OMFGWTHFBBQ?" Poop out the barium, 5 feet up in the air, xray video cam rolling, my knees eye height with doc and technicians walking around the room? I am thinking to myself, "what kind of sick f*ck goes into this type of medical specialty? " and then I think to myself.... "I need to get a copy of this tape! I could sell it on a porn site for quite a bit of $$ to some weird freak who would probably get off watching an xray video of me pooping out barium." Hey! it's not like my face would be showing or anything! Anyhow, I can't stop the stuff coming out of my butt - how much freaking barium did he caulk up there ? This is SICK and WRONG!!!! Finally, the deed is done and I wash up, get dressed and leave -face red with embarassment....
  16. Rhowan

    Black Orchid

    I am not usually an orchid fan, but then I wasn't much of a Lotus fan until I tried black lotus, so, I decided to give the orchid a spin! When this was first wet on my skin, it smelled like any other orchid that I don't really like. Kind of bright and overpowering. After it started to dry down, it started to darken. At complete dry down, Black Orchid is beautiful, it is dark and sullen - a black flower for a dark bride. It isn't bright or bold but a sinuous, earthy smelling orchid. It is very beautiful. When or if this is ever released, I will definitely be getting at least a 5ml. The throw is good - not overpowering like most orchids would be (at least to me) but just a enough of a throw to make people lean into you subconciously. LONG wear - could smell it almost 24 hrs. later. I love this scent! efs
  17. Rhowan

    Voodoo Queen

    Before I start, I would like to thank a dear friend who gave me the chance to try all of the Convergence oils - thank you Sherry! In the imp and wet on my skin - WOW! I get imagery rather than certain scents. A bright spring morning, walking in the shade of newly leafed trees, the wind blowing all the smells of fresh greenery and florals and a hint of a water source near by and spices, lots of spices... (weird!) The bright greens last only for a couple of seconds, then it starts to really darken. I can't even begin to figure out the different notes because... Poof! it's gone! WTF? Voodoo Queen has left the skin! What little smell that is left over is my skin with just a bare hint of spice. 5 minutes later, all I can smell is me. Let me just say, that is the weirdest reaction that I have ever had to a BPAL oil. I have never had something just completely disappear in such a quick fashion.*sigh* I loved the way it started - maybe my hormones are off or something?
  18. Rhowan


    Before I begin, let me thank a dear friend for the opportunity to give the Covergence scents a try! Thank you Sherry! In the vial and wet on my skin I am getting a very spicy cocoa. Very nice! As it dries down Storyville starts to morph. Cocoa, ginger, musk,honey, and tobacco. I am getting a tangy end note that I can't name - it's almost like the lemon in Freak Show. Completely dried down, Storyville is ginger, mixed spices, tobacco, lemon and honey all on a base of musk and cocoa. I love this scent! Good throw, good wear. Very nice!
  19. Rhowan

    Doc Buzzard

    First of all, I would like to thank a very dear for the opportunity to try the Convergence scents ~ Thank you Sherry! When first applied, Doc Buzzard starts out sweet and syrupy but this only lasts for about 10 seconds. As it dries down, I start to get a hint of woodsiness and something that is familiar but I can't place my finger on... After a few minutes, I have finally figured out what that familiar scent is - it's a Fougere ~ Dorian's fougere! But that is the only similarity. Completely dried down, Doc Buzzard rests on a base of woodsiness - Sandalwood with a very faint tang of cypress and fougere. This scent could be worn by both sexes, although I believe men would wear it much better than women. Good throw and long wear... this is a very lovely scent.
  20. Rhowan


    Ah! Amsterdam! I am not going to write my usual review with this because Amsterdam is so unique. Amsterdam is very aquatic with the florals ( FRESH tulips and peony) and a dose of fresh green grass. That is the way it stays on my skin until I wash it off. I have been trying to find the perfect aquatic scent and I am thinking that Amsterdam is it!
  21. Rhowan


    In the vial and wet on my skin, I am channeling Dana O'shee but with a end not of bergamot - this is beautiful! I am very surprised as this dries down. I keep waiting for the rose note to rear it's ugly head and ruin it all for me but it never does. I think the rose is combining with the milk and honey to make a very nice base, with the carnation and bergamot the less subtle notes the make this POP! Completely dried down, I am able to get a *very* subtle rose hint but not a full blown rose that usually ruins oils for me that contain rose. The whole oil blends very nicely. Alice is a very innocent girlie scent. I wish it had a bit more throw but then again, maybe it will when I apply it all over instead of a dot on my wrist. The wear is pretty good too. I have to say that this is definitely going on my bottle list!!!
  22. Rhowan

    Blood Pearl

    Lustrous, sanguine, soft and lavish: soft orris, blood musk, and coconut. I was so excited to try this because I LOVE Black Pearl! In the imp and wet on my skin - ORRIS big time! I can't get past it's smell. As it dries down though, the musk is peeking it's head out. I can't smell the coconut as it's own note but the sweetness is coming from the coconut. Completely dried down, I find that Blood Pearl is still an overly sweet floral on me. Don't get me wrong - it dries down very nice and subtle - but what is left is too sweet for my taste. While Blood Pearl is not for me, I think it would make a damn sexy perfume for and evening date in the spring or summer, sitting out on a patio for dinner. Nice throw, it is there but it is subtle, long wear. Maybe I will give this a couple of more tries - there is just something nice about it.
  23. Rhowan


    I have fallen in love with this!! What a myriad of notes that stand each on their own but also blend so well! The myrrh and cereus make a very nice background for the cypress, myrtle and black orchid to rest on. Black currant is the perfect top note balancing out the sweetness to give Medea a bit of a zing! I cannot pick out the labdanum and the poppy. I thought that Medea's black orchid and myrhh would overpower everything but I am nicely suprised. Medea settles on my skin to be a clean, floral scent. I do have to caution though, a little goes a long way and if you over apply I think the orchid will overpower the other notes. LONG wear and really good throw. If you don't use sparingly, I am imagining that Medea will have a major overpowering throw. I think I am just going to stick with the imp for now.
  24. Rhowan


    In the imp and wet on my skin, I get spicy currant on a background of dragaon'sblood and deep dark amber! I am not a big fan of dragon's blood because my skin amps it and usually turns it into a sickly sweet scent. As Rage dries down, the dragon's blood is fading to the back ground. I am now able to amell the mandrin as well as the black currant and they are blending very nicely with the amber... yum! Completely dried down, Rage is a very complex scent. The prominent notes are the currant and mandarin with a hint of geranium. They are supported on a background of rich, dark amber, and a hint dragons blood. Surprisingly, the jasmine scent of the melati is very very faint but it's there to be smelled if you concentrate. Rage's throw is great - in a subtle way and it's wear is okay (I would have to reapply once or twice during the day) I am not really sure how much I like this. It could go either way for me. I am keeping the imp with me to test drive a few more times and then I will make up my mind about a bottle. eta: spelling
  25. Rhowan


    In the vial and wet on my skin - candy, candy, candy! The buttercream is screaming! Followed by toffee. No hints of chocolate or even nuts. As Gluttony dries down the buttercream is done screaming (thank god!), the toffee has receeded a bit and I am beginning to smel the hazelnut and a hint of vanilla. Still no chocolate... Completely dried down, Gluttony is totally NOT what I expected it to be. What suprises me about it, is that it has dried down to be a very dark scent. No happy candyish smell here like I believed it to be when I first smelled it. The dark chocolate finally came out and it is a bitter dark chocolate which balances all of the other sweet notes and darkens the scent. I believe Gluttony would be an awesome layering oil. It would give a darkness to even the brightest of oils. The throw is okay but the wear is great. It even has a hard time washing off. Not sure about a bottle yet. I am going to see how much I use the imp.