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Posts posted by KittyHawk

  1. Our delicate spun-sugar lace, grass-crushed and tobacco-stained, with hints of rue, pale sap, green fig, green cognac, and opium poppy accord.

    Wet and upon application, this has a sharp, "mountain spring" laundry detergent feel to it, but that quickly dissipates. Ultimately, this settles into a creamy, grassy cognac, with a hint of fig - very green and appropriate for spring. I have a feeling this will age really well.

    Another lovely addition to the laces!

  2. I wish air actually smelled like this! The notes here are harmonious and soft, like walking around in a cloud of, well, ether. All three notes are well represented. Throw is surprisingly good for such a light blend.


    I agree that this will likely become a sleeper hit. Very inoffensive and would be a great introduction to BPAL for folks who aren't well acquainted with indie perfumes. But yeah, to echo other reviewers, if you like these three notes, this is a must have.

  3. Oh, this is SO nice! I don't have anything unique to add, but if you're a fan of red musk, honey, and leather, this is a must. I agree that Krampus Lace is in the same family as Bright Red Dildo and Red Lace, two of my "red" faves. The throw is great, and it lasts a long time too. Very glad to have a bottle, and I hope another batch gets released so more folks get a chance to nab some. This will probably be hard to come by second-hand.

  4. Bard

    I truly wish Bard worked on me, but right from the get-go the honey note goes sour, as it occasionally does, and never fully recovers. I'm sure on the right skin chemistry this is a really harmonious blend, but it's not for me.

  5. Oooh, this is reminiscent of my beloved Lemon-Scented Sticky Bat, but a little more complex and perhaps a tad sweeter? I don't get any pumpkin here either, but I'm also testing from a half-decant, so who knows. Regardless, the citrus makes this such a pretty, uplifting blend. I wasn't expecting to upgrade any of these to bottles, but this one is a definite upgrade for me!

  6. I love me some white rose, but somehow this managed to evade my grasp when the Weenies were live. I managed to snag a bottle on the forum and I'm SO GLAD I DID. Katrina Van Tassel is one of my favorite Weenies of years past and while I can certainly tell that they share their base notes, AYWATAW elevates the tang of the rose and the creaminess of the honey and *ahem* cream to a really special place. The myrrh and herbs make this really unusual, surprisingly perfect for a Weenie blend. If you're a fan of BPAL's white rose note, this is a must try.

  7. This has aged really beautifully since last fall! It smells very "red" to me, due in part (of course) to the red musk, but I'd swear the incense is a red variety too, and maybe even the leaves as well. It's an evocative scent, and makes me think of clandestine meetings deep in the woods. Great throw, good wear length. After a few hours, I'm mainly left with a red musk-tinged incense, which I love. So glad Beth brought this back for another round last year.

  8. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! All the notes are well-represented and seamlessly blended - this makes me feel as if I'm watching Apollo chase Daphne through dappled sunlight. The Illustrated Woman is my preferred pine/honey blend, but I expect Faun will soon take its place. It lasts forever too, and remains close to the skin throughout wear. Another keeper! Brava, Beth.

  9. Daffodil petals and lavender tulips, blonde woods, freesia, and a touch of pale honey.

    The honey note here is so light and airy, it's downright ethereal. And the florals? So dewy and bright you can see the condensation gathering on their petals. I love a good spring floral, but this? This blows all of them out of the water. I don't know how Beth is able to continually improve upon a seemingly simple scent family, but man, this is worth hoarding.

  10. I've been incredibly lucky with BPAL's jasmine note lately, and the jasmine here is no exception - while heady, it's reined in by the most gorgeous, lush and sweet vanilla cream, and the anise (also not the best note for me) gives this just enough darkness to keep it from being too cloying. If you're worried about the jasmine, (or, hell, the anise) give this stuff a shot. This is SO beautiful! I think this will be a surprise hit for many, as it was for me.

  11. White tea, fig, honey, and sweet olive.

    All I can say is this: if you like white tea, you need to try this. I don't get much honey, but this is fresh from the mailbox, so I imagine with some time to settle it will shine through. I'm getting a little green fig around the edges, and maybe a smack of osmanthus, but overall this is a clean, super pretty white tea.

    This is so lovely and fresh, perfect for spring and a must for any white tea lovers out there.

    TL;DR: white tea white tea white tea :wub3:

  12. Many thanks to z_z for the decant!


    Oof, this starts off as a blast of clove, dry and dirty, with perhaps a swirl of tobacco smoke? If there are any other notes here, they're overwhelmed by the clove. This reads red to me, but I'm not getting any notes that typically skew red (red musk, sandalwood, patch, berries, wine, etc.).


    This is surprisingly feminine and sexy, and it certainly evokes a clandestine witchy meeting deep in the woods. I hope we'll see a released version of this someday. It's not something I'd wear regularly, but I'm glad to have had the opportunity to try it!

  13. I ordered a bottle of this right when the Weenies went live, but I haven't had a chance to skin test it until now - and what a shame I took so long! It's really beautiful. The cedar is really strong for a long time, but as it settles I start to get whiffs of the davana, white rose, and especially the tobacco flower. The overall impression I get from this blend is a soft, clean, DRY wood with a hint of light florals - cozy, snuggly, and unusually elegant. A definite keeper!

  14. Oh man, this is good. So good. I agree with SophieCedar - this is definitely in the same vein as Golletes. Of course it's quite similar to Strawberry Sufganiyot too, but I think the raspberry has just a little more dimension. It's a little chewier and stickier, if you will. YUM!

  15. Oh, I LOVE this. As others have mentioned, it does skew "old-fashioned" but in a really beautiful way. I really have nothing original to add - like many other reviewers, I get a bit of iris and rose-scented cold cream. This feels very nostalgic for me, and triggers a very specific scent memory. I'd like it regardless, but the time it transports me back to makes this a surprise hit. I'm so glad I took a chance on a bottle!

  16. Then said Gangleri: What was done then by Borrs sons, if thou believe that they be gods? Hárr replied: In this matter there is no little to be said. They took Ymir and bore him into the middle of the Yawning Void, and made of him the earth: of his blood the sea and the waters; the land was made of his flesh, and the crags of his bones; gravel and stones they fashioned from his teeth and his grinders and from those bones that were broken. And Jafnhárr said: Of the blood, which ran and welled forth freely out of his wounds, they made the sea, when they had formed and made firm the earth together, and laid the sea in a ring round about her; and it may well seem a hard thing to most men to cross over it. Then said Thridi: They took his skull also, and made of it the heaven, and set it up over the earth with four corners; and under each corner they set a dwarf: the names of these are East, West, North, and South. Then they took the glowing embers and sparks that burst forth and had been cast out of Múspellheim, and set them in the midst of the Yawning Void, in the heaven, both above and below, to illumine heaven and earth. They assigned places to all fires: to some in heaven, some wandered free under the heavens; nevertheless, to these also they gave a place, and shaped them courses. It is said in old songs, that from these the days were reckoned, and the tale of years told, as is said in Völuspá:

    The sun knew not | where she had housing;
    The moon knew not | what Might he had;
    The stars knew not | where stood their places.
    Thus was it ere | the earth was fashioned.

    The sun knew not, the moon knew not, the stars knew not: the blood of the sea and the firelight of wandering star-sparks beneath the skull-dome of heaven. Salt and wind and the first rains, glittering starlight fashioned of white rose oud, lavender, white musk, champagne grape and petitgrain, and heavens vault constructed of bone-white sandalwood and purest frankincense.

    Wow, the champagne grape gives this a REALLY fizzy quality right out of the bottle and for several hours after application. Champagne is not a great note on me, but the other notes are some of my absolute favorites, so I had to give it a go. As long as the champagne grape is at the forefront, this reminds me strongly of Stardust.

    Finally, however, after about 5 hours, the grape finally starts to fade and I start to get hints of the other notes, mainly the lavender and white musk. I bet with some aging this will be really lovely.

  17. [No additional description provided.]


    Wow, this is a lovely jasmine. After it has some time to harmonize on my skin, it reminds me a bit of the beautiful DCed Eos. If you're a fan of that blend, I think you'll like this one.

    For those of you wondering about the "winter," this reads as a true jasmine to me. I don't detect any kind of snow or ice note here, just heady jasmine. I sometimes have issues with BPAL's jasmine, but this is a really soft, almost powdery jasmine. I'm really glad I took the chance; this bottle's a keeper.

  18. The Cat starts out as a blast of cedar (which I love) dripping in sweet, golden honey. The cedar mellows pretty quickly, and I'm left with a pretty, musky honey a few hours later. I see this aging really well.

  19. Bah, Miss Spink. Too much cookie and tea, not enough flowers. If it were just tuberose and gardenia, this would probably be my HG floral, but alas, the buttery tea just makes my stomach churn. Gunny really nailed it: it smells like pancake syrup. I'll test this again once it's settled for a month or so, but this is too foodie for my taste. Disappointment, thy name is Miss Spink.

  20. I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite thread on the forum! Nice choices, Beckie. :cheer: I would seriously die if Beth ever did a Bioware line.


    I always play paragon FemShep (with a bit of a renegade streak). I see her wearing something crazy sexy and a little bit dangerous, like Loviatar or Mme. Moriarty.


    Garrus is my preferred love interest too, and I like the idea of him wearing something really rugged and a little cocky, like Brom Bones or Doc Constantine.


    I see Joker wearing something sweet, but still masculine. Velvet Bandito, maybe.


    Tali has to wear something metallic and soft, like Torture Queen, or something very "purple," like Prunella.


    Liara strikes me as a soft lavender gal - Luna Azul for her.


    Samara is essentially a lawful neutral cleric, so she would layer those three RPGs.


    Kaidan is such a good guy that he needs a classical masculine perfume like Antony, or something sweet and unisex like Dorian or Tristran.


    Since EDI's an AI, Kataniya seems appropriate for her.


    The Illusive Man seems like a Whitechapel or Iago sort of guy - clean and put-together, but with a really malevolent streak.


    Jack IS the Illustrated Woman, so that one's easy. :)


    Saren might be good in Bed of Nails - lots of metal and wood - or Cyborg, because, well, yeah.


    Legion needs to have something metallic too - No. 93 Engine would be a good choice.


    Thane would smell like 51, Pollution, or Alien Invasion, I think. He needs something green and musky.


    I see Ashley wearing Liz or Midnight on the Midway, actually: something girly yet bad-ass.


    Wrex seems like a Fighter or Ozymandias guy because I imagine Tuchanka would actually smell like blood, metal, and lots of dust.


    Chakwas is a bit of a lush, so one of the Tiki blends would be good for her.


    Miranda needs something refined, like Antique or Black Lace, or crisp and clean, like Kumiho.


    I see Jacob wearing something unisex with a light leather note, like Jareth or Paladin.


    A Japanese master thief like Kasumi needs some Neo-Tokyo.


    Zaeed needs something super boozy. The Sailor's Den, then.


    Hackett needs to smell like Lear - commanding and masculine.


    Sovereign and Harbinger would smell like Smokestack, and the collectors and reaper minions would smell like death, so that goes to Gore Shock, naturally.


    I've put way too much thought into this. :lol:

  21. Mmm, this is pretty. :wub2: I have all sorts of problems with violet notes, but I've found that I can wear orris sometimes, and it works for me here. Unveil smells like expensive powder, clean and sweet with a hint of sparkle from the musk. It reminds me of Staged Moon Landing, only it's more subtle and has none of that mineral grit. Lovely.

  22. I can't believe there's only one page of reviews for this! I'm such a sucker for BPAL's brown leather blends, and for a readily available GC, it doesn't get any better than Captain Cully. It's a great substitute for Brom Bones and Western Diamondback, IMO. :wub2:


    The tonka lends some sweetness to the leather, and the woods give it a backbone. I don't get a lot of porter per se, but I would consider this a slightly boozy blend, like the ruggedly hot rancher at the end of the bar who's had one too many Guinnesses. I wouldn't even call it a masculine blend, just aggressive and understatedly sexy.
