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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by strawberry_star

  1. strawberry_star


    Evokes sheer, unadulterated carnal lust. An undeniably warm and sensual scent. Black narcissus, orange blossoms, and vanilla. When I had first tried Hunger on, I had forgotten what was in it so the first thought was "is there musk in this?!" Silly thought, because I usually don't ever order anything with musk heavier than white musk anymore. Musk is too heavy on me and overwhelmes everything else. It's not musk though, it's the Black Narcissus I would assume. Underneath it, it smells sweet and I could detect the vanilla. It was still coming out a bit too strong on me and my stomach was getting nervous for some reason. I definitely didn't hate it and I thought about keeping it, but I finally decided to give it to someone who would appreciate it more and she did. If I ever get another imp of it though, I may keep that one just to have around when feeling the need for musk that isn't musk.
  2. strawberry_star

    The Red Queen

    Awwww I thought this one would be really wonderful. I was looking forward to it. I was even in denial when I smelled it and tried to ignore what I thought it smelled like, trying it again hoping it would change! But no, it smelled like cherry cough syrup on me and even my husband said it smelled like cold medicine, so it's off to a friend. Hopefully she has better results with it.
  3. strawberry_star


    I'm very sad that the white tea isn't more present in this. I love white tea and that was my main reason for ordering it. Unfortunately I smell a very sour smell, almost like lemon but slightly white as well. I hate to say it, but it smells like a clean, sophisticated... cleaning product. Not horrible, but this is not the first time a fragrance has gone lemon on me and I'm getting very angry at lemons. *sigh*
  4. strawberry_star


    I love rain. I love the ocean, lakes, rivers... anything water related. Unforunately I never seem to smell that in any aquatic scent and this is no exception to that. Tempest smells almost identical to a perfume that I have, but don't know the name of. It's not a horrible perfume as I had worn it once a week or so for a couple of years. It's an aquatic as well, but it just smells... blue. I became very sick of that perfume and I have yet to find an aquatic that I like, so when I tried Tempest, it automatically reminded me of that perfume and therefore I'm not fond of it. I just don't think aquatics and me get along very well.
  5. strawberry_star


    I love freebies from the lab as it gives me a chance to sniff oils that I normally would never order. I never would have ordered this because it has cinnamon in it. It wasn't as bad as I would have imagined though. Cinnamon usually leaves me feeling sick to my stomach just like it does when I smell cloves. It did that a little bit and I expected it to be very harsh due to the patchouli as well, but it smelled a lot like Big Red gum instead which wasn't so bad. It's a very sexual, hot scent. Definitely not the worst I've tried by far and it's a lot better than I would have expected, but it's going to a friend that will appreciate it more.
  6. strawberry_star


    Smells pretty and tropical in the imp and then I put it on and the jasmine wreaks it's ugly head where it's all that I can smell for awhile. Then it actually becomes very pretty and I start to smell the sweet fruits, then after maybe 15 minutes of that wonderful part... it dissappears. I ultimately decided that it was not worth waiting through the harsh jasmine to get to the pretty part to only have it vanish fast, so I am shipping it to a friend.
  7. strawberry_star


    Sometimes you just can't help yourself to get a scent that you know will end up being a disaster on you, but you just have to have it because it envokes images of elegance or whatever else you may have on your mind. I did that with Venice. I've always wanted to go to Venice and that lovely city clouded my vision where I couldn't see ROSE and JASMINE. Rose and jasmine smell terrible on me, that's all I smell in it primarily. Definitely not good for me.
  8. strawberry_star


    It smells a lot like Fae, which is good because I love Fae. The common ingredient is peach. Peach perfume smells great on me. Even Avon Peach smells good. It doesn't really take on a peach smell, more like an orange creamsicle or something, but not. Like a slight peach flavored sugar. Anyways, Tamora is like Fae's older sister. Fae is much more innocent (and lasts longer on my skin) and Tamora smells more grown up, I think from the amber and it has a slight vanilla smell too. I absolutely love it. In my top 10 and I see it staying there.
  9. strawberry_star

    Santo Domingo

    I am very silly. I didn't know that bay rum is not rum. Or it is, but isn't? I have no idea but I heard that it's an herb and it smells similar to cloves. *headdesk* I realized my mistake as soon as it arrived. I tried a tiny bit on and it smelled like wet dog. I thought I was imagining things, so I tried it again the next day and it was very spicy and made me a bit sick to my stomach. BUT that is not the bad part, the bad part is that my skin started burning! My arm felt like it was on fire and this is the only bpal scent that has done that to me thus far. I ran to the bathroom to wash it off and as I was washing, it smelled like wet dog again. I normally don't smell like wet dog while bathing, I swear! Luckily the smell went away but the burning remained for a little while. I'm afraid this one takes the not so lovely prize of worst bpal scent I have ever tried.
  10. strawberry_star


    I completely went fangirl over this. I ran around to anyone who would listen, raving about how much I love this scent. It is that good. I was afraid of this one, because it has dark chocolate in it and I'm not fond of smelling like chocolate very much. When I had tried on Spooky, all I smell is dark chocolate and peppermint, not good on me. Kali I don't smell chocolate at ALL! Good! There's some really sweet flowers in this that are agreeing with me. It might be the hibiscus and lotus. I can also smell an underlying of tobacco in it which I LOVE! Will be in my top 10 for a long time, I'm sure. PS: Oh yes, I forgot... I don't smell rose either which is wonderful because I hate rose!
  11. strawberry_star


    Hello butterscotch! That is good, I love butterscotch. There's 3 fragrances that are similar to me, but all lovely in their own way which is this one, Elegba, and Grog. They're like sisters. This butterscotch sister is the medium of the 3. It's like a butterscotch candy, but of course slightly boozy and also an underlying of something spicy underneath it all. I love it.
  12. strawberry_star


    Sweet and sugary. I'm not sure if the cotton candy is overriding the caramelish sugary cinnamon smell or the other way around, but it's amazing that these 2 equally sweet but completely opposite scents can blend so well together and being able to smell both of them at the same time. Absolutely genius, although it does give me an ache in my heart wondering where the popcorn is.
  13. strawberry_star

    Fruit Moon

    In the vial: Fruit punch! On me: Smells almost like Capri Sun, the juice drink. I smell predominately melon. Very soft and not at all too sweet or sour like I expected. It smells lovely. Then there becomes a problem -- it's gone within a half hour. I mean completely vanishes. *sigh* It was sad.
  14. strawberry_star

    Snow White

    I almost feel bad posting this review of this. So many people seem to love this scent and I wish I had an elaborate response, but I don't so I will just say what it smelled like on me. It smelled exactly like Dana O'Shee. Absolutely identical on me. Well almost. Snow White seems a bit more vanilla than Dana O'Shee, but that's the only difference. Both smell like a medicated lotion, which is so strange because I have heard that although they are similar, they're not identical at all. :/ My stupid chemistry and it really sounds so beautiful. The 2004 one is the one I tried.
  15. strawberry_star

    Pink Moon 2005

    I'm picturing a faerie sneaking into the cupboard and waving a magic wand over the sugar bin and turning it to pink before sprinkling it on me while I am asleep. That's what it smells like. It's innocent and very, very pretty. A lot of florals don't work on me, but this oil is very sweet and smells almost tropical. I really love this one.
  16. strawberry_star

    Thirteen (13)

    In both the vial and on me I first get this strong impression of peanut brittle. Yes, I have absolutely no idea and I'm thinking my chemistry is a bit wonky. Smelling deeper past the peanut brittle impression I can make out the creamy white chocolate mixed with orange. It somehow reminds me of fall and also makes me hungry. I also smell an underlying of white tea which I love. This definitely isn't my type of perfume. I don't usually like smelling like food and the peanut brittle smell is just really weird, but that's definitely my skin being strange.
  17. strawberry_star


    In the vial it smells citrus and nutty. Weird combination. On my skin it intensifies and the fig fruit is definitely the dominant note. I'm not all that fond of it. It still smells very nutty but also sour. I don't get any green and bpal's cocconut never shows up on me at all. Not the worst I've tried and it's tolerable, but not really that pleasant.
  18. strawberry_star

    Dana O'Shee

    When I had first began ordering from bpal, this was one that I had gotten from a friend in my very first batch. I was hoping it smelled something like oatmeal and almonds because I love that. In the vial it smells like almonds, that cherry smell. Then I put it on and it morphs into this weird medicated lotion mixed with cherry chapstick smell. It broke my heart because I really thought this would be wonderful. The same thing happened with Snow White and Alice. I'm finally shipping it off to a friend tomorrow. Hopefully she'll have better luck with it.
  19. strawberry_star

    Mi-Go Brain Canister

    In the vial: Like tropical fruit. On me: It went straight to flowers, and not good smelling flowers either. I don't know if it's the jasmine or the peony, but something is not working. After about an hour later, I get the slight tropical fruit smell again and then shortly after it's good completely. Overall: I was dissappointed. I really hate my chemistry. However, Pink Moon smells just like what I expected Mi-Go to be, so yay!
  20. strawberry_star

    Hollywood Babylon

    In the vial: A slightly sweet musk. On me: Oh wretched musk, why do you have to always be center stage? I smell red musk and then it turns into something slightly sweet in it, not sure what, too faint to tell. Then there's also something as well that doesn't smell good. Overall: Hollywood Babylon hates me. It had leaked all over the place and half was spilt. Then when I tried it on... It broke my heart. I LOVE strawberries. See username? I love cherry too. Unfortunately I didn't smell either one. No vanilla either. I'm really dissappointed about this, I wanted to love it. *smites musk*
  21. strawberry_star


    In the vial: A spicy musk. On me: My skin clings to musk, so it's very hard to smell anything else. But underneath all the musk I smell cloves (which I hate, but they're not strong here), and some jasmine. Overall: It's a very sexy scent. Too bad musk hates me enough to overwhelm most of the other scents though. It's not too bad, I like the jasmine in it.
  22. strawberry_star

    The Star

    In the vial: Lemon drops! But even more sour. On me: Still lemon drops. It took awhile for me to smell it without feeling the sour in the back of my throat. Once it calmed down, some coconut came out a tiny, little bit but not a whole lot. Overall: I don't think coconut likes me. I like it, but coconut isn't showing up on me in any coconut blends I try. This was almost pure lemon on me. It was okay and of course I'll use the rest of it, but not my favorite.
  23. strawberry_star


    How I love Fae, let me count the ways. In the vial: Was a bit hard to pick out. Seemed floral and maybe a little green, but sweet. On me: PEACH! Oh how I love peach. Then it has an underlying white musk. Something is also making it smell like lightly dusted, sparkling sugar. It all compliments the peach soooooooo beautifully. Overall: I feared that I wouldn't love it, because I love faeries. I have a tattoo of one! So I was very happy that I love this. It reminds me of Avon's Peach, but I don't mean that in a bad way and it is better of course. I'm lovestruck.
  24. strawberry_star

    Empyreal Mist

    In the Vial : I barely smelled anything, I really had to concentrate and I could swear that I smelled cherry blossoms. On my skin: Suddenly becomes a LOT stronger. I'm very much thinking this does indeed have white tea in it, because I have it in one of my commercial perfumes and it smells very much the same. It also has a greenness to it, but only slightly. It also smells slightly wet. But the white floral is prominent. Overall: I really like this!! Gorgeous scent. I decided to try it on a rare rainy day and it floats perfectly with the smell of rain. Very nice.
  25. strawberry_star


    In the vial: Strong peppermint with dark chocolate. Smells kind of like peppermint patties. On me: At first it smelled the same was in the imp, but then it mellowed out to more of a mint chocolate chip ice cream. Then all of a sudden the vanilla started to come out as an undertone. Finally after a few hours, I could smell coconut which remained coconut until fading off. Overall: I liked it! It smells good, but it's not very me. I enjoy it, just so much as a perfume. It might work better for when I'm in a more festive mood. Definitely will finish my imp though!