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Posts posted by Innocuousmold

  1. I don't usually like violet, as it can come off very soapy to me, but this is really pretty. The incense, tonka, and especially clove really balance out the clean and candy floral scent of the violet. It's a very good scent for daytime and office I think, as it's not cloying or heavy. Feminine, youthful, and balanced in general, so I am happy with it!

  2. I'm so sad, I bought this as a low partial and pretty much all of it leaked out in transport. mecry.gifThere was just a smidge left to test, luckily.


    I agree with the other reviews, though. It's a baby powder, patchouli and light pepper that doesn't have much throw. It's a clean scent just like Mellifluous said, kind of like a right of the shower clean and not in a soapy way. I think it's really nice, but it's not something I'd personally wear.

  3. Yay, this was an Xmas present from my friend! When applied it was a very strong, almost astringent wood and I was kinda worried. However, after a few minutes that went away and I was left with a smooth, smoky, spicy wood. I find it to be really lovely, kind of like how a cigar box smells. I think that this blend is pretty gender neutral and would smell great on a guy. Bonus that it's a Goya label! This is a great blend and I can see myself wearing it often, especially in the winter.


    ETA: At the end the sandalwood stands out really nicely.

  4. This is a nice coniferous tree, rosemary and wintergreen scent to me. I get a sweetness to it, but it's not overt or anything. I get the greenness people are talking about, but it's less like grass and more like herbal. It's nice but minty is not my bag.

  5. I haven't tried Creature Feature but, a good thing to keep in mine is all perfume has "possible allergens" in it, since everyone has different allergies to and different reactions to different things. You can also develop new allergies and lose old ones as you age, so it could even be something that didn't bother you before.


    Also, did you possibly apply it when your skin was damp/ just out of a bath or shower etc.? Sometimes things that would normally not bother your skin suddenly cause a contact allergy if you try them when your skin is wet. (I try not to try anything new just after a shower etc. for precisely this reason.)


    Hopefully they will get back to you with a list of what's in it/ if there's any rare oil in it that you wouldn't have encountered before so you'll have an idea of what to avoid!


    Thanks for responding!


    I am not really allergic to much of anything, though I am sensitive to nickel. I applied it to dry skin, and it was interesting because my skin became all red and angry in the exact pattern of the oil lol.


    I noticed on a different thread that there was another person who hasn't heard from the Lab in excess of a month. Hopefully they can get back to people in a more reasonable time frame soon.


    Chances are they just missed it, you can email the trading post and maybe get a quicker response, Puddin' is always quicksilver fast with replying. I am so sorry you were allergic!


    I just wanted to say that they did get back to me and suggested that it may be coumarin that could've been it. I kinda don't think so because I just tried some Possets that list that as a note, but who knows. I feel much better having gotten a response about it. Yay, thanks Lab! :)

  6. This is the first 13 I've ever tried, yay!


    I think everyone has already hit it on the head- this is dark chocolate with a pink/raspberry quality over incense. It's seriously to die for, and the dragon's blood appeases the goth in me. I definitely see myself wearing this frequently. 00001616.gif

  7. Shadwell is a very unique perfume. I feel like it's a lot of "little bits"- a little bit milky, a little bit musky, a little bit clean. I do smell a tiny hint of cologne, so a little bit masculine too.


    Overall, though, it's got this wonderful comforting quality to it. Just smelling it makes me feel very warm and kind of at home. I really wish I could describe it better, but it reminds me of the nice feeling you get after drinking a cup of tea with a splash milk, rainy days and soft blankets.

  8. This is a really beautiful, sultry blend. I've been having bad luck with patchouli lately, but this is a wonderfully subtle blend that is slightly sweet. I do get a bit of citrus, but it fades and I mostly get the sandalwood, amber and a little bit of clove.


    I really like the spiciness in this one, it's very wearable.

  9. I haven't tried Creature Feature but, a good thing to keep in mine is all perfume has "possible allergens" in it, since everyone has different allergies to and different reactions to different things. You can also develop new allergies and lose old ones as you age, so it could even be something that didn't bother you before.


    Also, did you possibly apply it when your skin was damp/ just out of a bath or shower etc.? Sometimes things that would normally not bother your skin suddenly cause a contact allergy if you try them when your skin is wet. (I try not to try anything new just after a shower etc. for precisely this reason.)


    Hopefully they will get back to you with a list of what's in it/ if there's any rare oil in it that you wouldn't have encountered before so you'll have an idea of what to avoid!


    Thanks for responding!


    I am not really allergic to much of anything, though I am sensitive to nickel. I applied it to dry skin, and it was interesting because my skin became all red and angry in the exact pattern of the oil lol.


    I noticed on a different thread that there was another person who hasn't heard from the Lab in excess of a month. Hopefully they can get back to people in a more reasonable time frame soon.

  10. This perfume is amazing! The grapefruit has a nice freshness to it and the apple blossom lends a wonderful sweetness that's tempered well with the white tea. I don't really pick up any ginger, which is fine by me because that's a hit or miss note for me. I don't feel like this has particularly good throw and fades fast, but it's so lovely I think that makes it bottle-worthy.

  11. Wow, I'm so on the fence about this one, bordering between moving on and buying a bottle, lol.


    All of the notes are win for me in this one, my only qualm being that the jasmine is a bit too strong. The concept is so beautiful, though, and really it is quite an evocative scent. I think that this would be a great, dramatic evening perfume. I think that what would make it perfect (for me) is if there were a little less jasmine, or perhaps something to temper it a bit. The wine note on this is pretty strong as well, but after drydown it's much better.


    It does go a bit powdery at the end, which actually might be the deal breaker for me.

  12. Has anyone had any reaction to Creature Feature? I've tried on loads of BPAL at this point, and that was the only scent to make my skin red and itchy immediately. Lol, my skin turned all angry in the exact shape of the oil that was applied.

    I wrote the Lab a while ago an then also posted on FB but still haven't gotten a response about possible allergens in it. Actually, I'm a bit peeved, because I would've at least appreciated a return email even if they don't have any idea.

  13. The Lab and I are going to have to agree to disagree on the sexiness of patchouli. So... this is a miss for me. :P I will say that the red musk and myrrh is great, though! I'm just picky about my patchouli and this one doesn't do it for me. So far as I can smell it's all pretty balanced as to the scent description.

  14. Red musk is generally win on me, but conversely amber is usually fail mostly due to the powder quality. The amber is definitely winning in this battle. I get hints of rose, but it's not strong enough for my tastes.


    ETA: I will say it is a gorgeous color, though!

  15. Like milo, I get the caramel, which is also a no-no for me. I also amp wood notes, which is not bad in this case at all. I do find this to be very pretty and it has a nice warmth to it, but then the oncoming musk smell kind of messes it up for me. I can definitely see how someone else would love this, though.

  16. So.


    I cannot palate this, and it's the first scent I've ever had the "OMG get this off of me" reaction to. It definitely is what it says it is, but to me the milk is yellow, unctuous and fatty. It sticks to the deep inside of the rough of my mouth in a not good way.


    The aquatics started off really lovely but they get drowned out really fast. Yikes!

  17. So, in order to save me from buying every freakin' bottle in the series, I'm going the route of testing them one by one before combining anything. I really want to cull it down as much as possible before I jump into mixing things, falling in love with everything and being flat broke. I've noticed so far the only thing that's lasted well on me is Elf. Anyway, here are my notes so far. Oh, and I avoided reading the labs descriptions just to see what I get without having my perceptions colored.


    My Impressions

    Cleric: Wood notes with rose. It's pretty powder-y and a bit like incense.

    Mage: Woody, something sweet like grape and incense.

    Rogue: Wonderful! Well-oiled leather and hemp. Something a little animalistic is in there, too.

    Paladin: Butter-y soft pale suede, musk and a foody sweetness. Vanilla.

    Fighter: Almost straight leather, like a western wear store. Maybe a bit ozone-y?

    Ranger: At first it's a little acrid, resin and evergreen. Quickly morphs with a sweet wild berry smell with something like Black Hellebore. Yum!

    Halfling: This faded the fastest, but I got a nice and sweet oatmeal smell.

    Elf: this was by far the strongest. Started off kind of herbal and evergreen, but morphed into a honeysuckle-like sweet floral. Awesome!

    Gnome: Omg, not good. Astringent and prickly, kind of sweet and sour at one. Very green with lots of ginger.

    Good: Soapy and powdery, sweet and a bit floral. Not great for me.

    Chaotic: Dusty grape with something root-like and a bit earthy. A teeny bit of a floral, too.


    My Combos

    Chaotic Gnome: Wow, this improves Gnome so much! They go strangely well together, and Chaotic really takes the acrid edge off of Gnome. This is a really green, sweet and earthy smell. So neat, they actually compliment each other really well! (Still not for me, though).


    My Next Trials

    Chaotic Rogue

    Paladin Elf



    Zomg, I'm doomed to buy everything, I know it. :o

  18. Astrigent and herbal lemon at first, dries with with a lot of evergreen and seriously, the teeniest bit of rose for me. It's a nice clean smell but this has zero throw. If it lasted a bit longer I think I'd hang on to this imp, but off to the swaps you go, Rome!

  19. Wet, this is earthy, herbal and sweet. On drying I'm picking up the dried roses and dirt while it still retains its sweetness.


    Dried rose never fairs well with me, it always smells like potpourri. However, This isn't a bad scent by any means, but it lacks the oomph that I love from other BPAL blends. I'd say this one is about average for me.

  20. Urd

    This reminds me a bit of Midnight Kiss but dirtier.


    The listed components are interesting choices for Urd the figure- muscadine are grapes native to North America and cereus is a nonspecific cactus. Wet, Urd is a strong and dirty patchouli with a heavy and fruity smell. On dry down it lightens up considerably, with a nice sweet grape and mild patchouli. There is something a bit woody in there as well, as I'm detecting a bit of a sour note. If you're afraid of incense, don't be because this blend is very light.


    I'm a little on the fence about this one. It's nice but there are others that I like a lot more.


    ETA: Oof, after about an hour this one is just kind of a dirty smell on me.

  21. At first I get something a little plastic and spice, but that fades really quickly. Afterwards I just get gardenia (which I do like) and lilac and a really really faint touch of rose. This scent has a bit of a wet, green smell to it. There're no discernable plums or berries, so if they are there, they're in the waaaaay back.


    I got really excited by the name, but alas, no blood for Moldy here, lol.


    ETA: If you like this you may like La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente.
