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Posts posted by blackrayne

  1. LEO

    July 23 - August 22


    From the Astrological Oils collection...


    lime / heliotrope / juniper

    orange / sandalwood


    From the bottle I actually find this very calming...not what I would have expected in an oil for a fire sign.


    On...slightly sweet, fruity. Almost like the smell of Wild Berry Skittles. I want to lick my arm (is this bad? :P ). Very playful, fun...it makes me smile for no apparent reason. It also makes me want to go buy some Skittles now.


    After a few minutes I smell a bit of a floral blend, it is subtle and very sweet...definately a scent I have encountered before, but I can't recall from what. Still quite sweet and yummy.


    The longer I wear this, the yummier it smells.

  2. It is a very familiar scent to me, though I can't identify what is familiar about it...possibly the amber, as I was wearing Haunted earlier and thus had amber fresh in my mind.


    It reminds me of the woods in the early fall after a cool rain...with a wood stove burning somewhere nearby. Wet leaves on the ground. A hint of warmth in the air, but still cool enough to require a light jacket.


    I really like this one, though I didn't expect to.

  3. I really like the blend of sweetness (I assume from the amber) with musk here. It almost has a light, powdery feel to it, but it is subtle (or maybe there's still a faint bit of Queen Mab on me from early this morning).


    I really like this one...I can see myself wearing it on occasion.

  4. I am more of a fan of lighter fragrances, so this one to me after first applying it is a little too strong.


    Ten minutes later, it has settled down some, but still isn't something I would wear. It is too much like a strong incense for me, which usually gives me a headache, and this fragrance is no exception.


    Chris just sniffed it on me and said it smells like sea salt and old wood...so while it does capture the essence of Anne Bonny, it isn't going to be on my "to wear" list. :P



    A classic Victorian men's cologne: a lavender fougere, with hints of lilac, lime, and citrus musk.


    From Diabolus...




    I think Chris smells divine in this one...classically masculine, a far cry from today's over-produced, artificial-ingredient filled colognes too many men bathe in thinking that it will make women swoon all over them (sorry, the women are swooning from how obnoxiously overpowering you smell! :P ). This makes you want to get up close to the man wearing it and just sniff him for hours.

  6. This scent evokes feelings of being lost in a dark, dense forest of pines, with eyes glowing at you from the shadows. After about ten-fifteen minutes the musk starts coming through, there are definately animals roaming in this forest with me.

  7. An ancient blend, swollen with arcane power: galangal, high john essence, frankincense, cedar, and sandalwood.

    From Bewitching Brews...

    I just tried this one on Chris, my husband...not exactly the scent we were expecting...fresh from the bottle it is a little too green for my tastes. He just said it smells a bit of old magick, as if you walked into a mage's temple.

    After about ten minutes, it smells much more subtle, and is about to be removed from the "to get rid of" bowl. He said he'd wear this to a function involving a group of knowledgable magicians.

    Don't judge this one by the in-bottle scent, try it on and let it cool down a little first.

  8. Very floraly...the lavender, jasmine and honeysuckle blend so well together that I can't identify one in particular as being dominant...it reminds me of walking through a garden in the summer after a nice rain.


    I am not sure exactly which one of the flowers it is, but one of them doesn't like me and is givine me a bad headache...this happened the first time I tried this particular scent too, so while I like it, I'm not going to be able to wear it. :P

  9. Born in the shadows of a Temple to Set, this corrupted Egyptian scent evokes images of black pyramids, river demons, and bleak, deadly desert sands. Black lotus flower, amber, myrrh and sandalwood.

    From the bottle, this smells slightly fruity to me...but once on, my first reaction is that this is a very dark floral scent. Kind of cooling...would be prefect for hot summer nights (as opposed to below freezing with snow on the ground nights).

    I love the lightness of the lotus with the darkness of the amber, myrrh and sandalwood.

    I keep visualizing a slinky slip dress, barefoot in the sand, stars in the sky, faint music in the background.

    For me, this one's definately a keeper.

  10. A subtly menacing blend of lemon verbena, white sandalwood and cedar, dimmed by droplets of the darkest patchouli.

    From the Bewitching Brews...

    Once on, the lemon verbena is the first thing I smell...a second sniff revels the cedar and a hint of the white sandalwood. The patchouli seems to be in hiding right now (odd, since I recognized the patchouli first from the bottle).

    An interesting scent...not me, though.

  11. Soft, sensual, sweet, seductive. All these are thoughts that come to mind when I think of dragon's blood on it's own. Add the warmth of vanilla, and I am in heaven.


    I applied this about three hours ago, and loved it while in the bottle, loved it while fresh on my skin, and love it now. I don't notice a powdery feel to it, but it may change a bit more in another hour or so.


    I can definately see myself wearing this when I am feeling a bit on the feminine side (as I am naturally a tomboy that isn't often), or when I just want to sit around sniffing myself all day. :P

  12. I have only been inside Catholic churches a handful of times, and most of those were for funerals. This scent captures the essence of the church perfectly.


    Great for people who like the smell of churches...I do not fit into that category, though. :P

  13. As soon as I opened the bottle I was consumed by a refreshing lemony scent. I instantly felt my mood uplift a bit, and smiled for the first time in many hours.


    I like this scent on my skin...it is energizing, uplifting and invigorating. I think I'll keep this one handy for days when I feel a little blah.

  14. Samhain...reminds me of the just-turning crisp chill in the air after a long hot summer. Falling leaves, fresh baked pumpkin pie. Kids running through the streets dressed as ghosts, vampires and princesses. Jack-o-lanterns glowing in the night sky.


    This is the first time I have really thought about this scent, and it is making me really miss autumn.

  15. At first sniff, this to me smells a bit powdery, but it could be that my sinuses hurt from all the samples I had sniffed yesterday (whoops!)...or maybe it's a reminiscence to a floraly powder my grandmother had...not really sure.


    After thinking about it a little, the powdery scent is definately the lilac, which I am usually quite fond of but this seems different from lilac oils I am used to. Not different bad, just not similar.


    I like it, but don't think I will wear it...as with what other reviewers have said, it reminds me too much of an old lady. Give me straignt pure lilac without the powdery feel and I'll be much happier.

  16. SLOTH


    From the Seven Deadly Sins collection...


    Thick, dark, sluggish and heavy with indolence: vetiver over black myrrh.


    Sloth...I have never been close enough to a sloth to know what it smells like, I can only imagine this is very close...dark, unkempt, musky.


    *edited to add the official BPAL description*

  17. GREED


    From the Seven Deadly Sins collection...


    Base and earthy, yet glittering with golden notes: patchouli, heliotrope, copal and oakmoss.


    Greed...brings about great desires and an urge to attain massive wealth.


    *edited to add the official BPAL description*

  18. WRATH


    From the Seven Deadly Sins collection...


    A scent aflame with rage, swirling in the red haze of hatred: dragon's blood spiked with black pepper, clove, and cinnamon.


    Wrath...very firey, quite like my temper tends to be. Normally I don't like clove and peppery scents, but this one is far from normal.


    *edited to add the official BPAL description*

  19. LUST


    From the Seven Deadly Sins collection...


    Uncontrollable passion and insatiable sexual desire: red musk, patchouli, ylang ylang and myrrh.


    Lust...if the daughters had been asleep, I would have attacked Chris on the spot. A second sniff and I feel a deep desire burning within.


    *edited to add the official BPAL description*

  20. Gluttony


    From the Seven Deadly Sins collection...


    Thick, sugared and bloated with sweetness. Dark chocolate, vanilla, buttercream, and hops with pralines, hazelnut, toffee and caramel.


    Gluttony...my first response..."Oh MY god!". My husband's..."Holy Shit!". Very buttery, with a hint of fresh-baked cookies, and oodles of other delectible treats. It's making me quite hungry for things I don't have on hand to eat.


    *edited to add the official BPAL description*

  21. ENVY


    From the Seven Deadly Sins collection...


    Green herbs slithering through mint, lime and lavender.


    Envy...a very green (with envy) scent, makes me covet everything that isn't mine.


    *edited to add the official BPAL description*

  22. PRIDE


    From the Seven Deadly Sins collection...


    Vanity in extremis. The scent of rabid hauteur: Moroccan rose and narcissus.


    Pride...first impressions include feelings of strength, independence, and, of course, pride.


    *edited to add the official BPAL description*

  23. A catalytic, potent love oil used to spark (or rekindle) the flame of desire between lovers.

    I have had this particular one for a while...in fact, I think it was my first BPAL scent. I bought it at a time when my sexual desire was acting rather comatose, and needed a bit of oomph. If only my husband had been home when it arrived... :P

    It is dark, sensual, arousing, lusting, and erotic. Every sniff stirs desires that have been hiding far too long. If you ever need a boost in your love life, give the Fire of Love a try...let the scent entrap you in it's longing kiss, and feel those flames of desire burning within.

  24. Just wanted to add my thoughts on Velvet. I just sniffed my sample vial of it, and was overwhelmed by the chocolate scent...but not in a good way (being overwhelmed in a good way would be going outside to a nice breeze blowing the aroma from the town's chocolate factory around...it smells heavenly, as if you were about to dive into a vat of hot cocoa...mmmmmmm :P ). Anyway, it is an interesting blend, but not what I would expect velvet to smell like.


    I just tested a little on my left wrist, and it is not nearly as strong as direct from the bottle.


    Five minutes after applying, it is smoother, creamier, and much less nauseating than I first expected. Not something I will wear that often, but it seems to work ok with my body chemistry.
