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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by blackrayne

  1. Very rich, true honey scent in thie amazing single note. I expected it to be a lot sweeter than it is, but I actually think it would be too sweet if it were like I was expecting. It's positively perfect just the way it is. :P

  2. Very smooth and rich and creamy, Beth's single note Vanilla Bean is pure decadence in a bottle (or imp , as the case may be :P).


    I love it by itself, and I am sure it would be great layered with some other scents as well.

  3. In the bottle - rose dipped in coffee, with the jasmine, vanilla, fig tonka bean and mahogany lightly mixed in.


    On my skin... everything but the rose disappears on me. Mind you, it's a rather distinct rose smell, but it's just not something I'll wear. It rather depresses me too, as I thought I'd really like this one. :P

  4. Wow. I ordered only an imp of this, because I just wasn't sure if it would like me, but I'm definitely getting a 5ml soon!


    Very crisp, with the perfect amount of crushed violet flowers mixed in. It reminds me of a cross between Peppermint Altiods and Choward's Violet mints. :P

  5. Wet / first applied... crisp, cool mint with a hint of buttery rum mixed in.


    I may have over applied slightly (ok, I squeed when I opened the bottle and lots control of my BPAL applying abilities), so it's currently VERY strong, but the scents I am getting out of it right now, from strongest to weakest...


    mint, coconut, buttery rum, cocoa... anything else still gets lost by the mint


    Due to having put too much on, I have a slight tingly sensation on my wrists, which is definitely from the mint... but it feels tingly in a good way. :D


    I just had Chris smell me and he said I smell like a "chocolate-covered SweeTart" :D Fortunately, he said that was a good smell. :D (And he's insanely sleep-deprived due to having to get up at 4AM to go to work, and having only gotten about 4 hours of sleep before that).


    Spooky has dried down a lot and mellowed out, and now I keept smelling chocolate covered mints and I've been trying to figure out where the scent was coming from... apparently, it's me! :P

  6. I originally wrote this on January 11, but am finally posting it since everything's fallen into place now. Anyway, I present my review...


    As I am not one to mix magickal oils with scent oils, this is up in my altar room, and I've no idea what it smells like. This review is based solely on the oil's purpose, which is as it probably should be, being that it is a magickal blend created for ritual use.


    That being said... hot fucking damn!


    Things haven't been the best for us financially here as of late, and the other day I went up to the attic (where the altar room is), and did a little work using this oil (yeah, it was started before the new moon, but as it's a 7-day candle, it's still working). Today we hit rock bottom financially... and when it looked like there wasn't going to be any chance in hell that we'd get through this, there it was. Like a light in the dead of night, a beacon of hope shimmered upon us and sent forth the help we so desperately needed.


    Suffice to say... I am a very happy little witchy. :P


    Mind you, I don't give 100% of the credit here to the oil alone, but of all the money drawing and prosperity type oils I have used (and believe me, there have been many), this is by far the BEST.

  7. Oh my god I hate my sinuses!!!


    I applied the tiniest bit of Embalming Fluid earlier and I am so damn in love with it's crisp, clean, fresh scent... but my sinuses spotted the musk in it, and they have retailated something fierce!


    This scent is truly gorgeous... oh how I wish I could wear it! I keep sniffing myself, even though it is making those damned sinuses hurt even more. :P

  8. Sugar Skull has a wee little skull on it. :P


    Dia de los Muertos has a little skull and crossbones.


    Samhain... a cute little Jack o'Lantern.


    And All Saints has the adorable little bats, which, if my memory is correct, is a shrunken-down version of a rubber stamp design (I have several bat rubber stamps and these little guys look very familiar).

  9. From the bottle... sweet foody, almost butterscotchy (hey... my sinuses are bothering me! :D )


    Wet, on skin... still has that sweet foody smell from the bottle, but with a bit of smokiness mixed in. Ever so slight whisp of floral in there somewhere too.


    About 15 minutes after applying... Rich, warm, sweet foody scent (that I still claim to be butterscotchy), with a light mingling smoky essence, and still the faintest touch of flowers.


    I *love* how this scent smells! :P

  10. Lavender itself is great for migraines (I too am a daily migraine sufferer), though offhand I don't know of any particular BPAL's with it (but I am sure they'd come up in a search). When I am feeling overly icky and migrainey, I tend to avoid most scents, though the one scent that always makes me feel better is Dragon's Milk. The warm creaminess of it is very soothing to me.


    If you can get some straight Lavender Essential Oil, apply a tiny dab of it onto your temples when you have or are getting a migraine... it should help.

  11. I have both versions (editions?) of Samhain, and have already reviewed the first a while ago (back on page one of this thread)... to me, Samhain 2004 is a lot lighter, and more subtle when first putting it on... for the last two days I have been wearing last year's on my right arm, and this year's on the left... and last year's is definitely stronger and crisper, as opposed to this year's being more mellow. After several hours (I am thinking it has been about 5 hours since putting them on) they smell almost identical, though there are still ever-so-subtle differences (oh how I wish my nose wasn't stuffed up so I could smell them better).

  12. Chaos Theory XCVIII (by way of Andrabell)


    Wet, from the bottle, and first impressions as drying... Melon. Freshly cut, nice and juicy. Almost as if it was just removed from the freezer and starting to thaw out.


    10 minutes after applying, this is turning slightly floral, but in a very light, airy floral way... still a bit melony too.


    So far I am loving this Chaos Theory! :P

  13. Chaos Theory CXXIII here -


    Out of the bottle, and first wet thoughts. Orange. No, tangerine. No, mandarin. Very juicy, very sweet. :P


    After five or so minutes the wonderfully juicy citrus mellows out and something a bit darker comes out of hiding. Not sure what the exact note is, though it is a bit smoky.


    It's been close to an hour now, and it is definitely smoky, slightly floral, barely citrus. Not sure if I thoroughly like it... I loved it when wet, but the dry version seems to be aggrivating my sinuses. :D

  14. I think the cooler sounds like a good idea as well.


    And it isn't just the heat that screws with the labels... I have found that the disgusting humidity here made all of my 5ml bottles stick together too. I finally moved them into a new home the other week, though, and now they are safe from constant touching and thus sticking.

  15. :D


    Did I say people could make bottles out of me?!




    Sorry, couldn't resist.  Though I did manage to resist for at least a day...?

    :D :D :evil:


    That was just too funny, Amber! :D


    I have no problem with the color of the bottles... afterall, like Andrabell said, it's what is inside that counts. :P

  16. Very beautiful blend! None of the flowers is predominant in this blend...they fit so well together, it's like walking through a garden at night, with only the full moon to guide you on your journey.


    Soft, light, summery...it is a nice, happy blend. :P

  17. The jasmine was the first identifiable scent in this sultry blend. Magnolia is second, followed them by the black amber.


    I love how intoxicating this scent is, but the amber is, as always, disagreeing with my sinuses.


    *curses sinuses to hell and back*

  18. Androids. Or clones. I can't forget the clones. Cloning is always an option.


    If you get a clone I want one too (or two...that way, I'll have two of me here to catch up on orders, and I can ship the thire me out to LA to help the lab out! :P ).


    I think your turnaround time is very reasonable considering the hand-blended nature of your products. I can understand impatience, too, though, as we all want to smell your divine creations just seconds after ordering them.

  19. I agree with what Paperdoll said... figure out what blends sound tempting to you, then email the lab to find out if they will be ok for you. They should also be able to take extra care with your package so no blends with nuts in them even come close to your package, ok?


    I personally would not be able to survive without nuts... I love them far too much! It can't be fun to have to worry about them all the time. :P

  20. The perfect combination of sweet fruits and soft florals... both are very noticable in this scent, but neither is overpowering. It's light and delicious and not too sweet.


    I think "innocently seductive" would be the perfect way to describe this beautiful scent.
