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Posts posted by loves_requiem

  1. Imp: alcoholic...sweet


    Skin: GAH! Alcohol...like Godiva Chocolate Liquer (which isnt sbad...just strong!)


    Drydown: omg..this is good...its changed from the liquor..none at all now...to the smell of the sparkling body powder in french vanille i used to use before Id go gaming. So..pleasant & painful memories...but not too bad.

  2. i liked this in the imp more so than on my skin...it was a very close to the skin soft scent...then suddenly it amped up to something powdery and sweet that gave me a head ache...i wonder if it was the ylang ylang? it was good up till then.

  3. The spirit of temptation, the essence of lost innocence. Apple blossom, rose, ylang ylang and golden honey.

    for some reason...i was getting very sweet, very flowery and overpowering honeysuckle...i had to take it off unfortunately. my b/f asked if i was wearing gilette shave cream...punk. wish it coulda worked...its sounds so pretty.

  4. Malice rox my sox...


    I looked through the notes in Malice and Lampades...trying to figure out why the hell they are so similar to me...the dark, incensy bittersweet fruit part. bloody phenomenal. and Matron Malice (Forgotten Realms) is definitlry thoguht of by me when I wear it.

  5. Got this from Ryvre :P



    mmm kay....on to the review


    Imp: Commerical perfume...like, the old kind that grandma had on her bathroom shelf that was there for so long, the bottle got stuck to it....


    Drying down: Floral...still getting that commerical feel from it, but its going away. No dirt/soil/earth...damn.


    Dry: ok...this is weird. it how I would think an antique amber *should* smell on me...a little baby powdery, rich and slightly sweet...


    im getting a *feel* of loamy earth...kinda like when your lying on your back in the cemetery during a windless cool night, and your roller ball antique amber perfume is wafting lightly around you, and your rouge red lip stick (the hard kind in the lil gold tubes) is smeared slightly from kissing a stranger.


    after the initial stage, its not so bad..i went thru a phase where it kinda reminded me of Coke...but this is actually rather pretty.


    Very noir.

  6. mmmmm. heavy juice laden apricots and rich black soil....as orchardy as it sounds...its like SEX in

    the orchard. its kinda disturbing, but very sexual to me. maybe i REALLY love apricots or something....the patchouli in this is marvelous...deep nd dark and very very earthy.

  7. this is my club scent...i always wear it to my b/fs concerts and out to dance...nd i constantly get very good reviews on it.


    its not bad for business either...i was able to hook up a couple of shows just becasue a band member from another group would start a conversation because they liked the smell.


    :P boys bloody love it.

  8. gah!! death by sweetness!!! so syrupy sweet it makes me hungry and kinda nauseous after a bit...but I gave it a while and the initial slam of syrup mellowed out to a caramel/sugar/choclate/butter soft scent....


    not too bad, but waaaaay too sweet for me.
