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Everything posted by loves_requiem

  1. loves_requiem

    Queen of Clubs

    OHMIGOD OHMIGOD OHMIGOD! yeah I am in love....this has the same notes I adore in Freak Show...sans the chocolate coating...good god this is awesome...will sell my soul for a bottle of this....
  2. loves_requiem

    March Hare

    mmmmm apricot jam with a lil spice...like late summer jams. YUM YUM
  3. loves_requiem

    Honey Moon

    i get some kind of honey, kinda like a honey flavored hard candy. the rest is pure gardenia...which im allergic to
  4. loves_requiem


    gah. sweet flowers....and wine.... i wish i coulda waited to see if it morphed, but my dauhter started sneezing
  5. loves_requiem


    amber again. sigh. turned everything to powder. a pretty, light floral powder kinda like some kind of Teen Spirit Deodorant I used as a kid...but not for me.
  6. loves_requiem

    Sed Non Satiata

    No peanut butter here either. its very close to the skin...so someone has to breathe on you to get a taste of it. its sweet, tantalizing, delicious...and it defintely adds to sexual energy... Love it.
  7. loves_requiem

    Black Opal

    Ha! Another one of her fabulous blends that rips a fragment of memory straight out of the recesses of my damaged mind. Broken rocks? YES. Vanilla & Musk? Check. Soft, Dry, Hot Powdery Dirt around said Broken Rocks? Yup. Doesnt sound too pretty...or sexy...BUT GOD DAMN IS IT EVER!!! There was this summer when I was 12 that I went to an archaeological dig that my mom was working at. I remember putting a little of her vanilla body spray before we left cuz I had a MAJOR crush on one of the interns.... And I sat on hot broken rocks, filtering soft powdery dirt through my hands all day, watching (ogling) a bare chested, sweaty, 20 year old Eric Anderson form afar...hehehe.
  8. loves_requiem


    Damn it to hell. I guess I cant wear ambers either. Turned to straight up Baby Powder on me...how i smelled when I accidently dumped a whole canister of the stuff on me jeans....
  9. loves_requiem


    Florals usually turn me off or scare the bejesus out of me.... And this one was no different to start. Wet, it was VERY floral soap smelling. Dry, the super strong white florals faded a bit, and it took on very crystal musk tone... Now, about 45 minutes later, its mildly sweet, a tiny touch spicy and very crystl clear. Im sooo keeping this. not everyday I find something with white flowers that i can actually wear.
  10. loves_requiem


    I was really hoping for more Earthy tones...but I got a kind of menthol/pinesol combo...I dont think juniper likes me. I can wear patchouli just fine...ill figure it out. Maybe I should see if i can get my hands on Graveyard Dirt or try Thanatopsis.
  11. loves_requiem


    this is so unexpected... except for Black Rose...none of the Rappaccinis Garden scents liked me. At all. In fact...when I recieved this as an extra in a swap here, I had thought it was a Wanderlust blend because of my Airforce friends are sometimes there on TDY. So...i wouldnt have given it a chance otherwise.... Im glad I did. This is soooo beautiful...vaguely citus...mildly herby and sweet...kinda like a musky/herbal honey. I bloody love this....perfect for spring and summer...but i wouldnt mind wearing it in the winter to remind me of warmer climates.
  12. loves_requiem

    Freak Show

    I MUST HAVE MORE FREAK SHOW! In the beginning, it reminded me pleasantly of cherry vanilla pipe tobacco... them WHAM. Chocolate covered roses with a pomegranate jelly center. I still get a warm tobacco-y smell from it as well...so its setting up an entire montage in my mind. MUST GET MORE...SOMEHOW....
  13. loves_requiem


    holy god this is awesome!! spicy dark roses....mmm.....
  14. loves_requiem

    Dana O'Shee

    this is a HIGHLY emotional scent for me... it has the same milk and honey as Alice...and wearing Alice was like trying to remember a dream that keeps sliding away. THIS brought back the memory 10 fold. this is the scent of my baby sisters little doll. She had a cute soft baby doll with her name embrodiered in it. it reminded me so much of her and that doll from ou childhood i almost started crying. This is pure innocence, like that of a baby, or a small child before lifes pain and disappointments scar them. I WILL HAVE A 10ML of this. I HAVE to. I cant let it go. Told you it was emotional. My sister died of an overdose in 2000. So it makes me feel a little sad, and connected to memories i had forgotten.
  15. loves_requiem


    weird...everyone else is getting cherries or grapes... im getting apple cider from an apple orchard, and dark dark honey...good god this is gooooooooooood. i mean REAL good. it smells like late summer/fall and the boy you like on the field trip to the orchard is beckoning you from behind the cider shed... really sweet and kinda innocent in a love in the summer dirty way. not that I have ever done ANYTHING in an orchard...ever...really. I swear. *blush n giggle* later the apple scent tones down and i can see where the dry grapeness comes in, lke a good dry wine.
  16. loves_requiem


    hehehe well, this is an interesting scent to say the least. another one i wasnt exactly fond of at initial application... BUT. It started out with a sharp, herby almost medicinal note...with an underlying sweetness. Totally reminded me of a toned down Nephilim. after sitting for a while, i kinda get that day old vapo-rub taste from it... THEN.... it suddenly changes. took a lil while, but it changed into something deep, very slightly sweet and soft. I like it enuff to want to play with it for a bit before i make a final decision. i had thought it was the cypress in Nephilim that hated me...the same note in Hecate that hated me too...but Hecate has no cypress...so I am wondering if it is the fig that is the culprit...
  17. loves_requiem


    well well well...this is a morpher. i was fairly convinced that i couldnt wear it initially, becasue it was rather harp floral and a lil soapy... then... it turns soft, and slightly powdery...lghtly floral...kinda like the dusting powders i used to get into as a little girl in my grandmothers bathroom. reminds me of an innocent, soft child like scent. real pretty. i might be giving it to my daughter.
  18. loves_requiem


    awww. i wanted it to love me as much as i loved it. i love the smell of summer at night, just before the fall. alas, it went soapy. i think its either just night blooming flowers that do it, or white flowers in general. ill have to figure it out. sigh.
  19. loves_requiem


    Vial: Woooo-Wheee! Bitter Orange Liquor Wet: Still got that bitter smell...fighting the urge to wipe it off... Drydown: Mellows out quickly...now its a deep amber type smell...slightly creamsicle. It reminds me of the old fashioned ambers of the 20s and 30s era...and a lil bit of orange vanille.
  20. loves_requiem


    awww. i was hoping this would like me, becasue my daughters middle name is going to be Belladonna... Anyways....unfortunately all I got was Vapo-rub and a headache...not he nasal clearing vapo-rub...just heavily medicinal.
  21. loves_requiem


    A scent celebrating Sir Francis Dashwood's Order of the Knights of St. Francis of Wycombe, also known as the Hellfire Club. A swirl of pipe tobacco, hot leather, ambergris, dark musk and the lingering incense smoke from their Black Mass. yeah....this is pretty good. Gave me a bit of a head ache at very first sniff, but as it mellowed out its reminding me ALOT of my favorite, Perversion...but more like the Evil Twin Brother This the Dominant to Perversions' Submissive. Me Likey! (BDSM RULEZ!!!!!!)
  22. loves_requiem


    I didnt get sweet pea... This is a green, dry, lightly sagey scent...kinda how some metaphysical stores smell near the smudge sticks and drums. When I wore it, it totally reminded me of theis lotion I tried at Sonoma_Williams once that was herb based...it rocked. So, I may keep this.
  23. loves_requiem

    Blood Pearl

    Well, unfortunately, I dont think Orris likes me too much at all. It smells sweet in a dry laid back way for a moment...then BAM...its sharp, biting with a ton of throw. Sigh. Freakin' hormones ruining yet another olfactory experience. Swappin'
  24. loves_requiem


    ok... This is the impression i got from Nyx: Im remembering being 13 again, wandering around the streets back home in the dead of night, listening to NIN on my Discman. Its the time o night where everything is...well...dead. no cars, no sounds...you can hear the yeloow flashing street lamps click form blocks away, and your combat boots scraping against the asphalt as you walk. As I walk, I pass by various trees, storefronts and eventually when i wander into the residential neighborhoods...lawns. Its about 3am, and cool enough to warrant a light long sleeve shirt or hoodie. The sprinklers probably turned off an hour past or so, because you can see the droplets of water on the grass and flowers. Its a VERY heady, flowery scent...like how the gardens smell after the sprinklers have been off for a while...kinda musky, heavy, wet and floral. VERY VERY nostalgic...but still a bit much to wear all the time. I love the scent...just not for hours on end. Off to swaps...
  25. loves_requiem


    Imp: Dr. Pepper & Cognac Wet: Mediciny...makes my nose twitch. Drydown: Vanilla comes to play for a bit...not so medicinal anymore, ut it took about an hour. So, vanilla brandy and dr. pepper. Not too bad...I might keep the imp.