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Everything posted by Musamea

  1. Musamea


    In the bottle: very spicy, resin-y scent, with a slightly sticky, sweet undernote - apple? Wet: very herbal, soap-y sort of smell Dry-down: still a lot of amber and sticky resin After 5 hours: Not for me. My skin pH seems to have zero effect on this one - it smells on my wrists exactly as it did in the bottle. This scent is a little too spicy for my tastes, and the main note my skin grabbed onto was the amber, which I'm finding that I'm not too crazy about. However, this one *does* have excellent staying power; those who like the scent will find that it lingers and drifts hours after a small application.
  2. Musamea


    In the bottle: a floral, heady scent; very well-blended so that the individual notes don't really come through. Wet: Wow, there's the pear! Initial dry-down: The pear fades back down very quickly; scent is sweeter than it was in the bottle. The lily is very prominent now. After 5 hours: The scent is barely there now; never got much pear out of it except at the very beginning. It ended up being a lily-rose combination on me, with no hints of white musk. Overall, this scent is a bit whiter than I usually wear, but very lovely in a tantalizing way. I'll try this one again in the spring.