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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Dovekie

  1. Thanks everyone

    I think I was just in a tizzy...but I'm better now :D and I could very well be wrong. And thanks for the explanation Beth! Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew scents would differ each time they were made, but being prone to brain farts myself, well, you know :P And given the amount of trouble I had in countless organic chemistry labs, I can only imagine the delicate nature of the art! That quantum spice had the same general occurance gives me heart, so I'm not worried!



    Merci merci!

  2. Definately a mystery- I've been racking my brain trying to figure it out-


    The imp version is a similar color to Snake Oil, and I'd almost say a similar scent, but has less of a sugary vanilla to it and more of a smokey, musky feel. Unlike the 5mL version, it lacks the big butter-almondness....

  3. I was so excited to get my second order last week (bunches of new imps!) that I only got around to using the 5mLs that I ordered today....


    I was a little surprised however, when my 5mL of Hecate smelled nothing like the imp I had gotten in my first order....after reading the blend over again I think the 5mL *is* Hecate (which I do like!), but the imp is totally different.


    Has anyone had this happen before? I'm now a little panicked because the imp I have is absolutely divine, but I have no idea what it is or really how to describe it :P Do you think it'd be possible to send the secret scent back so the lab could figure it out? Agh I feel like such a dolt!!!!

  4. Definately try some of the Dragon's blood scents.


    On me, Hellcat dried down from a rum boozy wildness to a biting but very warm cinnamon- one of my favorite scents so far! Eclipse seemed to have a little bit of cinnamon, but dried down to a very powdery scent.


    I seem to gravitate towards the cinnamon scents as well, for my next order I ordered a sample of Chimera, hopefully it'll be nice :P
