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Posts posted by Ayln

  1. This is one of my favorite catalog scents.


    I get a lot of leather from this, with a backdrop of vanilla-like sweetness. It's not bitter but it's not phlegm-inducing, and it's perfect when you're feeling a little wicked or just badass. Maybe it's the leather...

  2. I don't really understand the popularity of this scent, but maybe I'm just not mature enough to fully appreciate it :P It's a little sweet but far too heavy for me, and anything that has "spices" in its description usually gets a blind eye turned to it.

  3. This, while not a caramel-sweet smell, was still too sweet for me. Straight sugar does not a balanced diet, nor scent, make for me. I'm sure many people like it, but for me, it doesn't do the trick.

  4. I'm surprised to see patchouli in this, as it wasn't that strong in it. I got more cinnamon, but overall, all of the notes sort of muddled together and I couldn't really discern one from the other. Heavy scents are not my thing, anyway.

  5. I do not like sharp florals, and this was no exception. I recieved it as a frimp, and I would not have tried it otherwise. I have no experience with lilies, but if that was the floral that killed the scent, I'll know what to look out for next time.

  6. Burnt sugar blends are definitely a no-no for me. This was too sickly sweet and gave me a headache whenever I turned to give it another sniff. I had hopes for this scent, as I love nuts (other than almond) and hoped that this would smell like toasty nuts... unfortunately, it smelled like a fire accident in a bakery. Not charred, but very, very sweet.

  7. Oof!


    I was hit with lavendar, which dried down to lavendar, and continued as lavendar until I washed it off at night. I personally do not like lavendar blends (though Luna is nice) and this one is no exception - sharp, sour toilet water is what I think of it, and it's a rare blend that can make me think otherwise.

  8. A nice floral scent that's also a bit warm from the tonka. I don't get headaches from it, and it has a decent throw. I don't like or hate the scent, but I don't think I'll ever wear it. If I get it as a frimp again, I'll keep it around.
