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Everything posted by Hayet

  1. Hayet


    This is the blend that finally made me love vetiver. I get it now. I amp it to high heaven! It drowns out most everything else in other blends, but in this blend, patchouli's holding its own. Lucifer starts off an explosion of sweetly spiced patchouli that is just drop-dead gorgeous. My nose was glued to my wrist for a good ten minutes. As it dries out, on me, it turns to a deep, dark, ambered vetiver and patchouli. It's dark, moist, earthy, and really sexy without being sinister. It's just sublime, and I'll bet it gets even better as it ages. I think I have to get another bottle right away for that reason.
  2. Hayet


    This is fantastic! I agree with jewelbug and GRR- they hit it on the head. It's a smooth, light, dancing vanilla-esque scent that is easily my favorite of the new salons. If there's flowers in there I don't really sense them too much- my skin's busy amping the sandalwood and ginger. This is simply a beautiful scent.
  3. Hayet

    Carceri d'Invenzione

    Redwood, red sandalwood, black pepper, blonde tobacco and frankincense. As a frankincense and sandalwood lover...OMg this is to DIE for. So smooth and sexy, all the good qualities of the wood without the stinging dryness in some blends. I just sit here sniffing and sniffing. So beautiful.
  4. Hayet

    Pumpkin III (2007)

    pumpkin + drink me Actually, I like it better than Drink Me...and for some reason the pumpkin portion of the scent lasts like woah on my skin. I can't decide whether or not to order a bottle, or just dilute this imp into a 5 ml with some carrier- it's THAT strong! Very, very yummy, and I'm pleasantly surprised that the chocolate worked on me as well (usually cocoa= mold on my skin).
  5. Hayet

    Pumpkin Smash

    this is definitely the most evocative of the inquisitions. It goes on with a really foul tar-and-asphalt stench, which made me recoil and consider washing it off- but then almost immediately I smelled the buttery scent of cooked pumpkin underneath. After awhile some spices came out- cloves, predominantly, but some other good stuff as well which made this phase my favorite pumpkin scent ever! That dies down into a soft waxy sweet pumpkin scent that just lasts and lasts on me. I really like this scent, but I'm not sure I'd wear it. That initial rush of face-in-the-pavement is a little much! ETA: and I keep going back and forth on this. Sometimes it's fantastic, sometimes it's burnt-pumpkin foul. This is the trickiest scent I've ever beheld. Very fun!
  6. Hayet

    Beaver Moon 2007

    In the bottle: OMG it's Beaver Moon revisited, with only a hint of strawberry! My heart is gleeful! On me: for about a minute, it's original beaver moon (sweet vanilla cheesecake) with a hint of strawberries...then everything goes wrong. There's a plasticy note that comes out on me and doesn't let up. Woe! Now I smell exactly like those old Strawberry Shortcake dolls. Which, come to think of it, is kida fun. Lasting power: one of the reasons Beaver Moon '05 is my favorite scent is that it lasts literally ALL DAY on me. No other BPAL I've found lasts longer than about 2-3 hours on my perfume-gobbling skin. New Beaver Moon doesn't have the staying power of the old one, sadly. Not a bad scent at all, and in fact quite playful! If I weren't hoping for more of the original, I wouldn't have been disappointed in the slightest. I'm keepin' my bottle for when my original finally runs out.
  7. Hayet

    Marshmallow Poof

    This one is neat. I agree with the playdoh reports, and I agree that I usually don't like playdoh but somehow this one is not only tolerable, but very nice. But faint- like a whiff of marshmallow peeps. Very sugary. I like it, and it's lasted >2 hrs which is the sign of a lastin' perfume on me.
  8. Hayet

    Egg'd Mailbox

    Heh. Where are y'all getting custard out of this one...? In the bottle: nothing. Nada. It is an un-scent. (But then, so is Pirate Moon at first...yum!) On me: faint floral, which slowly develops into a vaguely floral, vaguely vanilla lovely scent which, sadly, bears no resemblance to custard. I kept sniffing my wrist in confusion- what IS that? After a few hours: sort of play-doh, still holding onto that faint teasing floral (not carnation, not rose, not violet....this is the extent of floral notes I recognize). Eggnog did something similar on me, except with a burnt caramel playdoh note, so I guess my chemistry just doesn't amp "egg" very well! So: beautiful, interesting scent, but not a keeper.
  9. Hayet

    Crypt Queen

    I am totally a patchouli lover, and this is a blend that really showcases how lovely and versatile patchouli can be. It tempts you inside with warm fruity pomegranite (mmm, I can smell a hint of swank in the background, yum!), then quickly reveals its true colors: dry dusty cedar and earthy patchouli. Really, REALLY nice. I can see the comparisons with Mme. Moriarty but this one doesn't have a bit of that snake oil vanilla sweet to it. MMe. M has been sucked dry in this one!
  10. Hayet

    Allison Gross

    Initially in the bottle I smelled that rotten "florist's freezer" stink that turned me off of Privilege...herbal, almost like celery. Then I dabbed a bit on me. That herbal celery business flirted with me for a few minutes, then vanished completely into an UTTERLY GORGEOUS floral musk. I can't identify notes to save my life, but this makes me think of a feminine version of Oisin. Or Irish Spring. Ethereal and green and lovely. Hmm. Maybe I should give privilege a chance, then...
  11. Hayet

    Libra 2007

    Did I get the same scent? I've had really bad luck with all the zodiac scents so far, even leo. This one goes on and does a really foul metallic coppery thing on my skin. After FAR too long that dies down into a subdued but generic rose. I was really sad- none of those other notes listed came out on me! It sounded so fantatstic...durn my skin chemistry. ETA: it helps if you don't slather this scent. After a really light application, I did smell sweet cherry/plum...but it didn't last long and I like Black Phoenix/Seraglio much better for the whole candied rose scent.
  12. Hayet

    The Perilous Parlor

    Wow. This has the same evil vanilla note as Tokyo Stomp and all the other vanillas that don't work on me (I call it playdoh, husband calls it wax), and yet...yet....I just can't stop sniffing my wrists! And it lasts, and lasts. Also rather indescribable for me. Sweet, but not juicy. It makes me think, "bubblegum princess" on me, but when my husband grabbed it from me and tried it on himself, it was pure deliciousness and nothing princessy about it!. ETA: OMG I am so getting another bottle of this. Vanilla, I forgive you. This is scent perfection! And I can't wait to try the rest of the haunted house blends, as Atrocious Attic is equally evocative and lovely, despite being a floral theme (I like florals but have two zillion of them...)
  13. Hayet

    Crucible of Courage

    I _love_ this scent. A dab of it when I'm overwhelmed makes all the things-to-do seem manageable again. It's probably better for more serious situations, but I also just love the way it smells and it's so very effective.
  14. Hayet


    I combined this one with determination, because I had a busy-work task ahead of me that I'd been putting off for months and HAD to get done. Now that I'm still awake at 3 am after churning out data for nearly five hours, trying to get sleepy, perhaps that wasn't such a great idea! Generally I dislike the scents of both of them very much- all I smell is citronella in concentration, and vetiver in determination (yuck!). But this stuff works wonders, even better than "clarity" which I used until my latest order arrived. (Oddly...I have a cold and can't really smell much at the moment, and they worked anyway...I suppose one could argue I'm wired on sudafed, but I was doing actual work instead of surfing the net as usual which is very strange for a procrastinator like me!)
  15. Hayet

    Litha 2006

    Oh, WOW. Honey and I don't normally get along, but after I fell in love with Honey Moon I thought I'd give this a try. It immediately jumped into my top ten. I think I might actually like it better than Honey Moon- it's all fruity sweetness and light, with none of the pencil-box qualities I get from honey moon. As it dries down it keeps morphing: fruit...honey....florals...carnation...florals...sweet....This is definitely the summer solstice in a bottle. Yum!
  16. Hayet


    I swear this one smells like the produce section of the grocery store. I get just a wet, almost rotten greenness and an old flower shop refrigerator smell. Not nice at all- and certainly not glamourous! Weird, wierd, weird!! I wonder if my sniffer's broken today? BEcause Pruno was equally icky on me.
  17. Hayet


    OH, ugh. This one frankly smells like vomit on me. But then, jailhouse hooch sounds pretty foul, too. I'll stick with Swank- they're sort of similar, with the effervescent sweet-tartness.
  18. Hayet


    Mother of Demons, Vengeful Fury, Darkest Seductress, Queen of the Djinn, Goddess of the Gate. Red wine, myrrh, black musk, and attar of rose. Lilith is one of my favoite scents. Strangely, I don't get much rose out of her, but I know it's in there. No, mainly what I get is the scent of Fig Newtons. Fig and molasses. It's foody to my nose, and thick, satisfying, and delicious! (I did a side-by-side comparison to a Fig Newton...take away the pastry bit and they're very close indeed!) It also shares similarity with Glitter- but glitter is sparkly and pink and girly like a mylar balloon, and Lilith is seductive, languid, and wanton. Like the plate of figgy cookies under the balloon. *lol* Both very, very yummy!
  19. Hayet


    I did a side-by-side comparison of ochosi and buck moon. They're both extremely similar (and delicious) but ochosi has a secondary note that I just love: rocks. Wet rocks. It's very distinctive. I don't know how she does it. When Buck Moon runs out, this will be a lovely replacement.
  20. Hayet


    The most effective TAL I've played with. And it smells beautiful. It's one of the few lavender scents that don't bug me- and putting it on feels as comforting as wrapping myself in a soft warm blanket fresh out of the dryer as a kid. Things just don't seem as hectic or prickly or irritating when I'm wearing it.
  21. Hayet

    Caliph's Beloved

    I love the scent of this one- it has a lot of similarities to Black Phoenix. There's definitely more cinnamon/clove in this one than BP, but there's a hint of rose underneath, and a whole slew of other stuff I can't identify. But it works. I can't wear it on my body (cinnamon=nemesis), but having it scent my hair all day has left me very eager to see the DH this evening indeed!
  22. Hayet


    Tart, tart, tart....a bright effervescent sweet tart that lasts all day. It's tickle-your-nose-with-the-bubbles kind of tart, so I would call this pomegranate champaigne instead. Suddenly in my top ten!
  23. Hayet


    Got this as a frimp at will call. My husband opened it in the car on the way home. We were only a few miles away. We turned right around and bought it! OMG so beautiful. Violets and clove. Violets can smell soapy, but the cloves kept them exotic and the vanilla made the scent so heady that we couldn't stop sniffing it all the way home. Mmmm.
  24. Simply unbelievably beautiful on me. I never want to run out of this one. I swear there's sandalwood in this blend, and musk, and patchouli...I don't get any plum, but it's everything I lvoe about snake oil without the weird off-note I've never liked. So delicious. If I had to give up every other scent I own, I'd keep this one.
  25. Hayet

    The Unheavenly City

    This one barely shows up on my skin. It's definitely all dragon's blood on me, with a kind of heavy, complex floral lingering juuuuust on the edge of my senses. And a wee hint of musk. I wish I got the creaminess that other folks are finding, but it's just too faint on me to tell. Nice, but I prefer a louder scent!