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Everything posted by IndigoWarDog

  1. IndigoWarDog

    The Phoenix At Midnight

    Bottle-Scent: Imagine a flower being boiled down into a thin, blue-purple cough-syrupy material and then smelling it. Phew. Makes me hungry all the same, though. Delicious. I'd drink it if I weren't certain I'd miss work. First Applied: Wow. So straight out of the gate, I get a real floral scent. I think honeysuckle? Within 5 minutes, the intensity dulls out and it becomes an almost warm, woody scent. (Is that orris root I smell, or rosewood?) Jasmine just kicked me in the face 2 minutes later, but in a wonderful way. It seems to flit between the wood-scent, jasmine and honeysuckle... 15 Minutes: Detecting some musk, the honeysuckle has faded away into the background, but is still a mellow undercurrent that is hardly distinguishable from the wood-scent and the jasmine is still pretty strong. 20 Minutes: All of the other scents remain, but what's this...? Do I smell something like fresh-cut veggies? It's so subtle, I barely noticed it until I sat there and really snuffled at my arm for a minute. It's like a mix of fresh-cut cucumber and fresh-cut carrot. Yet it doesn't reek of them, it just uplifts the scent and gives it a very fresh burst. Gonna go play Star-Fox Adventures and then come back in an hour and update... 1 Hour: The scent has faded to a light, warm scent. It's very relaxing and has no distinct notes but it has a strong warm, woody scent that peaks and falls as you inhale. I might put some on my pillow an hour or two before bed if I wanna sleep easy. It stirs my libido ever so slightly, but almost in a kind of "Let's wait till the morning, for now sleep in my arms." sort of way.