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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by moon_lemming

  1. moon_lemming


    In bottle: Got a strong whiff of coconut as soon as I opened it, then that scent was devoured by the rum. Which is good and bad, because I love rummy scents, but they smell horrible on my skin. I think I can smell the sweet tang of the tobacco behind it all, too, although it's hard to tell if I'm just imagining it, because I'm new to picking out specific notes. But ANYWAY, overall the scent is deliciously butterscotchy in the bottle. Wet: Oh god, there's baby powder coating the back of my throat. Yerch. Baby powder and coconut. The coconut stays nice and sweet -- it reminds me of those neopolitan coconut bars you can find in candy stores -- but the baby powder is destroying all the goodness. Dry: Dry, it's not as throat-clogging, but it still smells (to me) like baby powder with a layer of sugary coconut underneath it, like I lathered up with sunscreen and then liberally dusted myself with powder. I'm pretty sure it's the "rum" scent reacting badly, since this has happened with most of the delicious butterscotchy rum scents that I've tried over the past few years. Which makes me sad because I love the buttery rum smell. This one smelled really good in the bottle, too. I should note that my husband thought it smelled pretty good, so it might not be that bad. I'm glad he likes it, but I'm sure there are husband-approved scents out there that won't give me a headache. This one's going into the nay pile. Should it stay or should it go? GO. And there goes another "but it smelled so good in the bottle!"
  2. moon_lemming


    In bottle: Delicious; I could smell the pumpkin and spices right away, and a few seconds later the peach kicked in just a little. So good. Exactly the way I hoped it would smell. Wet: The spices stand out and the peach fades away. It smells a little like xmas potpourri without the pine, with a little sweetness thrown in. But the sweetness smells more like . . . apple, I think, than peach. It doesn't really work for me. Dry: After about an hour, the scent settles down, but it still smells a little too much like potpourri. It smells waxy, too. An hour after that, the pumpkin and clove are the only things left, and they're fading pretty fast. It's actually kind of nice; it smells warm without being new carpet-y. But I don't think my body chemistry really likes it too much. Five hours or so later, it's only faintly there, but it smells like warm pumpkin. It's very subtle. I really like it, but I don't know if I like it enough to walk around smelling like Ingle's Nook for five hours. Should it stay or should it go? I'm not sure. I think I'll try it a couple more times, just because I like it so much in the bottle. Also, it's the only one I have in the house right now, so I have plenty of time to decide. Right now I'm leaning toward "go," though. After the second trial: yeah, it's just not working. I might try it in an oil burner, though; I think it would be a good room scent.