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Posts posted by OctoberGwen

  1. Ye Gods, this is absolutely magnificent. I've finally figured out that I really love resins and roses together, and this is a swoon-worthy example of that type of scent. What I am really happy about here is the lack of fruit (I've tried several things in the above mentioned scent family that have plum in them, and that just ruins the whole thing for me.) I'm also glad there is no honey here, which can often turn things cloying.


    Now that I've covered what isn't here.... :lol:


    The resins in this are deep and complex, and not too sweet. Something about the labdanum's "darkened" quality is completely preventing the usual sharpness I get with that, which makes me super happy. The amber and myrrh (two of my favorites) are so delicious, and the musk gives everything a sexy, grounded quality without really declaring itself or taking over. Then we have the rose, which reminds me a lot of the rose in the TAL oil called Love Oil 7...it's just gorgeous. The rose is pretty prominent when Queen Venus is first applied, but it never overwhelms the rich beauty of the resins and it never becomes dewy or green. The far dry down sees the rose snuggling in and becoming much less obvious. This scent lasts a really long time on me, which is a bonus.


    I really, really love this one. I've ordered a bottle, and may get another before the Lupers come down.

  2. Um, yeah. :huh:


    Anyhoo, on me Lucy's Kiss is a girly, lovely, sweet rose scent with just a hint of spice. I too find it nostalgic; it makes me think of an elegant drawing room filled with bouquets of roses in cut crystal vases, lit with the sunlight that is streaming through the French doors and tall leaded glass windows.


    It reminds me of a rose perfume I wore when I was a teenager. I have no memory at all of what it was called.


    I think my favorite thing about it is the contrast to Lucy, Kissed (one of my favorite BPALs, btw.) If you've tried one, you really need to try the other. They are two sides to the same coin and as such, each is perfectly executed. (I've always been partial to Lucy Westenra, though.)


    In short, if you like rose, you should like Lucy's Kiss. It's pretty classic.

  3. I love this as a soft and pretty change from my usual dark, resiny, and smoky atmo sprays. I was most excited by the fact that there are lilac blossoms here, as I love the smell of lilac. I do smell it, but it is by no means a single note; the lilac does not overpower everything else as one might expect it would. This is actually very leafy/oak mossy, with just a touch of lilac and the barest whisper of fig. I used it today while I cleaned the house and now I am dreaming of Spring.


    Really lovely, and I am glad I bought a bottle!

  4. Is this what Smut is supposed to smell like? Because on my skin, Smut is awful - sugary notes simply don't work with my chemistry. In my hair, OTOH, it smells like ten orgasms. I loooooooove this. I suppose the Goblin-ified version that we have here is a bit different than the classic Smut oil, but what I'm getting is all sweet, musky goodness. Super sexy, deep, and rich.


    I have a problem, because I now have enough hair gloss for an army...but I will probably need to snag a backup or two. Smutty Goblin is just that delicious.

  5. This smells exactly as I thought it would: a beautiful, cold, citrusy floral. It really does evoke the way the sky looks when I open my shades and gaze out my front window this time of year, especially with all the snow we have right now.


    Unfortunately, the fresh coldness still just doesn't work well on my skin. I was so hoping for this to be the exception to that rule, but sadly, it isn't - even with all these notes that I love AND the thematic quality. :(

  6. This was an early favorite of mine and I still love it. I hoard my little Goblin Squirts, and I hope it gets released into the GC some day.


    I took a swamp tour down in Louisiana once, and this stuff takes me right back there. Spanish moss hanging off the cypress trees, jasmine, gators, and a go-cup full of Hurricane.


    Good times.



  7. King mandarin, passionfruit, Moroccan rose absolute, labdanum, and amber musk.

    I bought a bottle of this unsniffed because I adore King Mandarin, and generally fruit + musk equals win on me. I am not disappointed! :joy:

    I would put this in the same family as my beloved Sumai No Sechie. It's fruity, but the musk gives it a beautiful, complex anchor on which to do its thing. I'm not getting rose per se, but I think it's also serving to deepen the fruit notes. The mandarin and passion fruit are really lovely together, and I'm not getting any labdanum now (I did smell a bitter sharpness when this first came out of the mailbox, but it has smoothed out wonderfully.) Sometimes labdanum does unpleasant things on my skin.

    This is a very pretty, close-to-the-skin scent that I think would be perfect for everyday wear, especially in warmer weather.

    While the King Mandarin is very dominant when wet (which is fine by me), the dry down is far more blended and subtle, slightly musky with just a faint sweetness. Really lovely.

  8. White amber and Bulgarian rose.

    Oh God, I am so glad I bought a bottle of this unsniffed! It is absolutely beautiful. A perfect blend of clean, white (non-powdery) soft amber and a really exquisite rose. This is a classic, very pretty perfume that sticks close to the skin. I really love it.


  9. The patchouli in this is absolutely delicious - it reminds me a tiny bit of Tricksy, Feed Me and Fill Me, and Third Charm. I think it's the 'honeyed' quality, which lends a rich sweetness (but it's patchouli, so thankfully not too sweet.) Other than the delectable patch which I'd know anywhere, the other notes just sort of meld into a really complex blend with a seductive hint of darkness to it. Somehow, it is perfect as a Clive Barker scent. I really love this, and it will almost certainly get even better over time.

  10. Cooling works really well for me on those days when I'm PMSing and the littlest things are irritating the hell out of me. It actually cools my skin as well as my temper, and it smells lovely. I don't get angry a lot, but I am happy to have this on hand. I can also see myself using it on candles, when I want to cool an argument or angry feelings between others.

  11. I love this blend. I use it both on candles and directly on sources of pain, and I find that it works very quickly. I've used it for headaches, throat and ear pain, and in general "good health" workings for my household.


    It smells wonderful to me, as do most of the TAL blends, but I never analyze what they smell like.

  12. Well, crap. I really wanted this one to work.


    This smells nice initially, but ultimately the fig, honey, and sugared date make it too sweet for me. It also smells oddly masculine, which is probably because of the cedar.


    It is quite woodsy, which I normally like, but something about this particular brand of woodsy mixed with this particular brand of sweet just isn't working for me. :(

  13. This smells exactly like Juicy Fruit gum on me. Exactly.


    I may keep this imp just for sentimental value. I probably won't want to smell like this very often! but I will want to just smell it. Maybe I'll use it in the scent locket in the summer.

  14. 2013 version


    I am confused by the pine references here, because all I am getting is citrus and vanilla cream with a bit of slushy snow. I will really enjoy this in the Summer, paired with my Lightning Storm hair gloss. :yum:

  15. I was hoping to love this, since the released version is the type of jasmine that goes stinky on my skin and people weren't getting much of the jasmine from this one.


    Sadly, still stinky. :cry2:


    I am so sad, because I love magnolia and I love the city. Damn you, stinky jasmine.

  16. Thank you, sunshinedaisybliss, for including this tidbit in your review.

    "From wikipedia:

    According to Hawaiian legend, night marchers (huaka‘i po in Hawaiian) are ghosts of ancient warriors. Legend has it that if you look a night marcher straight in the eye, you will be forced to walk among them for eternity, but if you have a relative taken by them, you will be spared. Hawaiians say that in the presence of night marchers, one should lie down on their stomach, face down to avoid eye contact, stay quiet, breathe shallowly, and don’t move. Some say that they may nudge you to provoke a reaction so they can take you."



    Like mermaidsdream, I saw the mention of this on the etsy thread and then ordered it after reading the reviews here - specifically, ssdb's wiki quote above. I had high hopes for a dark tropical oil named after a band of ghosts.


    I am not disappointed.


    This is gorgeous. I don't really get lavender, but maybe. I do think there's some vanilla here, but it's not the sort that smells like plastic on me. I find this a little powdery, which for me is good thing, and definitely get the dark, tropical floral vibe. It's a little dangerous, and I love whatever is lending this particular blend of spiciness to the mix.


    Really wonderful, I am so happy I got a bottle of this!

  17. I loooooove this. It's a dark, sexy, complex, more-than-floral; sophisticated and smoothly dangerous blend.


    I do not get "foody" from it, thankfully.


    I am super happy to have found a partial bottle of this. I'll be hoarding it for occasions that call for power with a dose of sexy.

  18. OMG....WHAT!!!!


    The fabulous Mellifluous very kindly (or very sadistically, LOL) included a little sniffie tester of this for free with his Yule circle decants.


    I wasn't interested in tracking this down because I dislike smelling of pears. And wine.


    What a fucking idiot I am.


    This is...beautiful. I love it so much. Something about the way the notes blend together is just magic. It smells like...harvest time. LOL. All golden grains and smooth lazy end of summer and sunshine. There's just a touch of fruity sweetness, not much, and not cloying at all.


    I need a bottle of this. :cry2:

  19. I have a confession: I am a closet citrus fan! I really, really love the smell of pretty much anything citrusy; sadly, in perfume form it tends to fade fairly quickly. It also doesn't usually age very well.


    Lightning Storm is perfect. The scent wafts and lasts in my hair, and this is just going to be the perfect summer hair gloss. I am really wishing I had three bottles of this, instead of three bottles of Silkybat. (I still love and adore the Bat, but...)


    I really don't think one bottle is going to be enough. :cry2:


    It's a beautiful blend of the white tea/ginger/mint, with a very strong lime element. (I honestly have no idea what yuzu smells like.) Refreshing and pretty, and it doesn't smell 'clean' or shampoo-like; it's very distinctive. LOVE.

  20. This is quite lovely. I get a lot of beautiful gleaming wood, a bit of currant and Tonka, a hint of snow, and an unfamiliar sweet note that has to be the Muscat. It is a very mellow and comforting blend, not too masculine on me but unfortunately just a bit too sweet.


    If you like sweet wine, woods, and resins you will probably swoon for this one!

  21. Oh dear! I'm a quarter gone!

    Gingerbread and exotic Indonesian oils sugared with vanilla.


    Yes. Just yes.


    I am not a foody gal, but the combination of this ridiculously gourmand-quality gingerbread with my beloved Snake Oil is just...to die for. Really, really good.

    Just get it, already.