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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by OctoberGwen

  1. I miss you around here. Hope all is well.

  2. Hi, Gorgeous! *blows kiss*

  3. Hello, dear SSDB! Thank you, that's me and my eldest son, John, a couple of years ago. I think he is about a foot taller now.

  4. Two updates in a row that will probably stay on my Favorite Updates Of All Time list: Our Lady of Pain, and A Tremulous Song.

  5. *waves to heygraycatbird*

    Yay for Libras!!! (Or are we Librans?)

  6. Hi, fellow October baby! *waves*

  7. Hee! *high fives holborne*

    I'm feeling particularly old this Fall, but hopefully the feeling will pass.

  8. Aw, thank you for the stellar feedback! You're a sweetheart.

  9. Hi, borealis! Are you still BPALing?


  10. I am now just another BPAL addict.

    *shakes head*

  11. Hi, Vesper! ;)

    It's really nice to see you here. Maybe together we can navigate the ins & outs of BPAL Madness.


