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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by OctoberGwen

  1. Love the term, love the article, love Briana Saussy. Here's to my fellow sacred artists.

  2. Man, those parking lots in England have all sorts of great stuff beneath them.

  3. Funnel of Love: "17-year aged black patchouli, champaca flower, cardamom bud, green coriander, Haitian vetiver, red vegetal musk, black pepper, night-blooming jasmine, and leather."Exactly, precisely what I needed today. Thanks, #BPAL.http://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/shop/only-lovers-left-alive/funnel-love/

  4. My vacuum cleaner is broken. Hm. What a weird day.

  5. I think I am suffering from what would have been referred to in an earlier century as "exhaustion and ennui."

  6. People in this house think that clean, neatly folded clothes just appear in their bureau drawers like magic.Huh.


  8. I want this job. And I don't even like modern beer."Using malted barley donated by a local brewer, they stirred it into the hot water. After 45 minutes, the grains were converted to a sugar syrup called wort, which was transferred into special replicas of Bronze Age pots. Yeast was then added, as were elderflower, juniper berries, and yarrow for flavoring, and the brew was left to ferment for three days. (Moore and Quinn note that windblown yeast would have triggered natural fermentation fo...

  9. Gorgeousness. Thanks, Jennifer Kleiboer!

  10. "Leo Full Moon: Filled with Your Own Light http://bit.ly/1DtSKP6 "You may doubt it, but the Leo Full Moon has news for you: you are not a satellite, not a reflection of anyone else. You are the Sun, filled with your own light, golden and warming, spilling out around the edges when your guard is down...." Read the full article at http://bit.ly/1DtSKP6

  11. Honey garlic chicken in the slow cooker, kids playing pretty nicely together, and a bit of motivation to tackle those three loads of laundry. Guess we'll salvage this day after all. :P

  12. Hooray. More snow. Sigh.

  13. #LIKEAGIRL . Best commercial of the night.

  14. Today a stranger told me she loved my hair, which has NEVER happened to me before. Thanks, Ashley Christopher Salon!!

  15. So Kyle just left for his first sleepover on his own, without his brother. Saints preserve us. :((He will most likely be just fine. Mom, OTOH, needs some wine. STAT.)

  16. Two more from today. It's very cold, and very windy, so I can't tell if snow is still falling or if it's just getting blown around. School has been cancelled for tomorrow, so hopefully the power will stay on and we can start to clean up!

  17. So far today I've spent some time getting reacquainted with a lovely tarot deck, taken a *very* long shower, watched my kids play in the snow, matched up socks while watching Supernatural, and received a wonderful surprise gift from a dear friend. I love snow days!!I hope all my fellow East Coasters still have power and are also having a great day.

  18. Manchester School District is closed tomorrow. I heard a rumor that they've already made the decision to shut down Wednesday, too. And it's not even snowing yet! #wheee!snowdays

  19. It smells like snow. It's also so cold, it burns.

  20. Finally home. The cupboards are no longer bare, so bring it Mother Nature!

  21. My weekend is disappearing before my eyes.

  22. Congratulations to my friend Forest Nui Cobalt, whose Indiegogo campaign to expand her company just hit its goal with a week to go.

  23. It's weird how often adults assume that my son's name is short for "Jonathan." Nope. It's John. Just John.
