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Everything posted by crescentwench

  1. crescentwench

    Red Phoenix

    i'm starting to see a trend in tabacco notes on my skin - they go sort of a sicky sweet smell that just ruins everything else. At first this smelled like rotten fruit, a think that's the plum and tabacoo, then it dried to what would have been an amazing musky spice if it hadn't still had that miasma of rotten something behind it. alas, off to the swap pile, to one of you who has fallen in love.
  2. crescentwench


    I got a bottle of Hearth '04 from a lab ebay auction. all i can smell in this one is Maraschino Cherries and a warmth that could only be Butter. This just reeks of it. It's possibly the strongest bpal scent i've worn ever, it's just radiated off of me. It was a nice scent but it became so overwhelming as to make me nauseous. I think it'll be in the trading pile. Normally tabbacco has a bit of a vanilla-y scent to me, this wasn't that at all, no smoke or leather really either. very dissapointing.
  3. crescentwench


    in the bottle this smell almost exactly like eden to me, that almondy-fruity smell. so yummy! after it drys the almond totally goes away and i'm left with a faint musky warm smell taht reminds me of insence. It's really wonderful. i love warm smells, and this is no execption. I don't think i'll be ordering a bottle, but i'm definately keeping the imp around for a long long time.
  4. crescentwench

    Devil's Night

    Ooh! love at first sniff! this is everything i hoped that Snake Oil would be but wasn't. It's just the right amount of heat and spice and sweetness, so yummy and just perfect. it smells a bit like amber to me, but w/o the initial powdery-ness that i get. and just so right. the spice is just around the edges as is the sweetness. it's so perfectly balanced. i will keep it for ever.....my own.....my preciousssssssss!!
  5. crescentwench

    March Hare

    wow. a lot of people have noted how strong this scent was. on me was a yummy juicy apricot scent with a hint of spice, but it did't stay long at all. The tea party scents seem to fade on me espescially fast. within an hour or so it was all gone. I love this scent, and i definately use my imp, but i'm sorry it'll be gone a lot faster than i'd like!
  6. crescentwench


    Lol! i got this scent for my friend because she loves rose scents. i dread them, since i'm deadly allergic, but this is one she can wear around me w/o my having to fear! it's so vanilla-y and spicey that teh roses get toned down some, it's jsut lovely! i'd never wear it myself, but i know i'll love it on her!
  7. crescentwench

    Jacob's Ladder

    this is warm rich sunshine ina bottle! i love it. the amber only goes powdery on me for a few seconds before opening up into this rich full warmth. It kept me cheery all day, a perfect scent for those dark cold winter days i hate so much. And it lasted all day w/o reapplication. I'm so pleased with my imp, i'll definately need more!
  8. crescentwench


    Got a half imp of this by begging on the swap forums as it's my sign scent and i really wanted to try it. Sadly, i think i am disappointed. it smells so strongly of resin and cedar that i smell like forest exploded in a hampster cage. i might try again, with less inthe application, but i think my allergies just make me too allergic to it. so much for that. i guess i'll have to pass it onto another cappy.
  9. crescentwench


    ALMONDS!!! yummy! smells like marzipan! on me i get more of the coconut and fruit, esp. the fig, but overall it smells like warm almonds and touch of sweetness.
  10. crescentwench


    I loved this scent but it made me sneeze all day! The smell was gorgeous, sweet peach and rich vanlla, grounded with a hint of sandalwood. i don't intitally notice the heliotrope but i have a feeling that's what kept me sneezing, even though it was hiding in the peachy sweet goodness.
  11. crescentwench

    Blood Kiss

    mmmm. juicy berries and some sweetness that must be the vanilla. just perfect. absolutely sexy and delicious. my skin totally amped the wine and the sweetness, but not the vanilla. seems to be a running trend here....
  12. crescentwench

    White Rabbit

    I soo wanted to love this! It faded so fast on me i can't remember what i smelled like! kinda of spicy tea w/a wierd scent that i think might be the linen after having smelt herr dross. I'll probably try it again just to be sure, but i think it's a swaper.
  13. crescentwench


    a kind of sicky sweet vanilla. like if candy could have sweaty feet. i know that sounds wierd but it sounds right to me. I love it! count me in the hoards of dorian hoarders as well.
  14. crescentwench

    Lump of Coal

    This is the inquisition scent i wanted the least, and since i knew i was going to try and swap it i didn't test it out really, just sniffed it. and it smells exactlylike brownies and some kind of liquor, maybe chocolate liquor? i love the smell of brownies, but i sure as heck don't want to smell like one all day.
  15. crescentwench


    I just sniffed this one, and it got on my fingers a bit. i think it smells like midori and vanilla. very melony!
  16. crescentwench

    Snake Oil

    this is another one that so many people love that i just wasn't sure about. it was so faint on me and faded to nothing. i wonder if it's the vanilla the lab uses, as several of the fadey scents have had vanilla. ::shrug:: i think i'll try it again and attempt to slather a little more. i tend to skimp incase i end up allergic to something, so it's easier to wash off. i really want to love this one darnnit!
  17. crescentwench


    I was pleasantly suprised about this one. it was a frimp decant i got with a swap and i was orginally very leary of it. it just reeked of flowers (probably cause i got it w/honeymoon which is very flowery) i left it in my imp box for a month or so and finally decided that i liked tintagel so much which is also wine and leather that i ought to give this one a shot. At first is was very fruity, sweeter than tintagel and not as spicy, and then the leather came through. yum! it reminds a bit of dorian but with a kick. that same sort of sweet corruption smell. I don't know how much i'll wear it, but i'm sure glad i tried it. i think i'm going to try a lot more of the labs leather scents in the future.
  18. crescentwench


    So i was excited to try this, cause my friend nearly died over it. She left me to cell messages gushing and got cut off both times. lol! I love amber, though it does go to powder a bit at first on me, and i love vanilla so ihad high hopes. but overall it just went kinda of funky. it was niether amber or vanilla or powder but just blech.
  19. crescentwench


    the first thing i get is spiced wine. it smells that way on me for about an hour, then dies down to a spiced honey scent with a touch of leather. yum! i don't really get the dragon's blood except as a general warmth. i didn't get any florals or juniper and if i got berry it said wine to me. Overall it's like wassail. very warm and friendly but sexy too. i think it's my favorite at the moment.
  20. crescentwench


    i had been looking forward to trying the scent and got it as a frimp. I was hoping for that yummy smell you get when you put cloves into an orange. unfortunately i just smell like hotel soap. no orange or clove, just nameless florarls and herbs that make me sneeze and a powdery soapy scent. poo. one more to cross of the list and send to the swap pile.
  21. crescentwench

    Thirteen (13)

    In the bottle: sweet sugary white chocolate, and hints of citrus -but very very faint. It's much sweeter than i expected. I wanted 13 to be a bit on the darker side, but it's kinda light and airy, but rich. On me: the sugar smell just overpowers everything. after an hour it doesn't even smell chocolatey, just sugary sweet. It drives me nuts. None of the yummy tea and fruit i had dreamed of. I had hoped it would be more choclatey than sugary with bold citrusy/fruity things happening, but on me it's just like a bunch of children o.d.ed on their halloween candy. yech.