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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by meabh

  1. Moddiewenches, please move this if I've posted it in the wrong place! Me dUm!


    Some people have been asking, so here's the scoop...


    Bean, the Demon Queen (the Lab Cat), is the model on the Bakeneko label. You can't see it well on the label, but Teddy managed to catch her sitting on a huge stuffed bat that's hanging on the loft in the warehouse during one of the recent will calls.





    Links fixed~Morrighana


    Miss Bean is a beauty!

    And the pictures are adorable!


    May I ask what breed she is? Her coloring is beautiful.

  2. Forgive me if this is a thread somewhere else -- I did look.


    It's :P HOT :D here.

    I'm sure it's hot where you are too.

    It's not usually this hot for this long, so I have no air conditioning.

    It was over 100 degrees in my house today, and has been in the high 90s for days, with no end in sight.


    Will this hurt my perfumes? They are in the dark, but every place in this house is hot. It does cool off at night. Should they go in the fridge, and will THAT hurt them? I'm not crazy about having my fridge smell like perfume, and I have nearly 100 bottles.


    Thanks for any and all advice, and I'm going back in the cold shower now.


    I don't have a/c in my house either but I find the closets do actually stay cool as they get no light and the door is always shut. Also if you have a basement that stays cooler then the rest of the house that might be a good place to put them too.


    I've heard refridgerating perfume is not a good idea but then I've heard of a boutique where all the perfume is stored in a refridgerated display. There is always pros and cons to many things, I don't know if Beth ever mentioned whether her blends could be stored in fridges. Hopefully someone who does store their collection in the fridge will pop in and help answer that question for you. :D

  3. I usually love Macha's labels, but maybe she was having a bad day or something when she did them for the Salon.


    What do the labels look like?


    Do they have the picture of what the blend is representing? Like the drawing.


    ETA: Oops didn't see that there was another page. :P

  4. Why do I think I mentioned this somewhere before? If I'm repeating myself, please feel free to disregard. =)


    Try lemon juice. It's less abrasive than rubbing alcohol, and works just as well!


    You know I remember that post but I tried to search for it and came up empty handed. I was starting to think I imagined it, I feel sane again :P .
