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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by lemonade

  1. I received an imp today of this.. alas there are just some BPAL I cant get by the sniffing stage... unfortunately this is one of them, I already could feel a headache coming on when i sniffed it wet from the imp.. sadly this is off to swaps

  2. I received my order of Bliss today from megan in france... and she included very celverly an imp of centzon...

    MEGAN.. youre so spot on!!


    I fell in love instantly.. an aroma of expensive mocha wafted out ..



    i absolutely love this scent and i think it would smell amazing on a crisp autumn day in an oil burner.. but it works just as well on my skin.. and summer and and and... well you get the drift i adore it...

    I did get hints of vertiver but then those hints tunred into teasing prods.. almost as if it was there but not there.. im not sure what part of this scent was causing that but theres a definate earthy leathery greeny muddy background that seems to dance in and out... definate five stars



    Visually I imagined a Mayan princess walking up the steps of her ancient temple ... and the offerings of dry smoke scented leaves mixing in the heavy air whilst dark unatrual coffee-bean sprites chased by mischieveous cocoa fairies work their magic... they dance intoxicatingly around her in their paralel world as she is fixated only on her destination.. the inner sanctum...


    as the princess vanishes into her holy temple.... a swirl of ethereal smoke erupts from the very tip of the ancient pyramid.. and drifts slowly and purposefully into the hills beyond...

  3. in the bottle and on my arm adn dry...


    all i can smell in toilet cleaner :P


    occasionally lemony... occasionally pine..


    I see another poster said lemon pinetree... just add some chemical cleaner in and id agree


    how sad as i adore the name

  4. IN bottle


    Sweet dark earthy mayan chocolate



    On arm


    A dark death fairy drenched in bitter cocoa beans searching around a green leafy graveyard for victims





    Im weeping buckets... It hates me :P seems like the fairy turned more nasty on me




    OK 1 hour later.... amazing transformation... I think the dawn threatened the nasty fairy and out popped her more gentle chocolate musky side... YAY... im liking it a LOT now


    It was one hellish journey to get to the end but the final destination was worth it!!


    I also tried layering this with bloody mary and believe it or not the scents are amazing together.

  5. I adored last years scent but this years smells totally different and unfortunatley i hated it.


    Its sickly and sweet and too overpoweringly sugary.


    I am wailing and gnashing my teeth as i wanted to love it like 2004s version.



  6. In the bottle i loved this scent. almondy yummy butterty goodness.


    On my skin it turned into pure clove, and a very acrid dry clove at that.


    This was double dissapointing as in bottle this smelled warm and rich.


    Oh well may try it in an oil burner or scent locket.

  7. I found this way too buttery sweet for my liking without the spice i wanted,


    then i had a fab idea.


    I got my fave bpal scent which is gingerbread popet and layered it with jack.


    Jack gave gingerbread poppet the one element i needed that poppet never seemed to produce


    A buttery cakey smell that lasted more than and hour mixed with ginger spicey goodness.




    Together these scents are perfect on me.


    Jack makes Poppet last longer


    hmm that sounded decidedly rude :P

  8. HMMMM.



    To say I am confused is an understatement.


    I like the smell in the bottle although its a little to overpowering for me. Its kinda like floral chcolate tea with too much mandarin peeking through. I wanted more white chocolate raisin type smell. I wish i got the earthy scent some of you have described. OOO now it changes again and its all florally. This is a forever morphing scent. HMMMM now the floral gives way to a chocolatey smell. This scent is so complex, the most complex ive tried yet.


    I cant decide whether i like it or not, its almost TOO indulgent and heady but it doesnt seem to make me feel icky.


    It reminds me of a chocolate orange cake drenched in brandy or sherry cream sitting on a plate with tiny delicate flowers hand painted by a Japanese girl.


    The cakes gorgeous but too sumptuos for the plate and the cream needs to be lighter.


    All in all i cant decide what i want to do with this bottle.


    Im gonna keep it and try it 3 or 4 times more before i make my final decision.



    It doesnt seem as if anything can knock my fave layered one off the top spot


    thats gingerbread poppet and jack




  9. This is a pretty weird review so hmmmm


    At first im thinking lemon pie, then im thinking lime pie with tequila sauce, i cant find cinnamon ( which i adore) or cloves and the oranges just never make it.



    Im pretty confused. I also get some kinda chemical smell and feel overwhelmed by it but in a decadent way. Its like what I imagine illegal smell drugs to be like. ( they dont exist yet but anyone marketing them contact me) hehe


    I enter a dark building, tread up the worn stairs to the top, and there in a room surrounded by potions and smoke is the smell dealer. Beckoning me in to pay for his wares.


    Come he says and i do as i feel safe in the knowlegde that for my money tonight he will deal me AUNT CARLOINES MONEY DRAW. .................... and off i will go in a heady haze of halluconegenic happy madness.

  10. ooooo. strange.


    I have always hated florally smells but i actually like this.


    It teases me into dancing with little flowers draped in tiny cotton ballet dresses .


    twirl twirl.


    As i lay on a bed of flower petals the wind gently whips the clouds into swirls of washing lines and white linen sheets.


    I am still stunned i like this scent as i was convinced i would hate it.


    Its by no means my fave , that place is reserved for gingerbread poppet and samhain. However on a spring day this would be perfect.


    My 8 year old daughter loves it too.


    A fabby scent for kids.

  11. i was convinced i would love this but as soon as i opened it i felt ill. way too strong for me.


    I felt as if i had been engulfed in a rum and tobacco monster forcing large spoonfuls of dripping sugared caramel down my throat.


    It felt like i was dying from some kind of tropical disease called " YOU WANTED IT SWEET LITTLE GIRLIE,,,, WELL WE SHALL SHOW YOU SWEET" ( as the monsters laugh like THE COUNT from Sesame Street)


    sigh never mind i swapped it for dirty so we shall see ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  12. i refuse to believe the imp i recieved in my swap is glasgow.


    i am from glasgow and proud to be so, therefore i am gutted this smelled of old ladies toilets and overly floral perfumes.


    i am so upset as i was totally totally convinced i would love this.


    i am hoping that perhaps this imp had been left in the sun too long by someone at some point before i received it in my swap. :P


    if anyone wants glasgow for free let me know :D


    as i slather on dirty for my next review xxxxxx

  13. this is the most beautiful warm scent without being even slightly dark or cloying. I dont get any of the sharp notes and it smeels like red velvet leaves to me. ( whatever that conjures up) it is spicey without being inthe slightest strong and a stunning gentle fruity flowery foody smell eminates, it is a simply stunning blend. I cant describe it as well as gingerbread poppet, all i can say is no note seems to come to the surface on me, just a beautiful blend of warm autumn goodness.


    a 5/5 for this one STUNNING

  14. Hi, I am fairly new and have tried only Gingerbread Poppet which i adore buit only lasts 45 minutes on me I tried a love potion which i presumed i would adore called hetairae , i did in fact adore it in the bottle but on my skin it gave me a terrible headache. Also thought i would fall in love with midway but alas it smelled like burnt butter in a horrd metal frying pan...... :D


    I am looking for suggestions for any spicey foody scents and am willing to try ozone scents as I can actually wear Calven Klein Eternity and also Obsession so perhaps I am ok with musk. I can only wear the perfumes of these Klein makes though.


    I also like Leu dissey by isi miyake excuse my spelling.


    So i guess what im saying is that although i adore and prefer mulled wine, almond, marzipan, clove and ginger smells I also like ozone type scents. I think I prefer spicey foody scents and as yet am unsure if any of the ones I am waiting for have musks so I can then decide if the BPAL musks suit me.


    Any advice would be fab. :D


    I am awaiting the following to try......March Hare, Gluttony,13, Mabon, Samhain, Aunt carolines money draw, Old Dublin, Glasgow and one other I cant put my finger on. :P ........... Will ETA when i remember......


    Thanks peeps

  15. In the bottle Yummy ginger cookies dancing


    On skin wet oooo moulin rouge cookie gals dancing with cinnamon slipers on their tiny feet


    dry down the cookie gals have ran away and left behind a trace of spicey dancers footprints on

    a desolate parisian stage


    lasted 45 minutes IF that


    This scent is amazing, its full of sexy baked can-can dancers, i will never ever get tired of it as it only last 45 minutes on me. It goes from cakey yummy goodness to spicey trails of smokey sexiness. Gingerbread Poppet knows me well. It is intense in the extreme for 5 minutes then fades, gradually teasing me with notions of that first application, daring me to slather it everywhere. I wont however as I LOVE :P the scent too much. OH Poppet you are such a tease. Show me whats under those bloomers!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I adore it YUM YUM YUM

  16. In the bottle i loved this yum yum yum



    Honey and clove and a little flower field of passion



    And this was my first ever BPAL only 3 weeks ago


    BUT................... :P


    It hates me waaaaaaa waaaaaaaa


    So much so it brought on this vile headache and started to remind me of some type of 80s perfume that i cant put my finger on.


    I went form honey in a flower field to plain headache in a bottle :D


    I was devestated ,,,,, i wonder what note hates me.... will have fun trying lots of other BPAL to find out.



    Gingerbread Poppet next :D
