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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Cocoa

  1. Someone mentioned here but I can't find the post, I use beverage stirrers.

    I bought a bag of 50 plastic stirrers at wal mart for a dollar something and they work sooo perfect, the plus side it's I don't have to wash them I just clean them very well with a paper towel, then use another paper towel to wrap it, and label it with the name of the oil that just used on it.

  2. In the Bottle: Almonds!!, lots of almond oil :wub2:

    Wet on skin: Cinnamon jut pure cinnamon nothing else

    After a few hours: Still cinnamon and hints of clove or gingerish, definitely pure spicy scent. :cry2: I wanted to smell a little

    rum and almonds on me.

  3. The first time I applied to my skin it was straight cinammon nothing else, then as the fragance warmed up it smelled something like crisp apples with a sharp cinnamon smell with the rum picking out.

    At the end it was very spicy, lots of ginger with rum soaking prunes coming out.

    For me it is a fruity/spicier scent and I quite like it, but I think the ginger is quite strong so I like it but it is not

    one of my favorite scents.

  4. Vice on me settled like pure orange blossom with a chocolate undertone,

    from start to finish I smelled the orange which I'm not very fond.

    As much as I want to love Vice I can't, I miss the chocolate and I now know

    I'm not in love with orangy sccents

  5. It smells very fruity I see the pineapple and pomegranate coming, wet on my skin smells like a bubbly raspberry drink :eek: which I like a lot but I don't know how my skin picks a raspberry scent.

    After a few hours my dad stopped by my house and told me I smell like talc and inciense and my mom said strawberry, this scent is reallt complex on my skin and I really like how it changes through the hours
