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BPAL Madness!

fallow deer

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Posts posted by fallow deer

  1. Maiden is like a warm, floral flush - the warmth of the carnation is like my cheeks feel when I blush - not fiery but pink and pretty. The phrase 'blushing bride' comes to mind!


    After the warmth of the carnation the rose gives a gentle, lightly round and ringing 'ping' and the scent floats happy and light.


    I like Maiden because I think its pinkness and lightness suits me more than sophisticated white florals do.


    I wore it the other day with my long fushia pink sarong and bright green t-shirt and felt like a fairy warrior!!


    -fallow deer

  2. Mmm - grrr! (that was a foxy grr, by the way!) Vixen had me feeling confident, sexy and earthy, without any sense of 'try hard'.


    I love all the notes which were combined perfectly in Vixen. I tend towards the hippy side of things, and while I don't usually wear jewelrey, I felt like festooning myself with amber and silver while I was wearing this!!


    Final Thoughts: This is a very sexy scent - like Lush's Karma got a pair of thigh-high stilletto-heeled boots, red lipstick, and a heroin habit. I might have to have more of this...


    My parents were hippies, but of the right-on, clean-living kind. I could imagine girls wearing Vixen to the kind of parties they /didn't/ go to, if that makes sense!!


    -fallow deer

  3. I first tested this on what turned out to be a long, hot day of buses and teaching. Embalming Fluid remained a soft, centring presence throughout and helped me to stay calm and fresh with its wonderfully balanced blend of soft, muted lemon and refreshing tea. When I got home, I still felt 'new' and was ever so slightly slower to run a bath than usual!




    -fallow deer

  4. I wore Roslind today and while I enjoyed the berries, I found the green spikes a little too sharp for comfort. I hoped the fragrance would mellow out to a softer berry throughout the day, but it stayed true - and lasted well, I might add - with the green notes remaining.


    Rosalind is pretty, but lacked warmth somehow and I felt like she didn't really like me very much - I was just carrying her for the day!


    -fallow deer

  5. I recieved a sample of Snake Oil with my first order and was pleased since I had read the reviews and was intrigued. When I opened the bottle I was surprised how medicinal it smelled (almost like creosote!!), but since I like medicinal, resinous smells I wasn't put off.


    I dabbed it on to try on my wrists, inside my elbows, tummy, neck and chest. On my tummy and elbows it gave the same effect as Golden Priapus - burning and redness :D


    I am left with the lovely spiced vanilla fragrance everywhere else which is very similar to The Sanctuary (UK spa producing bath products) signature perfume, and the medicinal smell on my burning elbows (and I'm sure tummy if my nose could reach!) Maybe the hurting nerve endings in this more sensitive skin are emmitting something (fear?) that is interfering with the smell?!


    This is also one that I wouldn't dare to wear out during the day - too sultry for my daytime self!! :P I do like the overall scent a lot and it's perfect for post-bath pre-bed lounging with my boyfriend though!


    I'll try diluting it in jojoba I think to combat the burning.


    -fallow deer

  6. The following poem that I wrote during a long, lazy, sexy summer when I was 17 came straight into my mind when I wore O for the first time today:


    Tuned down to a low hum

    Honey and slow indolence

    Lapping in the sun.

    Candy caned

    And golden kissed

    Open ended

    Coma bliss.


    And I think that stands fairly well as a review, IMO!




    -fallow deer

  7. Thanks for the advice, shriekingviolet!


    You mentioned the carnation note - i've settled for trying maiden which sounds gorgeous.


    Boudior is the only commercial perfume i've felt comfortable wearing and doesn't give me a headache.


    I'm so glad to have found a company producing essential oil based perfumes and can't wait to delve further!


    -fallow deer.

  8. Hello everyone!


    This is my first post to what I can see is a very friendly and helpful (not to say inspired!) noticeboard - hello!


    I'm going to make my first BPAL order soon.


    I was wondering whether anyone could recommend something similar to Vivienne Westwood's Boudior, but lighter and fresher, ie. more wearable during the day?


    Any suggestions, please!




    fallow deer
