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BPAL Madness!

fallow deer

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Posts posted by fallow deer

  1. Mmm - delicious delicious delicious. Snow Angel starts off lightly lemony, and quickly becomes sweet peach tea (the lovely iced stuff in cartons). Later the florals flutter through just a little. It's nicest once it's dry, since the wet stage is a little bit pow!-sharp!-sweet!.


    This would be a great, refreshing day scent in the summer - it's fizzy and girly but not in any way over the top.


    For those wanting comparisons, I would say, in order of closest match: Severin, Bathed & Infused Sake, Titania, and Dorian.

  2. Hmm - I've just got a bottle of the limited edition Three Witches, and it's not comparing very favourably to the original for me, I'm afraid.


    The original was a pure blend of the three notes, it felt very clear, and, well, pure.


    This bottle has a wierd 'off' note which I guess could just be a variation in one of the spice oils. It isn't so nice, which I'm sorry about since I've almost finished my original imp.

  3. Snow Moon starts off very evergreen, and I was slightly put off since I seem to have a lot of piney scents already, and I tend to only use them for the bath or room. However, as others have said, once the piney top note burns off, the flowers shimmer through, and they are delicate and bright. Snow Moon is the winter couterpart to Flower Moon. The floral notes are similar, but icier and not nearly so blatant. It's pretty after the sharp pine note burns off and the label is lovely also.

  4. I'm happy because on me, the sweet pea is the strongest note, and other sweet pea scents havn't worked on me. It is very much like Pink Moon, but bolder and more up-front.


    It is very sweet and very lush, and I love it. I'm more likely to wear Pink Phoenix in the summer though; I'm thinking pink shorts and white vest and lemonade in the park!

  5. If it helps, I've searched my spreadsheet for sassafras. I have tried all of them apart from Dissipation. But the description for Dissipation mentions 'a sliver' of sassafras. This is pure, if not almost pure, sassafras... If sassafras is that root beer scent.


    Yuck! yuck yuck yuck! and ow! I was just comparing imps of Tombstone and mystery Hamadryad, when I flicked loads of the sassafras oil over my face and hand! Ruining my carefully constructed White Chai Creme B&I fluff and Sugar Skull combo! Urrghh! Whatever it is, it's not nice...



  6. Cor blimey! I just recieved an imp labelled 'Hamadryad' from the lab, and it is most definately /not/ the same as my last imp, which was soft dry cinnamon with faint flowers.


    This is strong, medicinal root-beer! I've never smelt a BPAL oil like this before. Does anyone recognise this as a blend, or could it be an accidental single note sassafras or something?


    Thanks for any info!

  7. Almond is one that feels really wierdly painful on my skin. It's like the sharpest burn, not like cinnamon (which can burn but in a warm way that dies down quickly).


    I love the smell of almond, and mostly it's quite minimal in a blend and doesn't hurt, but certain ones like Hecate and Eclipse are unwearable for me because of the searing pain.


    Quite often, almond and cinnamon are together in a blend, so it's difficult to know which is the culprit, if not both.
