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Everything posted by foxroses

  1. foxroses

    Midwinter's Eve

    this is surprisingly light and sweet, i like it. i love sweet, and plum, and this is lovely. it's not too much floral for me, either. it smells like grape candy, in a way, without smelling like grape. if that made sense.. ha. it reminds me of those little plastic fruits that are covered in glass beads, it smells like those look. i love this one. its staying just perfectly like that, all the way from the wand to dry skin.. mmmm. i do get a tiny hint of wine, but white wine, not red.. almost champagney, or a light fruity dessert. white and that gorgeous plum purple, i love it!
  2. foxroses


    i had such high hopes, but alas, i smell like butter. eugh.
  3. foxroses


    i actually really like this. its very christmasy, VERY red, a bit spicy and tangy, but juicy sweet. i'm surprisingly NOT getting pine. i'd use this as a room scent around the holidays for sure. i'm just really impressed by how accurate and true this is, like holiday potpourri, but better, and spices, and just yummy!
  4. foxroses

    Jacob's Ladder

    i wasnt sure what i was smelling in the bottle, but on my skin? OMG YUMMMM. sweet sweet sweet amber.. its not ambery like the lion, its wet and SWEET and feminine and GORGEOUS. i don't really know what any of the other notes are other than amber and tonka, but whatever they are, they are making this amber just.. wow. it smells like golden sunlight and gold and dancing and mmmm sweet. i can't even begin to say.. i MUST get a bottle of this!! i sense my first ever lab order coming on.? YUM!!!
  5. foxroses

    Rose Red

    sorry to spoil the party, but BLEGH I REALLY HATE ROSES. this smells just like those humongous, gorgeous, red roses. i really, really, hate roses who wants an imp?
  6. foxroses

    Herr Drosselmeyer

    a bit too woodsy in the bottle, but the smoke and leather is def. there. the leather comes out as i put it on, and it smells very sweet but heavy and smokey, really lovely. not sure if i would wear it, but it smells very cozy. this would be a perfect library room scent. its slowly turning to pine-sol woods on me, unfortunately, which i had hoped wouldn't happen. alas. underneath it smells nice, but its edging ever so slowly towards pine-sol. 10 min: it didnt turn as pine-solly as i was thinking it might, but i'm still not sure i'd wear it. beautiful, lovely blend, just maybe not my thing.
  7. foxroses


    wand.. ooh very crisp and pretty! wet.. surprisingly nice.. i guess these flowers seem to like me.. its a VERY floral blend for me, almost too much, but i kind of like it. the white musk and sandalwood are strong and i love that. the flowers are coming out a bit more though. no hairspray here. drydown.. staying relatively similar throughout drydown.. a bit more musk again, and its turning sweeter, and less "white flowers".. i think if it stays this way i could actually love this one. 5 min.. still nice! okay, this is definitely a keeper!
  8. foxroses

    Snow Bunny

    this is not a blend i thought i'd like, but its awfully cute and.. snow bunny-ish. it smells a bit of mint and pine, but i don't think there's a real pine note in there because it isn't taking over. i think juniper might be it. it's got some sweetness under there, too, which really helps tone the coldness down. i definitely am not getting berries, though. it's staying incredibly true on my skin, and i definitely think i'd wear this on a very icy day, maybe out skiing or something!
  9. foxroses

    Gingerbread Poppet

    do we really need another review in which i say, "OMG IT SMELLS JUST LIKE GINGERBREAD!"? if so, here it is. YUMMMMMY!
  10. foxroses


    everyone keeps talking of how Veil smells like babies.. and it does. like baby diapers. BLECH. in the imp, on my skin, baby diapers everywhere! ahhh!
  11. foxroses

    Scent for Halloween?

    i was a 30's-40's style pinup girl, with the corset and garter belt and everything. and i basically bathed in santo domingo. yummm <3
  12. foxroses

    Queen of Clubs

    dirt. dirt dirt earthy yucky dirt and fir. i was dying for pomegranate and currant and vanilla and wonderful rich fruitiness, but no matter what i try, it smells like dirt :D *cries*
  13. foxroses


    in the bottle, this smells much clearer than it does on my skin. its very clear and tangy, that's the best description once it goes on, it stays pretty true from wet to dry, it's a nice, clear scent with an underlying layer of murkiness.. not really spicy, but definitely like post-hurricane or big storm. that crisp, clean rain scent but with a hint of destruction afterwards. it gets very murky, but thankfully it never smells like rotten limbs or anything, which, in real life, post-hurricane, it smells like rain and still water and rottenness. to me, this smells teal. i wore it with a dark teal tanktop i had and i felt like i smelled the same color as my shirt. i swapped this out for carnal, which i'm glad i did, because i ADORE carnal, but i'd like to get this back at some point, maybe next spring. it's a cold scent, to me, chilly and tangy, so i wouldn't like to wear it much in the winter, but definitely in the spring and summer. i'm getting lightning and i have higher hopes for that even than hurricane; maybe it will be less murky.
  14. foxroses

    Ace of Hearts

    BLEGH. SOAP. SOAP SOAP SOAP. i can't even distinguish any kind of flower, rose, gardenia, anything. but rose and i have a history of baby powder (alice) and gardenia EATS ME ALIVE (highwayman), so.. phew. even in the bottle, all i get is rosey grandma soap. YUCK. swapping!
  15. foxroses


    i'm not familiar with vetiver, but i like jasmine and i love cinnamon, and leather seems to be nice. i wasn't sure about the rose (most rose turns to baby powder on me), but i was hoping the jasmine and cinnamon would cover it. in the bottle, it smells AMAZING. leather, a sexy highwayman with a horse (although i don't smell horse ), with some earthy, spicy (vetiver?) scent, a twinge of cinnamon, beautiful jasmine flowers, really exotic annd gorgeous. ... alas, once i put it on, THE GARDENIAS ATTACK! i don't smell rose, really, it's definitely the gardenia.. it's some yucky, horrible, soapy smell that takes over the loveliness of the jasmine and cinnamon and leather. BOO it smells great on my boyfriend though shame on you, gardenia!
  16. foxroses


    bottle - very very mandarin orange. not orangey orange like candy orange, nothing like that, but oriental orange, mandarin and exotic. almost like kumquats but sweeter. barely any fig or spice in the bottle. once i put it on, though.. while wet it stays pretty orangey, but once it begins to dry the fig definitely comes out, and it smells amazing. after much thought, i discovered why i like it so much - it smells like cloves, or allspice, stuck in an orange, like potpourri, but not the fake, nasty kind. just.. yummmm. it's deliciously spicy and earthy and exotic orange.. i want a bottle!! side note - i had this on my wrists and the lion on my jacket, and they smelled lovely together. i think the spicy amber of the lion underneath the allspice and orange of carnal would be fantastic together, so i'm definitely going to try layering this sometime
  17. foxroses

    Snake Oil

    i just got this in a swap this morning, and wore it today. i don't get as much vanilla as i think i'd really like, but it's very lovely. i definitely get indonesian spices, like an exotic marketplace, snake charmers, etc. but not too spicy, just a hint of incensy spice covered in pure vanilla. i don't get 'sexy' out of it as much as i get feminine and exotic, but it's a really lovely blend nonetheless. it's nice and simple, and i like it and i'm going to keep it, but i don't think it's my absolute favorite.
  18. foxroses

    Santo Domingo

    my first true bpal love!! oh god, this smells SO GOOD. in the bottle, it's blossoms and bay rum, a tang of something sharp underneath, but nothing weird floral or headachey. i worried that the tobacco would be awful, but its nice in the bottle, a little faded, and not at all like cigarette smoke. once it goes on, it stays pretty true while wet and in the first 30 min or so, very tropical. but as i wear it, the tobacco comes out, and after about an hour, its pure, gorgeous, amazing tropical flower fire smoke and just.. mmmmm. it smells like smoke from a beach fire with drinks, at night, with big, delicious caribbean flowers.. gimme a bottle of this!!
  19. foxroses


    i definitely didn't expect nine-tailed fox demons to smell like this :} in the bottle, i get a lot of ginger, not so much tea, but it's very light and i don't get any lemon polish or anything weird like that. i don't want to say PLAIN, but it's simple, just those two, nothing weird. i worried that it would go baby powdery on me, but it doesn't! i can't say i'm in love with this, but it's definitely nice, crisp tea and ginger, .. crisp. i just keep coming back to the word crisp. not crisp like linen but crisp like lemon, except not lemon definitely a keeper, at least for now. a nice scent to wear on grey, yucky, rainy days and days you feel like ass, to make you lively.. or at least not a zombie
  20. foxroses


    yet another one that verged on giving me a headache. in the bottle, it smelled creamy and honey, but a lot of almond. not as much faux almond as hecate (gag me!) but a sweeter, calmer almond. but there was something weird about it that i just couldn't bring myself to put it on. my mom adores it, though, and its awesome and hazelnut on her, with just a touch of buttercream. it's really sweet and almost boozy, a great scent on her. i don't think i'd get another one, it was just too close to the headachey-ness of hecate and imp, and even white rabbit, although the scents are totally different. a shame, because i really thought i'd like this.
  21. foxroses


    bottle - smells like a bit of peach, but there's something headachy in here for me :/ maybe the patchouli? i don't mind musk usually, and i love amber (see: the lion) i put a tiny bit on my skin, and immediately, headache.. ugh. i really, really wanted a peachy, amber scent, but this on me just made my head hurt. which made me sad pppeaaacch!
  22. foxroses

    The Lion

    mmm, delicious amber. in the bottle it smells just like amber. i don't get cinnamon, maybe a hint of spice, though? once i put it on, and it dries down a bit, it gets a bit spicier, but mostly i smell dry grass, summer heat, yellow sun, crackling leaves.. just.. mmmm. this scent is WARM. it stays that way and its lovely, and its just the same on my boyfriend. amazing. i put dabs on the shoulders and wrists of my winter wool coat, and i don't think it matters how cold it is, i'll smell warm it has a great throw on me - my boyfriend says when he wears it it fades fast, but on my coat it smelled strong for hours, even after leaving an italian restaurant. i'm in love
  23. foxroses


    again, another one that i love in the bottle, but... i'm not always fond of rose scents, but i didn't mind it here. in the bottle it smells like milk and carnation, very sweet and innocent. not sugar-sweet but cute and very very much alice in the blue dress and white apron. so cute. alas, the rose turns to baby powder on me. strong, soapy, overpowering yucky baby powder. swapped this one away.. if i want to smell like baby powder i'll buy some
  24. foxroses

    White Rabbit

    in the bottle, this smells amazing. black tea with milk and honey mixed in, linens and vanilla.. really, really lovely. unfortunately, immediately as it goes on my skin, all that lovely sweet creaminess turns into pepper. i just smell like PEPPER. which is a shame as it's so lovely in the bottle. after a few hours of wearing this i just end up with a pepper headache :/ it works well on my boyfriend, josh, though, nice and honey tea on him, so i handed it over a beautiful scent, and i wish it worked better on me, because i adore it in the bottle. might be a nice scent to wash in with clothes or bedsheets or something.
  25. foxroses


    Blegh! I got this as a frimp and all I smell is VIOLET. violet violet violet overwhelmingly gross yucky bathroom soap violet. it smells like violet in the bottle, and it smells like violet on my boyfriend. after about 15 minutes it faded down a bit, so it's not as strong, and a HINT of spicy/cinnamon, but mostly we both smell sickening violet. i'm not incredibly familiar with the scent of frankincense, but i definitely don't smell incensy, or cinnamon, or anything. definitely not liking this one.