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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by stellamaris

  1. Well. I had this for a year or so and did not even touch it, because it was just sort of faint and nothing in the bottle. I actually read the notes for the new version and said whoa, wait a minute, there's violet here??? Today I skin tested, and wow it's amazing. Lovely pretty violets, soft but deep, very long lasting.

    I love this one...

  2. This is SICK. It's so good...it's even so complex, it twists and turns and morphs and is just insanely good. This is taking all my strawberry loves like Strawberry Moon, Pink Lace and kicking their wimpy butts. omg...so good...I love myself so much wearing this...

    It's almost so adorable I feel a little like an older lady in a Hello Kitty shirt. Hey wait, that's me! Perfect.

    I would have never guessed you could make a perfume that smells like this, it's like a Willy Wonka fantasy.

    Foodie sweet lovers quick buy 6 bottles...

  3. this is geeeeeeoooooorgeous...I get the Sin and Scheherazade comparisons, but this is different enough to be worth it. It soothes my incense red musk loving soul without the dreaded Ye Olde Hippie syndrome...you won't smell like a wizard's booth at a Dungeon's and Dragons con...

    This could be my Snake Oil, must buy many many bottles of this...


    it's funny, from the notes I would have thought this would be a hot mess on me, but it works.

  4. Wow I didn't get the berry when I tried this at all, I thought it smelled very fresh and green, with an almost airy "sea" thing happening...the berry comes through on the dry down.

    This is a beautiful fresh scent, I think it will be perfect for spring, or in the dull winter when you want to smell something green. I love this.

  5. I need help! I want more scents like Shiny Furball and Wultic, basically comforting forest scents. I want pine, birch, balsam tempered with vanilla, cocoa coconut, things of this nature. Golden Priapus should fit the bill but the honey isn't really sweetly cozy to my nose. Help!

    I second This is Your Wilderness, it reminded me very much of WILF or Shiny Furball.

    Have you tried Tombeur? I don't know if it has woods, but it is very cuddly. No honey as far as I know.

    The Red Queen is the only real "wood" thing I love, but it has red fruit in it, so you would have to like that. The wood is very specific though, and good.

  6. A lady talk and white might also for the bill. Testing it now and it's lovely.

    I have to loudly second A Lady Tall and White (from the Trading Post, available now, get it...it's amazing...). Skadi is really nice, but it's a bit hard? Aggressive? Onduris to me was like Skadi but a bit softer, not in scent, but more feminine to me I guess.

    A Lady Tall and White might be the most perfect wintery, snowy BPAL I have ever tried. It reminded me very much in the wet phase of my previous wintery favorite, which was Whirling Wind Moon, but this one is even more muchly. To quote AIW.

  7. Just to muddy the waters, what about the "garden" scents? If you like that sort of thing, they are awesome.

    I love all the Honeys but especially Chokecherry Honey, which smells like a honey incense to me.

    Or Black Lily or Rose, very nice simple flowers.

    a simple flower too is Marie, which is rose and violet or Bruised Violet.


    If you want a go at sweet, how about Knave of Hearts, very simple to me, I get the sharp gorgeous buttery pastry note, which is tempered by a solid but not overpowering rose. It does not morph or change.


    or if you want to try spicy, how about The Lion, which is spicy amber. I always want this one to work on me but it never does, that said it has many fans.

  8. I could not wait to try this one and was absolutely right in my eagerness.

    The minute I smelled it I thought oh wow, Whirling Wind Moon, which was one of my favorite hot weather perfumes, I used up every last drop. I love to wear snowy things when it's hot.

    It's a little less "thin" than WWM, that must be the vanilla and sandalwood. Wet it is lovely, and dry.

    Hoard worthy.

  9. I tried to post a reply, with quotes, but maybe there's a limit to how long replies can be or how many quotes you can use (I used at least six!) because both times I've tried it didn't work.


    Anyway... I think I'll be ordering Imps of Morocco/Dorian and I might try Snake Oil because it seems to be recommended by everyone everywhere.


    Interesting how many people are recommending scents that remind them of food (do you eat teenagers here?! I'm kidding, I'll be sure to look at more 'edible'-sounding scents seeing as lots of people seem to think they are the best ones).


    Thanks Andyl and non_boingy for your ideas. I don't know why I like the idea of smoke/fire scents but those all sound like good possibilities.

    My feeling about Djinn is that it is more fire than smoke. In any case, it doesn't smell like tobacco. If you are willing to risk the four dollars, get the imp and try it out. wear it on the weekend if it is too smokey for class.


    The scent that makes me think of high school is How Doth The Little Crocodile. It has Chocolate, mint and oakmoss, which smells just like my backpack full of pencils, certs mints, and often a chocolate drop or two.

    That's also the impression I got of Djinn from reviews, but I thought it better to check.


    Teenagers...taste just like chicken...

    Seriously though, perfume is so subjective. I know you don't want to run around in a cloud of perfume at your age, but some people amp up certain fragrance elements. I tend to turn everything very sugar sweet. That's just my body chemistry. It's also what smells good to you, that's another thing that is totally personal. My youngest daughter loves the smell of coffee, so I have bought her a few coffee scented things. She does not drink coffee however, go figure. And THEN you have to think about other people, which is why you might want something on the lighter side. You can save the heavier stronger smelling stuff for non school days. If I have to go to my kid's school I tend to avoid patchouli, I don't want to overwhelm.

    If you would like, I can send you some imps, I have many many many of them. I may be able to find things that you want to try. If so send me a PM.

  10. I bought the 2012 version, and I still have a bit of it. Strangely although I am not crazy about it, it seems to call to me on some dark gloomy days. Also on some deadly hot days when I want to smell a cool snowy forest. I have to dig a little deep for the snow however, it's mostly a big burly pine tree trying to take over everything. No clove. sigh. It is really deep and lovely, my BFF told me I HAD TO HAVE IT, and seemingly I did. This bottle's fine though...no backups required.

  11. This is, like Snow White, so beautiful. Lovely, feminine, but not department store perfumey. I love Snow White as a perfume, because I can wear it in situations where I don't want to smell like Ye Olde Hippie, but want something that is more than just clean.

    I have to experiment what I can layer this with besides Snow White...

  12. Honey absolute, honey myrtle, and white frankincense.

    I dies. This couldn't have been any more perfect for me, beautiful honey and frankincense. This one is not too strong in scent, good for layering with just about anything, resins, foody stuff, flowers...
    This is The Perfect Blender.
    Also the formula is a nice light spray, so I can reapply even on dry hair, and I don't look like a cow licked me.

  13. Yes indeed, this is Gingerbread. And Sin. Totally winning.

    It did disappear like poof on me though, sigh. Might need some old aging. I still go for Gingerbread Snake or Poppet before this one, we'll just push it to the back of the shelf and let it mature.

    and...a year later...

    Well. Can I just say that I am wearing the hell out of this one now? Strangely it smells like a Snake to me, but deeper, richer. It's awesome. I think if I had known how incredible these Gingerbreads would end up I would have bought all of them...love love love
