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Posts posted by stellamaris

  1. Well, I got the same batch as annemathematics, very vanilla heavy. I wouldn't have minded the tobacco, but as I already have Fallen Woman, which is a beautiful tobacco, I am happy to have this vanilla gorgeousness.


    Edit : after a week or so, I do get the tobacco, and it's very nice. Not as strong as Fallen Woman but quite good.

    No anise smell whatsoever.

  2. Whoa this is amazing. Beautiful.

    I have to hoard this for my job, my girl loves lavender like a maniac, so I spray all her stuff and often my clothes with it. She's very scent sensitive (I am a personal makeup artist for an actress) for instance hates patchouli (probably due to having hippie parents), but loves lavender, and loves scented things, so I am always on the lookout for something with a specific scent, that isn't obnoxious, as we work in a room with other humans. This is perfect.

  3. This is gorgeous. And MCS4096, we must be scent relatives because I agree, it's amazing with the Whiskey one, as I found out yesterday, spraying stuff willy nilly with glee and abandon.

    I get clove in here, and it's lovely.


    I do really really love this, but I find it goes poof. Silly stuff...

  4. OMGosh. Raving here, previous poster MCS4096.

    This is awesome. It doesn't smell like a bar to me (hey I am a child of the 80s, I think bar I think McSorley's at 7am, which smelled like 50 years of spilled beer, throw up and cigarettes. Blergh), but it could be the idea of say, a speakeasy in the 1920s? There is a boozy smell, but it's not overwhelming or extremely specific to me. It just adds beautiful depth.

    The musk makes an amazing incense. I sprayed it last night and kept thinking what is that? Is that my perfume? but it wasn't, it was the sofa where I'd spray the stuff.

    Just beautiful.

    Sorry this review makes no sense, but I am so overwhelmed by this. I thought it might be "fun" but instead it's really serious and gorgeous. It's like falling in love.

  5. This is a beautiful well blended perfume. I am not picking out anything in particular here, could be the stormy weather dulling my senses. Again.

    That said this is lush and Velvet-y (referencing the perfume Velvet, it has that same dark plush vibe), and the jasmine is lovely, but it's not that sharp sort of jasmine. I think those who fear the jasmine might be fine with this one. It marries with the bourbon vanilla, amber and laudanum into something very smooth and nice.

  6. I love Agent Carter, and that whole time period.

    I think that for Peggy In Templum Dei is too frankincense heavy, too medieval/modern if that makes any sense. Lady Death could be good, it's a very well blended cologne type fragrance, one of my own DH's favorites, and he tends to slightly feminine scents.

    Spooky Action though could be amazing!

    I think Haunted could be worth a shot, it smells very "of that period" to me, the top notes smell very much like Shalimar.

    For Each Ecstatic Instant could also be nice for Peggy, it could be of that period.

    When I think of Peggy personally I could see her wearing Dawn Mourning Victory, which is a strong deep floral or (yes I know it's corny) Avenger. These are only personal impressions though.


    Red sandalwood, peach, white tea, and champaca.

    Ok this gets my vote for Name Which Inspires Most Horrifying Images...
    But I had to buy it because it sounded so delicious, and yes, it is.
    Very fruity and lush at the top, peachy but grounded, I guess that is the red sandalwood, champaca is present in the background but not aggressive. I can't smell the White Tea yet, but I didn't wear it that long.
    Fresh, lush, not cloying.

  8. seeing the picture I know I have seen that flower in California (I used to live in LA) but I never noted the scent of it.

    My strongest scent memories from living there are the Jacarandas and the night blooming jasmine.

  9. This was another "cloud of gorgeous" from this years Lupers. I seemingly amp or can smell mostly the black cherry, and this is more like real cherry than cherry candy, everything else is there for back up. More creamy than tart, a gorgeous, delicate perfume.

  10. Oh my this is some seriously good stuff.

    Wet there's a sharp almost buttery note, ok, if you say it's caramel, I'll go with that, and then it turns into heaven. I haven't really been able to pick any notes out except maybe currant. It's heavenly.

  11. Surprisingly, I would have never picked this one for myself, but I was gifted a bottle of it, and I love it. It works really nicely on me. The vetivert is very strong at the top, but then it turns into a nice wine sort of scent (must be the fig) that is quite pleasant and almost like Dragon's Blood. The vetivert gives it a nice earthy thing, it's quite dreamy.

    Thankfully, I do not get any meat here, and it's not too boy for me.

  12. Black Lotus has amber and sandalwood, but it also has myrhh, which can be a little bitter. Also Fallen, but there is vetivert, which also can be strong.

    The Little Wooden Doll may be just what you are looking for, without the citrus note.

    Tombeur (one of my favorite BPALs) has both notes.


    Other blends with sandalwood and amber include Mastermind, Sin, and Vasillisa,


    Ripe apricots and neroli-tinged red musk with bergamot, bitter clove, and vetiver.

    This is really delicious. The vetiver is sort of like an "earthy " or dirt note, but it's tamed by the red musk. The apricot is sharp in the best way. The clove is there but very tempered also. This is fascinating, very different from anything I have but I really like it. Very lush. Not foody.

    happy to report the vetivert takes a hike pretty quickly, and the apricot remains with a gentle but present red musk. I love the drydown.

  14. To my nose, the Dawns are very "user friendly " roses, they have that strong rose element, but have enough other grounding to make them appealing when you don't just want to smell rose, per se. I think they are some of the most special BPAL blends.

    Seance to me is another surprise, it also has that rose punch without being one note. On me it's long lasting, and I eat oil like nobody's business.
