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Posts posted by stellamaris

  1. Always on the lookout for you now Minh Scent!

    Also, one reviewed highlighted that particular ingredient so I figured it was someone who knew what it smelled like.

    I have to say, I have many things from the trading post Lupers this year, and they are all really really really good. Just saying.

  2. Lately I have been revisited by old BPAL loves that I never got full bottles of, and have no clue why. I have had many imps of Lust that I have been lucky enough to come my way, and each time I try it I think Mmmm I lust for this Lust...it is filled with awesome and win, and smells like BPAL to me, the very idea of it. And onto the next order it goes.

    This is a patchouli blend that I find very wearable, and a bit less dirty hippie than say, Sin or Imp.

  3. it's funny I have never reviewed this, as I remember getting an imp of it early in my BPAL forays, and really not liking it, and lumping it into the same blergh plastic category as O. Recently I retried an imp of it, and was amazed at how gorgeous it is. It is right at the top of the wishlist now. This is beautiful smokey, the honey is not too dominant, and the vanilla is glorious. Love love love this, and getting some stat.


    got some. Getting more. Getting backups.

    this one ages beautifully.

  4. well. I sort of ignored this, believing it to be just a boy scent.

    Was I wrong. Mayhem and murder, made for the boys, but I like it too...ha...


    This is delicious, amazing lime. Lasts forever too, unlike most lemony/limey/citrus things do on me. This is fresh, but fine at night too.

    Need big bottles of this.

  5. Holy Amazing Batpeople!!! Thank you for enabling me, thank you...this is the Hair Gloss sister of the Whiskey, Candlelight and Awesome Atmosphere Spray. It is gorgeous, dark and incensey, without the patchouli hit. Freaking amazing. It does have the Nag Champa vibe in it, it is just glorious.

  6. I have not done a full test of this one, but from what I have it reminds me of another 13, the one with the red label? It's the white chocolate.

    When I first opened the bottle I thought, wow! Strawberry! but that might have also been another sharp red fruit, and it burns off into chocolatey goodness. The dry down is very nice.

    Another hit for the 13s.

    And the bottle art is fierce.

  7. Well, in my quest to have all of the Thirteens, I thought, this one probably won't smell THAT great but I'll take a chance. Wow. Was I wrong.

    This is awesome! It's super lemony on me, which I love, but not like a citronella yucky candle to keep the bugs away, this is sweet lovely lemon, which then dries down into who knows what but it's springy and marvelous. I can see wearing the heck out of this. This is one of my only 13s which does not have a very upfront chocolate note. I can sort of smell it? But not overtly.

    Love this.

  8. This is beautiful, and seemingly very evocative, and different for everyone.

    It reminds me of Gacela of the Dark Death, but somehow less aggressive (no clove), and more sophisticated.

    Just gorgeous, it's piney without being Pine Sol baby, and as I wear it it softens but somehow is still very present. Smells almost sandalwoody in the bottle.

    Very wearable and absolutely unisex.

  9. Oooh so delicious...the coconut is not too overwhelming, it's sort of soft and delicious. Then pouf it was gone. That said I only really tried it yesterday, which was sort of a difficult perfume day, nothing seemed to stick around.

    So, for now, this is awesome, will retry to see if it wants to hang out.

  10. Bumping this because I'm in search for more bpal wine scents! I adore the wine note in Nosferatu! I looked over everyone's responses and didn't see Horreur Sympathique mentioned? That one is on my list to try.

    Soothing System seems like a sure win, but after reading reviews, not so sure. Blood Rose is great if I am in the mood for rose at all. But still would prefer a wine scent without.


    What I do not care for - Bordello (didn't smell like wine to me at all - just sweet and plum candy). Also, would prefer a scent without leather.


    Anyway, hoping to revive this thread! Truest or yummiest Red Wine scents? Thanks in advance :wub2:

    Obsidian Widow for sure. It's amazing. The wine listed is Pinot Noir, and it is juicy dark and red. Winning. The rose in this is not strong at all, in fact I didn't even know it had rose in it. It's much more of a wine scent than Blood Rose IMO.

  11. ugh I feel the same way, it's hard for me to get out of bed lately. I feel like a hibernating bear, not getting anything done.


    Personally, I really like fresh fruity things right now, that remind me of nicer weather. The Fruit of Paradise, any of the Peach Pits, Red Moon, Adoration of the Mi Goh, and I am loving the vetiver things from the Lupers which remind me of dirt, vetiver always smells like dirt to me, like Mars Alator, and The Commentary, with fig and apricot respectively.

    Fruit is better for me right now than flowers.


    I might also recommend some TALs, I like Perpetuum Bonum, which is very cherry heavy, there is also Radiance of Ra or even Energy, which you might need right now.

  12. Shoot me an kill me, this is awesome. Patchouli lovers, get this right now. It's different from the GC Amber & Patchouli.

    I won't be able to wear this to work, but that's OK.

    I have been filling my patchouli needs with Silky Bat, but this is patchouli with a backbone.
