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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by stellamaris

  1. Revenant Rhythm is perfect as a bath oil, atmosphere spray, hair gloss, whatever you want to roll this stuff into, indeed it is all good. I would wear it in a box, I would spray it on a fox, I would wear it here or there, I would spray it anywhere. I like this Sam I am...and I cannot spell revenant to save my life...that's what spell check says anyway.

    This says "BPAL " to me, like Snake Oil or O, smells like what I think BPAL is.

  2. Dry patchouli and white sandalwood oozing with lesions of labdanum, wet red cherry, and opoponax.

    This one is super strange, but some how very wearable.
    First of all, the oil is a very dark grey. Looks like motor oil.
    It's heavy and complex, but approachable. I have been wearing this everyday since I got it.
    That is all.

  3. Well! Talk about your serendipity. I have been reading a thread about Neroli recommendations and thinking that I had not a clue what neroli actually smells like but looky here, I actually do!

    If this be neroli, play on please. It is gorgeous.

    I love this bath oil, it's like bathing in spring flowers, without the wallop that showy flowers sometimes pack (gardenia, I am looking at you).

    I am enlightened.

  4. This should be getting way more love than it does.

    This is creamy amazing heaven.

    I have so far received 57 imps of this in my TP orders, and OK!!! I get it!!!

    I am ordering a bottle of this. I spray this obsessively in my car, and I just absolutely am addicted to it.

    This smells like winning, and gorgeous.

    It reminds me a bit of Tombeur.

  5. ooh there it is, the cough syrup review. I know as soon as I see that, it's for me. And yes. This one is for me, thank you so much to the awesome forumite who sold me this gently used bottle.

    This is just beautiful.

    I get the coffee right up front but then the drydown is something lush and well blended, nothing comes out and screams at me, it is all one swirling cloud of slightly sweet, slightly spicy gorgeous.


    This does not smell like perfume, it smells like an amazing place, a time, I don't know. I could see wearing this to work, I work very closely with other people and your scent can't be obnoxious, but I do love it when people (often who because of our job I am standing right on top of) say, wow you smell great!

    Worth it. Need backups.

  6. Just got my first big bottle of this! And I love it!!!

    The vetiver is the wet note for me, but the dry down is all sweetness and a little bit of that fizzy blood thing. Cherry, yes, vanilla, yes. Gorgeous, yes. The vetiver does hang around in the dry down, but it is definitely in the background.

    Not as aggressive as Blood Rose but in the same family.


    note on reviews, as soon as someone says "cherry cough syrup" I cannot buy the thing fast enough. Cherry turns into the most amazing delicious stuff on me.

  7. Fallen refers to the big guy himself, Lucifer, as does Old Scratch. Lilith is the queen of demons and smells appropriately demonic. There's also Red Devil and the Jersey devil.

    My personal favorite however is All Azif, said to represent the chattering of demons.




    And I hope I don't sound like I'm obsessed with demons or anything, I just think these smell awesome.

    note to self...Sprout is totally obsessed with demons...

    Or, there's always the anti demon, like Kill Devil

    You can also go to where the demons live, like the Isle of Demons (sounds really nice, I've never tried it!)

  8. It's strange, you (OP) and I seem to have identical scent loves, except for Oblivion, which was not so good for me, but now I'll have to try it again...I love most of the GCs you do, except for Dana O'Shee which is not great. And, we ordered the same Lupers.

    Here's some you might like, if you like that Oblivion thing, which on paper sounds like I would love it, I just have tested it and not so much, but hey... maybe I was having an off day.

    I'd say try



    Masquerade (has the same patchouli, dirty, with fruitiness)

    Laudanum (this had a similar feel to me, but I may be crazy they don't share any of the same notes?)

  9. I love Wanda but for me it's all wine. But I am usually the odd man out.

    Perversion is amazing. I don't get the leather super strong, it seems to be a particular type leather, sort of like the one in Leather Phoenix.

    Has anyone mentioned Kubla Khan? I find the leather very smooth in that.

    I have Creeper Dragon coming, so curious about green leather!
