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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by stellamaris

  1. Ha! I had no idea what to expect from this one, but I had to get it because of the name...

    This starts off very strong with the macadamia nut, makes me think of cookies...it's sort of a cookies with tea scent for me, strangely. I don't get much resin from it but I love the depth of the macadamia. It's sort of a weird one, but I have been wearing the heck out of it.

  2. you know, strangely, I never had a bottle of Alice as a perfume (Alice obsessed here, I have her tattooed on my leg), although I did have a crowd of the others, Cheshire Cat, The Caterpillar, The Red Queen, Queen of Hearts, Knave of Hearts sure I have forgotten someone...and I love Alice's Evidence but never bought an actual Alice.

    I did however get the HG, and it's lovely. I pair it with florals or other "tea" things.

  3. You know, just when I think I "know" BPAL along comes an imp, sent to me by a lovely fairy. Wow. I love this. It's warm and almost creamy, reminding me a bit of Other blends but being entirely its own. This could be my Snake Oil...

  4. I used to hate hate hate all the dead leaf scents, but thanks to Beth's magical powers I am now a huge fan. Deaths Second Self though admittedly a Yule is my favorite in my personal leaf pile 😆

    Halloween 1914 is pretty autumnal. For me personally though Vampire Queen reminds me of fall, it's my one no hesitation Weenie and I have a bunch of back ups of various years

  5. Red baneberry, purple prairie clover, wild bergamot, bloodroot, purple dead-nettle, hemlock, and bog rosemary twined into a waft of frankincense and myrrh.

    I absolutely LOVE this. It's got that lovely sharp green BPAL gardeny note I remember from other gorgeous blends like The Garden in Winter. Very evocative and dreamy.

  6. You know, I had a strange relationship with Ice. On first meeting it, I thought it was way too "male " for me, and I put it up for sale. Fortunately nobody bit, because I now find it to be a very multilayered thing, much more complex then I first saw it.


    Sprout, get some Anesthesia...

  7. Wow War smells amazing. Sweet, gingery, lovely. I smell a patchouli underneath. I think this one needs to sit, or my nose could be off because it's so soft, however lasts through getting wet and a couple of hours still as strong as when I put it on. Will retest and report back. So far though I love it.

    I really do NOT smell the honeysuckle yet, it's all warm and spicey.

  8. I haven't been online or made an order in ages, and I feel like I need new recs now, especially since #5 and #1 are no more.


    5. Wolfsbane

    4. Leannan Sidhe

    3. Cheshire Cat

    2. Boabhan Sith

    1. Torture Queen


    (Honourable mentions go to Kumiho and Festival of Anuket)

    What about Mad Hatter? That's a lovely soft summery thing like Leannan Sidhe, more herbal than flowery though.

    Not familiar with 5 and 1.

    Cheshire Cat I love, very jasmine to me. Jasmine Cottage?

  9. huh...coffee? Where am I ...

    OK sorry these are my first Chaos Theories, forgive my confusion.

    First, both my bottles were super full.

    The number on my Floral is 86.

    Starts off with a nasty rose, sort of a combination of the rose in Spellbound and the one in Seance. That leaves and an equally nasty lily comes in . That said, I kind of like it. It smells like my garden right now, sort of overblown and rotted by the sun.

    I do smell the greens in here, but they smell combined with some that have been cut down and are in the bin I just put to the curb to be picked up tomorrow by the recyclers.

    I don't know if it's my favorite BPAL but I am so happy to have it.

    I am riveted by how this keeps changing, and I have no clue why I didn't buy all of the others.



    well, a week out of the mail box, and things have improved, the nasty rotting flowers have all been thrown in the garbage and hauled away, and we are left with much sweeter things. This one is a keeper for sure, lovely.
