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Posts posted by stellamaris

  1. Golden amber and galbanum with frankincense, myrrh, Balm of Gilead, vanilla-infused sandalwood, sand-smoothed leather, and Ceylon cinnamon.

    Wow. This is lovely. I thought it would be more aggressive and "resin-y" but it's actually a cuddly beautiful thing. Lovely cozy sandalwood. Beautiful and totally unisex.

  2. Not for me. Nasty. Smells like red pickles. No no no.


    and I'm back, three months later. Now it smells really nice, like red wine and wood. I like it. How strange.

    It's even mouth watering, sort of like Obsidian Widow or Mason and Jenkins Port Wine Jelly.

  3. I dunno, clearly I am not living in the same world with the above posters, but then again, Black Phoenix is one of my favorites. Cherry and I get along famously.

    I like this version better than the previous incarnation, the verbena is more of a back note whereas in the older version it was more up front.

    This is dark and gorgeous. It's reminding me of Bat of Wealth, and is going right to the top of the Short List.

  4. Snow White has strangely the same vibe to me, it's like a winter Leanan Sidhe, which is one of my favorite summer perfumes.

    If you are looking for more "outdoors" you might try Skadi, or any of the "snowy" moons. The Garden in Winter also has that "outdoors " thing going on.

    A really good readily available one is Neil Gaman's The Snowglobe.

  5. The spirits concur: misty bourbon vanilla and lemon sugar.

    I was so excited that the goblins picked this one for me!
    The lemon is super juicy, the whole of it is nice and light. Yes, being always the right answer...
    I thought it would remind me of Lemon Scented Sticky Bat, but it's fresher and juicier, less candy like.

  6. Because you might want to get a bit of shimmery color over the holiday without risking a moonburn, right? The scent of skin-softening moonscreen: coconut and sugared red patchouli.

    I expected this one to be super light and summer but was quite pleased to find the patchouli is glorious. This is beautiful.


  7. Sweet red wine, blood orange brandy, summer honey, white figs, black grapes, Marasca cherries, and a twist of plasma.

    In the bottle this smells very much like wine, sort of like the red wine in Obsidian Widow, but on the skin the sweetness of everything else blooms. I love this one.


  8. Clown White! So fun! Very cakey, sweet, adorable. I love this.

    My uncle was a huge theatrical makeup manufacturer, at one point every theatrical school program used his makeup kits, and I used to go to schools with him to demonstrate makeup application, so this one is very nostalgic for me, even just the idea of it brings back memories.

    Thank you for this one!

  9. Freaking LOVE this...love it. I don't find it as "fadey" as you do DevilsCandyCane, maybe when your bottle sits a while you won't have that experience, or maybe layer it with something else? Maybe with Bonfire? Or something else heavy like The Apparition? I'm trying to think of something smokey that you might want to temper a bit. For me, I love the smokey but I hate to just have that.

    Also I have to add that I amp amber like crazy, and love it in all forms, so this one works a charm for me.

    The note that hits me the strongest is a sort of caramel thing that I absolutely remember from a Salon, Arrival at the Sabbath and Homage to the Devil which I absolutely love. It's not an actual caramel, just that sort of sweet richness which smells like that to me.


    Strangely, I also don't get much smoke from it. Hmm, I will test it again today. I found it very complex and less powdery than I expected. Going off to retest...

  10. Well it is a Magic Circle after all annemathematics...


    When I first sniffed this I had a rush of scent memories of what I think of as Black Phoenix...sort of like my memories of amazing classics like The Caterpillar and Spellbound...

    sort of like the perfect conjuring of these memories for me, but it's like those scents to Eleven. Strong. With backbone.

    This is beautiful. :wub3:

  11. I don't really get specific lavender in the wet stage, it's more of a "green" thing, which gives way to a beautiful lush floral, but not a round white floral like say Avenger, but a slightly sharp dark thing. I love the heck out of this one, I can see wearing this day, night, it's really good. The musk and the frankincense make it more dark, sophisticated. That said it's not like a department store perfume at all. Dreamy.
