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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by stellamaris

  1. This smells rich and beautiful to me, like cupcakes and roses. Just lovely. Want a big bottle of this for sure.

    It has great throw and lasting ability as well. Win.


    Edit : I got my big bottle two days ago, and of course opened it right up, and was quite horrified, it was nothing but dirt. However I calmed myself and made myself stick it on the back of the shelf, and when I opened it this morning, ahhhhhhhhh much better. She still opens up with dirt, but then the gorgeous flowers come out. Six hours later and there is still spicey sweetness left, and that's on me, the one who eats everything. This is the longest lasting oil I have. Dare I say Signature Scent????

  2. I wanted this to be Hit You Over the Head Incensey Snake Oil, but instead it's sort of tame and ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. That said, all Snake Oil is good Snake Oil, so I'll let this one hibernate for a bit. Do snakes hibernate?


    OMGosh Temple Viper I am so so sorry. I left you alone for a bit, and you are so wonderful now, not like Snake Oil Lite. I get Amber from this Snake sort of like the stuff in Haunted, Shalimar-y kinda smell, amazing...

    White sage, lemongrass, lemon balm, dusty beige musk, and drops of anise.

    I have been really impressed with how quickly my orders are getting to me, I had been told that often there is a monumental wait time, but I have not experienced this yet.

    My Goliath Birdwing landed yesterday. It's quite lemoney and nice, a good change from Lemon Bats as it doesn't have the sweet vanilla note. Don't smell the anise yet, but I have only had it on for about 2 hours. After about an hour it settles down to a medium musk. Wait...maybe that's the anise, I will have to reapply and let it sit.

  4. The scent of this oil is driving me nuts. I can't ascertain what it is, it smells like some kind of cookie or pastry I have smelled before, it is bringing up a very distinct scent memory. I want to say an Italian pastry that starts with an sf, sfoiatelle? Sp? I have to look this up it's really bugging me.

    I get the citrus but it's almost orange to me, smoky, musky, very weird. Will let this one age for a minute.


    Well, seeing as I have the patience of a four year old at Build a Bear, I retested this yesterday, and I have to say it's much less crazy, much less "there's a nice cookie" pat, pat, pat.

    When I got it, it was like Jack Nicholson in "The Shining"..."Honey! I'm Home! And I'm going to kill you with an Italian pastry!", Now it's more like Jack in Chinatown, still crazy, but very stylish and cool. I paired it (or layered it if you will) with Lemon Sticky Bats, and they worked very nicely together.


    OK this one is surely possessed. Today I woke up wanting to wear this. It's like the guy you didn't want to go out with and suddenly he's your boyfriend...

  5. I got this for my DH, and it smells like wonderful light citrus aftershave in the bottle, and fantastic on him. I absolutely got a smokey note, wonderful.


    Edit * My DH loves the heck out of this, the bottle is almost gone, must order more. Still lovely btw. And as he wears our cat a lot, seems appropriate...


    Edit ** We are on our fourth bottle of this over here, Hellboy gets a lot of love...

  6. Softer than I expected, but very nice. It reminds me a great deal of Illustrated Woman.


    *Edit* A few months in and the tobacco is quite strong here, it reminds me of my dad. Very soft and sweet, but the tobacco gives it more "edge" I guess. I don't love this for most days, sometimes I wear it to sleep in.

  7. Horrifyingly enough, yet another This One Goes to Eleven BPAL for me. I think it is the Red Musk that I love so much.

    This one is fruity, I definitely get a raspberry candy thing, and rich, and round. Love it. It is a very heady and thick blend for me, but not oppressive.

    Must have more.

    My husband, whose nose is often better than mine, and whose mother was a perfumer, says this one is quite complex.

    I think this one is gorgeous and sexy.

  8. This one is very light and pleasant on me, I have a hard time smelling it, but it is very nice and "lady". I wore it to my daughter's kindergarten graduation, I did not want to be too scent aggressive. I also had my seven year old daughter review it for you, remember their little noses are more sensitive than most of our older ones, although they may not articulate as astutely as an adult, their impressions tend to be very insightful. For her, the top note was "leaf", and it morphed shortly after into "roses and candy". meaning she likes it.

    For me, it's nice, but maybe not something I would order backup on, although aging may change my mind. As opposed to Red Lace, which makes me wonder why there is no Gallon Size BPAL.


    Edit : Alas in the end, this was too meh for me, my nose could not smell it although it sounded so perfect. Weird, right? I traded it away, sigh...

  9. So. Snake Oil. So very BPAL cliche. Oh so popular. But then my BFF said, you must try the Snake Oil. OK, so I will.

    Are you kidding me??? Why I have I lived so long without this?? Who knew I wanted to smell like a snake?

    Excuse me please, I have to go off to the Carnival to buy a whole other bunch of snakes.


    seriously, wow. This is the most perfect stuff. I have nothing to add except, love love love.

  10. Patchouli. And that's all she wrote folks. Not that I don't love it, but it kills everything else in the bottle, the room, the entire house. But that's OK, you just have to be feeling patchouli.


    Edit * OK ok, so I was wrong...after more than a year at my house this is mostly carnation and clove, and just lovely.

  11. First impressions, starts cakey, then off to creamy orangey blossom. Very light, sweet, soft, good for nighttime (as in bed, not going out) or for day time touch ups when you don't want to kill other people with perfume. I have been layering it (different arms, not together) with Illustrated Woman, they hang out nicely.


    Today I did an all day with the Doll Girl, very nice. She is sweet, very caramel sugary, rich, round.


    Yes this one is deeply good, after day 3 with her. I did mix her up with Illustrated Woman at one point, that worked well too.

  12. Well, just got this one with my first CD order, and I am very confused by it. Not that I don't like it, it's just very Sybil on me, it goes through extreme change just like 13 does. When I first opened it yesterday I smelled the pine, but when I put it on today I did not, and the patchouli does not come out until the very end. It starts out for me flowery tickle my nose ???? and turns into lovely sweet honey vanilla, then the patchouli appears. Weird.

    I have been wearing it with Doll Girl, I find they hang out well together.


    Edit* today I really smelled the smoke, and it is fantastic. Really love this one, although she is a psycho. No pine. Whatsoever.

  13. Just got this today, actually intended for my husband, and wow. I think I just died and went to heaven. Very fresh, but strangely also smokey. And floral which is OK since he likes floral. He's secure in his masculinity. Also he's big enough to intimidate most people who would tell him he smells like flowers lolz. One of his favorite things is Lush's Flying Fox. I think I will love this on him and may ahem steal it from time to time...

    Edit * so after a couple days, I still love this, one of my favorites, it's very fresh, and it smells like the air right after a rain, I guess that is the ozone. It is mellow and round, but also a little tingly in the nose, but not unpleasantly so.

    Edit again * Still loving this, I got an imp of Lightning, I was hoping for a similar experience, it's OK but Lightning is kind of like Stormclouds plainer little sister to me.

    Another Edit ; when oh when is the Carnival coming back so I can buy more of this??? When??? Omgosh it's so good and so lasting and so full of win...


    Edit : Hello? Still adoring this, hidden from the husband :lol: this smells just like before the rain in the city on a nice spring day...glorious. I am going to inhale my arm...

  14. I was once again the lucky recipient of a barely used bottle of this, and I do like it. It is all fruit for me, with a bit of a slightly but not unpleasant heavy honey note. There is also something there that I can't put my finger on, slightly creamy, but not green whatsoever. Like not love.

  15. When I tried this fresh out of the box it was nothing but wood and varnish. Nothing. But after a couple three weeks it still starts out wood, but nice, like a beautiful furniture store or a craftsman's shop, then hits the deeper sandalwood notes, not a lot of rose.

    It lasts quite a few hours, very nice, glad I bought it.

  16. This smells absolutely like it has at least 13 things to me, it's like watching TV with someone who likes to change the channel every two minutes, except with this set all the programs are good. On me right out of the box and a week later, it's dark baking cocoa, then lemony sweet no vanilla, then patchouli and finally roses. And lots of other stuff I don't know what it is but it's fantastic.

  17. So, I was gifted this by someone who tired of smelling like Entemann's and I am so pleased. I totally love it, crave it, my kids adore it. On all of us (myself and small daughters, although I don't know if I want them smelling like tiny hookers lol) it is pure lemon, fresh lovely lemon, and then it dries down to honey and then roses (???)


    ADDED June 15:


    Well, not sure if my nose is broken or not, but over the past week or so this has become my absolute favorite BPAL. It's summery and light, but it does last all day, and stays on my clothes forever. However, all I am smelling is lemon, which is OK by me, and then the honeys come out later. However my DH smelled it and immediately said "Baby Powder". Also OK by me but hmmm, not smelling it. This (the Baby Powder thing) is why I was gifted it as well, as my friend hates that smell.

    I have already used half the bottle. I think that indicates I need more. Immediately.

  18. I got this as a frimp with my Etsy order, and here now is my hopefully not lame review.

    I looked at the name and thought ?????. In the imp and first on my skin it was green and I thought it was going to be very masculine, but then it turns peppery and incense/flowery, and dries down to a heavenly floral. This one is going on the list, while I can still spell it.

  19. I have to say I know that I am not an excellent reviewer after reading the incredible assessments of the BPAL offerings by the folks on this forum, but I'll give you my two cents. I received Queen of Hearts today, and felt nothing but love, as I do for most of the BPAL things that I have smelled/worn. For me the top note is like the chocolate cherry candies that have the liquid cherry in the center, and then it turns into gorgeous lily flowers. Love love love.


    Edit : Unfortunately my skin was sensitive to this oil, but it has gone on to another loving owner!

  20. vanilla yankee candle :(



    One man's Yankee Candle is another's Wow Found This In My Car and Boy Do I Love It! lol.

    I think it is perfectly adorable, smells like lemon pound cake.


    Edit, so many moons later, still love this, ended up with 2 bottles of it. This is quite strong and has great throw, a lil dab will do me. It's a perfect wake me up I have to work 10 more hours scent.
