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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by stellamaris

  1. Thanks to all posters who have reassured me that the pumpkin in Samhain behaves, as I am quite excited for the Weenies, but pumpkin is not appealing for me, so that and any dead leaf things will make me run fast and run far.

    What I have been loving in the cooler monsoon season here in New Jersey (who knew we even had one?) is Terisias, and also Hungry Ghost Moon and Zarita, so yes on the food thing for cooler weather.

    I am hoping the coolness goes the heck away though, not quite ready for this.

  2. Of all the Dragon's Bloods I have tried I chose this one for the Big Bottle, as it's a bit more sophisticated IMO.

    This smells just like Objet D'Art and Spirit, a Los Angeles haunt for me, when I lived there.

    This is like Dragon's Blood, and Heaven.

    It has no edge, just soft incense.

  3. Oh my. This is like the perfect musky one, combined with the incense of say, Caterpillar, and the headiness of Nyx. I want to wear this everyday. Every minute. Love this. It's sweet, spicey, warm, it's Madame Moriarity if she wasn't a carny.

    So thrilled I have a big bottle.


    Edit* My husband steals this from me, it is amazing on him.

  4. This is just awesome. Note to Lab, quit putting imps in with my orders that are so amazing I need a full bottle.


    I love the "red" notes in this, they are rich and round, and the spices are heavy and lovely. This has the same "red" beauty of Red Lace, but more incense and spice. Perfect.

  5. Red musk, pomegranate, cranberry, blackberry, mango, purple sage, thyme, and angelica root.

    This is very nice, light, very berry, in fact I often pair it with Berry Moon.
    This is an OK for me but not OMG OUTSTANDING need five more bottles.

  6. This is as if you took all the really great loves of my BPAL life, like Tieresias, Red Lace, Dragon's Blood and O and made them perfect.

    Just enough cinnamon. And I also smell red musk???

    Edit, no red musk, just that same sort of rich incense that I associate with Sherezade, Snake Oil, The Caterpillar and so on. The bottle that I bought was first in your face very dirty patchouli, but after a couple of months it is amazing cinammony incense, with a lighter patchouli. Quite perfect.

  7. I got my big bottle of this, and I am really pleased with it. For me it is a fresh rose with some greens, it has great throw and lasts for hours. Warning to powder haters though, the last stage is powdery. Fortunately for me, I love that.

  8. You can try the Search function in the upper left hand corner of your screen, just make sure to choose "Forums" so that it does not just search This Topic if you go right to it. I did it and got a few pages, unfortunately there is not a lot of instant gratification there.

  9. I can see that I am going to need a back up bottle of this. This is a really elegant red musk, with incense that is just sweet enough. I don't smell the tobacco for the first couple of hours, then I can smell it in the background.

  10. Arrow, truthfully I have not gone through a bottle yet. Many imps indeed, but no bottles. My bottle of Crib Girls is down to the bottom sixth, and I was gifted that about 3/4ths full. I do have a whole boat load of bottles though, some that I was gifted (one of my BFs has been trying to get me into BPAL for years, finally she won as you can see) and some that I have bought.

    My Attention Deficit Disorder (diagnosed, documented) dictates that I don't use any one regularly, there is a rotation.

  11. This is just incredible, it even feels cold on the skin. I know I love the ozone, it has the same feeling as Stormclouds Over the Midway.

    The mint is nice and soft but still very there, I Love this.

    Through all stages it's very clean and cool, but not at all soapy or artificial.

  12. Very relieved, another of The District girls that I LOVE.

    On first opening the bottle it was kind of wow, fruity peachy pineappley what the...

    But on the skin it is amazing and unique, fresh fruit that turns to sweet honey, very good. Very summer.


    Edit : My husband loves this, I can't get his nose out of my neck when I wear it. I like to layer it with Zarita, to give it more depth.

  13. I was kind of surprised that on smelling this from the bottle it seemed kind of nasty, like bad fruit. However that went away in like a minute on the skin and then it was all red musk. Kind of meh. I am just going to put this one at the back of the cabinet and let her "age" for a bit.


    Edit! OK, OK, I know, just let the bottle age for a hot minute, and I did, now after a few weeks (a really really long time in my world) she's calmed down quite a bit and is now quite friendly. That smack of bad fruit is tamed down to a nice plushy plummy note that turns into a soft but full red musky kind of thing. I woke up this morning wanting to wear it. This has happened to me before with some oils, notably Hungry Ghost Moon.


    I pair the Countess with Josie, then I am a veritable fruit salad.


    OK you win, District. I love the District, just two more to go for a complete set.


    The Countess has that nice plush red muskiness to it without being too Red Lace sexy. That said it does conjure up images of skin for me, as in I could smell it "as a person" if that makes any sense.

  14. This is like Grown Up Vanilla to me. Love this. It's very lovely, long lasting and full. No Play Doh here. Love this mouse.

    I am starting to think that it's the amber that I really love, and all this time I thought it was vanilla.

  15. I probably should order an imp of Black Opal.

    Any other recommendations for Vanilla blends?

    I'd really like something that would smell soft but not play doh like...

    Liz is a wonderful soft vanilla, however you must like smokey, as there is a hefty tobacco note.

    Illustrated Woman is also a great soft vanilla, but it also has a smokey note.

  16. This is a wonderful berry, I love the smell of it so much, I ordered two bottles of it, and it's living in my Zocket right now, which I even sleep in. Obsessed much?


    *Edit* this does disappear very rapidly, so it's best in the Zocket. Still gorgeous. I am convinced now that All Bats is Good Bats for me.

  17. So, I have been hesitating about reviewing this, as I love it so much and I had planned to hoard it all for myself, but I see someone else has foiled my ebil plan.

    Love this. Fresh, delicious and strawberry. Perfect.

    Does not last so long though, sigh...


    Really heavenly and rich, so very light though. I do love this.
