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Posts posted by stellamaris

  1. Cloister Graveyard in the Snow would be perfect for you I think, it's snow and mint, very gorgeous. No pine whatsoever. It is in the Salon series, so you can buy it anytime. Also this years Dust of Snow had no pine, just snow and flowers (?) for me. Cloth of Gold also snow and flowers. Yellow Snowballs, snow and citrus. Onduris has definite pine. You might also look at Pink Snowballs.

    The Yules (all of the ones I listed except for Cloister Graveyard) are only available till February.

    I can't recommend Cloister Graveyard enough, it is fantastic.

    For chocolate you might want to try Gelt (also a Yule). I mixed it with another Yule, Lick it Discreetly, which smells just like a candy cane, and poof, I am Peppermint Bark.

  2. Holy guacamole, this is really good. It does not smell too "boy" on me, it seems very lush, clovey and musky. It's dense, in a sort of Caterpillar Lite way. LOVE this one, it is dark and complex but not too heavy for day for me, others might think of this as a night time scent (like going out not passing out lol.)

  3. ????? I must be broken.

    Athens = Fig Newtons for me. Don't get me wrong, it smells amazing, and people keep wanting to hug me when I wear it. A bit alarming as I am not a real "huggy " person, but ok.

    I love this and it does not smell like any other BPAL I have.

  4. Beautiful and Adored is just that, beautiful and adorable, with a strong juicy fruitiness.

    Oh and I forgot to say, from a habitual slatherer (this is not a word BTW) this is strong stuff, and very lasting. I like this one very much, it's very girly, but with a backbone.

  5. My own "take" on the "Old Lady" scent is that it smells like an old lady. Here's how that happens. Older ladies sometimes have very dry skin, so they don't bathe every day. I'm not saying they smell like B.O. What they DO is apply their perfume every day. So, what you end up with is staler perfume, overlayed by stale perfume, overlayed by fresh perfume. UGH! And more times than not it is not the right perfume, and it is applied WAY too heavily multiple times.


    It isn't necessarily the notes that make it smell old lady, it is the application? :sick:

    You must have met some Ladies of a Certain Age with Really Bad Hygene Habits :ack:


    I have to add in Ave Maria Gratia Plena, one of my personal favorites, but I have to be in a certain mood to wear it, as it is very heavy, and feels a lot like Guerlain's Mitsouko to me.

  6. Nocha Buena is pretty darn lovely, and smells like what a poinsettia would smell like, if it smelled like anything.

    That said I still think my hit of the season is Gelt with Lick it Discreetly, smelling like Peppermint Bark I can surely die happy.

    The Frankenstiens are pretty awesome, so far my favorite is Dense & Frightful Darkness.

  7. Pepper after hanging out a couple of months has become one of my December go to scents, strangely also smelling like cookies to me. Very spicy and warm.

    Edit to say that Pepper is still one of my favorite cold weather scents. It has a lot of body to it, it's not just cookies, it's spicy and the florals give it a lush background that does not scream flowers. It also lasts and is very strong, it is one of the few things I can smell in my hair the next day. I :wub2: Pepper so much, she's even getting a spot in my next "Must have all the Yules " order.


    Pepper surely is one of my Desert Island BPALs. I can never run out of it, it goes with everything, every situation, weather etc. It's warm and comforting. So lovely.

  8. What a stupid name for this oil. Clearly it should have been called The Best Stuff Ever. OMG this is the best stuff ever. This oil has convinced me that I must be a die hard foodie. Also that I need like two more bottles of it.

    I thought this would be straight up Cherry Vanilla, but it's not, it's spicy and deep and also has very long staying power on me. At first application, wet, it's all cherry, then comes the vanilla, and last the spices. So. Good.


    I have this in my scent locket, people must think I am bats**t crazy always sniffing my necklace...

  9. I surely do get the fizzy quality here. My son tried this one tonight, he said it smelled like the markers he used to have as a child. I thougth it smelled very creamsicle on him, very nice, he liked it and ended up with it. It really isn't for me, it is not something I would reach for. Fantastic on him though.

  10. Gelt

    Gelt 2011 is All Milk Chocolate All the Time, just like real Gelt.

    And then I mixed it with Lick it Discreetly and learned the meaning of True Love.

    As an aside, Gelt lasts forever, it was still discernible many hours after application.


    Oh, and as another aside, on me it's all chocolate all the time, but on my BF it turns into some warm sweet deep delicious I don't know what but really darn good.

  11. I love this so much, it is very much like Cloister Graveyard in the Snow, love this. It's so fresh and bracing. Could be for any sex, it's heady and airy at the same time.


    Edit * after having a Cloister vs. Dust Smackdown, Cloister is much plainer and clearly mintier than this, I smell the flowers in here. I love this one, the snow note is just heaven for me.

  12. Lucky for me there are no laws against sarcasm, however I find many sadly often do not recognize this beast when it wanders into their radar.

    Yes, I know that you cannot be indited for being an asshat, the point I was trying to make clearly not very well, was that it is so egregious to be ageist that it is indeed, against the law, as it is to be racist, and therefore comments of this nature can go right into the Really Truly Offensive box, along with racist jokes, misogynist comments and all other hurtful tacky junk.
