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Posts posted by stellamaris

  1. Lovely. Starts out with a very lush blast of something, which dries down to gorgeous glorious violet.

    Edit : Wow, this one is really a morpher. I can't even say the changes it goes through, but they are all gorgeous. Now after a month or so my dry down is an amazing powdery violet. I really may need a back up of this one.

    Sometimes I am amping a very dusty note, not sure what that is.

  2. A new year’s blessing! Peony, China’s national flower, with bamboo for flexibility, orchid for luxury and elegance, pomelo for luck, plum blossom for perseverance, courage, and hope, tangerine for wealth, lychee for household peace, pine resin for constancy, golden kumquat for prosperity, pussy willow for growth, King mandarin for good fortune, cypress for longevity, and peach fruit to represent the fourth phase of Wu Xing. This year’s Lunar New Year blend also has an extra dollop of wild orange and flaming red dragon’s blood give you fortitude and strength, and, of course, to assist in scaring away the rampaging Nian.

    I am so happy I pulled the trigger on this little monkey with my Luper order. Wow this is so amazing, and very powerful.
    It goes through so many phases and is so long lasting, and every phase is so colorful and lovely. On my husband the wet was very citrusy, with seemingly the tangerine being right out front, and the dry down turned immediately into orchid!
    I love this, still exploring it. At the very end I smell the pine resin.

  3. Well, when I got this I don't know if I was just not in the mood or what, but I didn't really wear it. Suddenly I am completely obsessed with it. It is super sweet but somehow not over the top cloying. The strawberry note is just gorgeous and I don't even care that I have to reapply it because I am so in love. Oh hello, this will be going in the scent locket, duh...the cure for poofy amazing perfumes...

  4. Hm. That's challenging as you don't dig the snow note, but immediately I thought of Braving the Ice. It's foody but very different from regular retail vanilla things.


    Have you tried Gacela of the Dark Death? To me it's a resin heavy forrest kind of scent, very beautiful and cold. A definite pine note.

  5. Let me just say that La Befana was the Yule I was most excited about. I had a decant from last year but did not get a bottle, somehow I overlooked the decant, and it was so lovely.

    I got my bottle ripped out of the package, applied and was ???? what the heck? Fortunately, I left it a few days waited, now ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, there's that heavenly violet thing...

    This is so beautiful. I am obsessed, it's sweet violet candy.

  6. Well, this may age into the dark apple thing that I thought it would be, but for now it's a beautiful high pitched appley thing, delicious and fresh. I want more of the patchouli/champaca thing which is mostly in the background for now. Unlike the above poster this one absolutely poufs on me, but it's AMAZING in a scent locket. It's absolutely mouth watering. The other day I went out to walk my dogs bundled in coat, scarves etc., and thought, wow what is that amazing scent? Is it on my scarf? The neighbors looking out the windows may have thought, oh there goes that nut again, she's always sniffing herself...

    but I could not locate it on my clothes and then ding, it hit me, it's my scent locket with Apple III that is buried about four layers deep! I love this one. And to think apple used to be one of my "death notes". Thank you Beth for basically eliminating the need to ever type the words "death note " again :biggrin:

  7. This one always smelled very medicinal to me wet, but today I tried a very ancient imp and wow the dry down was all beautiful honey and musk. I usually am a huge cinammon fan so I am glad I gave this one another shot. I may have to buy a bottle and age it!

  8. I probably have posted this before but Lady Death Savage is one of the most wonderful vanilla scents ever! It's womanly and sexy with that floral and ambergris backdrop.

    :laugh: That's one of my husband's favorites, for himself that is!

    He however does tend to go for more "flowery " things than you would suspect. One night he wore Raven Moon to bed...it smelled just amazing on him.

    I tend to go for more "manly" things so I guess we even out.

    Lady Death smells gorgeous on him btw. It's a beautiful perfume.
