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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by stellamaris

  1. I kind of love this one, I keep reaching for it again and again. It's not particularly feminine, but not so very Boy Cologne either. The notes are well blended and behave, even the leather is subtle, not Bash You Over the Head Leather, like for me in In the Forest.

    It's a little salty, resinous and mouth watering, medium strength. Love it. Yes.

    I've come to the realization that booze notes are fantastic for me, I was afraid of them as a BPAL newbie because I did not want to smell like McSorley's at 7AM (which I have smelled BTW :ack: ) but with the success of Perversion (which is all win for me, but so much sweeter than this), Kill Devil and The Obsidian Widow, I intend to belly up to the bar...

  2. So, I ordered this purely on impulse, having never smelled it before, but all of the notes seemed like they were perfect.

    Right out of the mailbox, this is heavenly. First I smelled a black furry patchouli, like the one in Occupy Wall Street, and then the carnation seemed to arrive and take over when it dried down :wub2: Will be testing more...may need back ups...

  3. I can hardly smell this, unlike Pink Lace, which I can smell from across the room.

    When I can smell it, it's very nice. One place I can smell it is on my clothes, faintly.


    OK so a few weeks later, I can smell this, but it is very faint. It is a wonderful smokey clovey light vanilla, with frankinscence, I don't know quite how to describe this, but the scent is very open, like it's wafting through an open window, coming in on a breeze. Surprisingly fresh. I like this, it's a nice soft scent.

  4. Well, I just made my last Luper order, and I did get a back up of Elizabeth of Bohemia, although I do love many of my Lupers, it's hard to say how they will age, so one bottle is enough for what I have, but Elizabeth of Bohemia is so specific and potent, I had to have another.

    And although the Shungas are up for another month, I got my :eek: four back ups of Playful Wooden Mallets. After The Heartbreak of No More Wiley Grasser, I wanted to be safe rather than sorry.

  5. I have to say, I think this is one of the Hidden BPAL Gems we've heard so much about.

    This is warm and gorgeous, salty, and spicy. Very golden.

    I have to admit, the first few times I opened the imp it smelled a little like ???cheese??? but getting past that and trying it was very worth it.


    Just added the Big Bottle to my order!

  6. I like this one very much, although I am suspicious that I smell like a really nice chair, or handbag, as it is very


    It's strange, I get the LEATHER straight out of the gate, then it turns to pure soap for about 5 minutes, then back to LEATHER. Mind you, this is only like a day out of the mail, this one may become more than LEATHER. I do like it though, I mixed it up today with Peacock Queen, my own version of Whip. Which I also love. Next time I want to try it with Elizabeth of Bohemia.
