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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by stellamaris

  1. Hmm, this is right in that twilight zone between WTF and Wow Seriously Good.

    My first impression was caraway seed, like rye bread? Then I realized it was the anise. Musky and smokey yes, very nice.

    The anise is not sweet, this is not Licorice Bats, this is Sambuca anise. I can see wanting to wear this, very interesting.

    Edit * And I do wear this, but it is not an everyday kind of scent. I don't get much smoke, just a salty caraway seed thing, but very rich and musky too. It's not very girly, and it surely goes on my Top Five Most Bizarre BPALS That I Love list.

  2. My true love, black musk, I find you here with Pine, also one of my amours, and minty mint. I love you...

    This one is really good, and doesn't smell too boy. It's nice and fresh piney, but with other things running around so it's not a single note forest.

  3. Voodoo is well, voodoo. I don't smell any one thing in particular, but it is lush and spicey. No almond for me, thankfully as that makes me feel ill.

    The dry down is very green sort of boy cologne, but still really really good.

    Full of awesome and win.

    Yes I know, my reviews just keep getting better and better...

    One thing I can say is the patchouli is the nice tame kind, not the IN YOUR FACE Sin or Occupy Wall Street one, so patchouli haters may be ok.

  4. I never reviewed this, and it was one of my first Big Bottle purchases, after I had drained the imp that was given to me by a friend, drained it dry.

    Sweet, grapey, very candy.

    After those top notes dry away, it's a very deep inscence and musk, very rich.

    This is very strong, and lasts forever. A little dab will do you.

  5. Yay! Something I don't need to buy! Thin, screaming, high pitched, no. Just no.

    I do get the peach at some point but the beginning wet stage is too much for me, it makes me a little queasy. This is headache in a bottle.

    I will stick with Josie for my peaches.

  6. Heavenly smokey and deep, I love this one and I have been squeezing the life out of my poor lil frimp. This one is Big Bottle worthy, it is so very rich and lush smelling. Not really a day time scent for me though.

    I do love opium in other blends, so I guess that is why this works so well.

  7. This is one of my everyday scent and mental boosters, I am about to order my second BB of it.

    As a scent it is a wonderful rich floral and fruit melange. Strangely I get strawberries? Not actual cherry but that rich cherry feeling.

    Sweet, very very sweet.

    And like Cattastroficka, I love o'lady junk too, so this one is for me.


    As an aside, I always work with High John, candles, herbs, oils, I have always felt an affection for him. And so it continues...

  8. Red Devil is one of the Conjure Bag scents that I have a BB of. I had to buy it just for the name (I am a Red Devil myself). It is very citrus and bubblegum, and reminds me A LOT of Lolita, but Lolita has more staying power for me.

    I do love this Devil, but it is very light.

  9. Sigh. Can't even test this, all I can smell is APPLE. Bleech. Now I feel like one of those posters I make fun of, "I really can't stand the smell of apple, but I thought I would try this All Apples All the Time and hope that it did not smell like apples! Boy, was I ever disappointed..." :evil:

  10. Hmmm, I thought I reviewed this, maybe it was a dream...

    I just ordered a big bottle of Lolita, I find it a most wonderful perplexing scent. It starts out with a pink bubblegum blast (one of the flowers?) but then it turns into a pink bubblegum with sweet lemon. Somehow this really works.

  11. I had to try this for my MIL, as I am always looking for hyacinth scents for her.

    I have tried so hard to love apple, but bleech, it is really vile, and totally dominates this at the beginning, it softens and then the hyacinth appears quite clearly.

    I could not wear it myself as I can't stand the apple, but if you love hyacinth try this. The DB is quiet in this one for me.

  12. Wow very pretty and very honey. Strangely the first thing I thought when I smelled it was "Snake Oil", it's as if it's Snake Oil without the sparklyness. Yes I know that is not a word...

    It's like the same type of depth and feeling as SO but smoother, more velvety. This is what I wanted Womb Fury to be, but knowing Snake Oil as I do I know I will have to let it sit on the shelf for six more months.

    This is intriguing, and could be a very nice warm day time thing for me.

  13. And definitely get the Poisson d'Avril if you can it is gorgeous.

    My MIL said she absolutely got Hyacinth from Grief, and she used to be a perfumer so her nose is very good, not busted like mine B)


    Oooh I did not realize Ladon had hyacinth, I am pulling out my imp right now to try it...


    I have hyacinths all over my flower beds, they just went away this week, but they are perennials so they will come back.

  14. It's funny, as soon as I see Cherry Cough Syrup! in a review, I know I am going to love it. I got this as a frimp, and put it on one night driving around, and I totally fell in love. This smells like perfect cherry incense, and it does not turn to powder. Heaven. I went home and ordered a bottle.

    The only honey I really loved before this was Crib Girls.

  15. This is really fantastic, and I am kind of meh on lavender. This is blended so that the lavender mixes with other flowers and something high and sweet? Fruit? But then mellows into a strong softness, if that makes any sense.

    The mint in this is much like the sweet mint in Mad Hatter. This is full of win.

  16. So. I did not plan to buy this one, but in my quest to buy all of the Playful Wooden Mallets, the Lab accidentally put one of these in my order. Understandable, as the label art is very similar.

    Perversely, I actually really like this! I don't get any horrifying cumin or curry or cigarette ash. It actually reminds me a bit of Arrival at the Sabbath and Homage to the Devil. I will retest in a few days, but seemingly this was a happy accident. Or someone trying to get me to stop hoarding all of the PWM...

  17. I am learning about patience, so I have refrained from skin testing this yet, it came two days ago.


    In the bottle it smells like a light gorgeous Dragon's Blood mixture, will update with review shortly...


    OK, tested today. This is exactly what I wanted it to be, salty, flowery, mysterious Dragon's Blood and heaven. Not super light either, kind of medium strength and good throw.

  18. I don't know if it's just mental, but Blood Countess makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.


    I also had the strangest ever experience last year with Dracul, I got it as a Frimp from the Lab, but strangely (as everything from the Lab is bubble wrapped and nothing has ever broken before or since) the imp was broken in half, and as I (so I thought ) carefully picked it up the glass cut me, and yes, drew blood.
