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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by stellamaris

  1. I am getting married in June (like, a month away) and am trying to find my perfect scent.


    I also want to find one that I don't feel embarassed saying the name of.

    i.e. I love Copulating Mice, but if my fiance's mother asked me what I was wearing, I would have a fit.


    Some of my go-to scents:

    - Tamora

    - Dorian

    - The Mouse's Long and Sad Tale

    - Harlequin and Columbine


    I don't want anything too terribly heavy, more of a... "My, you smell lovely!" type thing. Maybe something more on the floral fruity side (but not to floral, I get a headache from say, The Unicorn). I love vanilla. LOVE. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE. :D

    You might be really liking Blossoms in Springtime, it's a very lush vanilla scent, and that isn't a bad name.

    I suggest you wear Copulating Mice, just tell your MIL "Oh thank you! It's Mice F**ing!" could you imagine....

  2. I can't believe I haven't reviewed this yet, I love this and it's going to be a big bottle in my next order. Thankfully I don't get beaned over the head with a leather bludgeon, truthfully I am grateful to not smell the leather at all, rather I get the rhubarb first, and then a complex fluffy vanilla scent. Just like I want my Heroines to be, saving the world before bedtime...

  3. Oh my. This is quite gorgeous. At first, I didn't know if it was too boy, but after several different tests I have to say no, it's pretty neutral, and does not smell like cologne.

    Wet it's like fresh night air, it's so wonderful, it's not fresh like laundry soap, like Dirty, it's fresh like the air on Mulholland Drive at midnight in October. It's fresh like 2AM on Avenue B, just walking out into a summer night right after a rain storm.

    I love this, it's evocative and mysterious, perfect for when I don't want to smell like fruit, or candy.

  4. This is without equal, my favorite floral so far in my BPAL experience. It is more classically blended than most other BPAL florals, meaning it smells more like "perfume". But what a perfume. This is so lush, not strident or headachey, and it does not turn to either soap or powder on me.
    It's so elegant, it's like what Grace Kelly would have worn, in a silk afternoon dress with pearls. You could wear this to be presented at court. Or to meet your in laws for the first time.
    It's quite evocative to me of a lady like and graceful time, without being fusty or too old timey. It's sophisticated and retro, but in the best way. The analogy that came to me was Snake Oil is like Lindsay Lohan (don't get me wrong, love me some Snake Oil. I'm not above being trashy and running the streets like a wild dog) and this is like Grace Kelly.
    I am definitely getting a bottle of this ASAP, it's amazing. And my heart would break if it went away before I had at least 12 I mean 1 bottle...

  5. Yes this is awesome, but Strong Snake Oil is strong. You need to want to smell like Snake Oil from three feet away to wear this, and it surely overpowers anything else you put on.

    That said, it is amazing. And I have determined that I like wearing this better than actual Snake Oil, and there are things it does not clash with.

    Useful and good, but I wouldn't have it as my one and only hair gloss.

  6. Strangely I get no flowers specifically, or patchouli. This smells like musk and fresh night air. Really nice, light but not invisible.

    I have tested this a few times, and I have to say this has become a favorite, and on the Must To Be Buying list. After the first rush that smells like wet night air in the courtyard of a stone castle, it turns to violets, then to a gorgeous incense. Perfect throw and lasting power, just gorgeous. :wub2:

    I have to add a tiny note...OMG I LOVE NIGHT RAVEN.............

    I would say this one goes to 11.

    With most other things (exceptions, Sin, Lampades,Snake Oil, Playful Wooden Mallets) I am a slatherer. Is that a word? I douse myself liberally. To my constant amazement, Night Raven needs one puny drop and it smells amazing for 12 hours plus! It is just heavenly, the perfect incense blend. Gorgeous, amazing, I can't think of enough words. I don't know if I will be able to buy enough bottles of this...

  7. Dear Beth, I have over 100 Big Bottles now. They have filled two shelves of my medicine cabinet, and four other shelves in my bathroom. The backups and the three I want to sell are on a tray on my dresser. I don't really have anymore room for Big Bottles. Let's not talk about the imps. Let's just not. You need to stop.


    OK, srsly? I got this one as a frimp. WTFaerie. This is so good. I LOVE the frankincense, and thanks to you Beth, I can now spell it, and the sweet fruity flowery thing. I love this. I needy need it. Just one more, yeah?

  8. Urd

    I don' t remember why I ordered this, but I am convinced it was the Guardian Angel of BPAL saying "get this one fool. It's really good and you will LOVE it."

    *looks around furtively* does anyone else know how good this is? Do I need to buy 15 more bottles?

    It's like a lush, sweet, fruity patchouli. This smells like win.
