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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by stellamaris

  1. Holy Filthy Patchouli Batman! There's that OWS Patch, but in this it's surrounded by blankets of resiny goodness, which keep it from bashing me in the face with it's shrillness. This is so good, so yummy, the same deep, lushness of Smokey Moon or Tombeur but somehow more gentle, more artful. This is a blend like Avenger for me, something I could wear to work and not frighten the people.

    Heavenly. Will need more of this one. I am kind of surprised this isn't more lauded.

  2. All Souls is amazing to me, but I find it very frankincense dominant, which is fine by me. Ella I have your Night Raven flying to you...I hope maybe you will love it...


    Oh! And here is one I just tried, that is pretty amazing, Gothic Horror.

  3. I love incense too! Have you tried my favorite of all time, The Night Raven? It's awesome beyond awesome for me. Also from the Tanukis, Jibiki and Tanuki No Amiuchi.


    The Witch Queen is one that I have been dying to try as well.


    What about Morgause?

  4. Genius topic, I have been wearing myself out tonight listing, reading, this BPAL stuff is like work sometimes :lol:


    For me, the standouts are

    Cloister Graveyard in the Snow, amazing. I tried like 5 Yules with the snow note wanting them all to be this, the only one that came close was Dust of Snow. I love this in the summer, it actually feels cool on my skin.

    Arrival at the Sabbath and Homage to the Devil, beautiful lush caramel. Heavenly.


    I want to try these, so I may end up buying some/all

    Three Brides

    Judith Victorious

    Philosopher in Meditation

    Lot and His Daughters

    La Mort Qui Danse

    The Penitent Magdalen


    OK, so I made my first OMG order, with Lot & His Daughters, Three Brides and The Philosopher. Ruddy Daggerwing and Spanish Red Carnation came along for the ride.

  5. Wow this is really amazing. It has lushness and greenness, but no particular flowery scent comes up. I really like this and think it would be a great hot summer scent.


    I do love this one, however I had a strange experience with it, I put some on before a nap and I dreamed a very intense dream about my late mother, so strange.

  6. Amazing, this is just glorious. It does not smell sad to me, it smells like gorgeous. Flowery, I surely smell violets, there is a tangy, sparkly thing that runs through the center. This smells like yes. My notes say "Buy this! Now!"

    I must obey the sticky notes...

  7. This was the first Metamorphosis that I bought this year, and it is the Blueberry Goodness of Good. That's all I have to say, it's just good, unique, does not smell like any other BPAL, and you should buy it. OK?

    Really, I love this one, it's sweet but not cloying, very rich and satisfying.

  8. I could not order a bottle of this fast enough, as my decants came yesterday and I ordered the bottle yesterday, I think that was pretty darn fast.

    To me, Red is like summer in a bottle. Tart, sweet, so gorgeously blended, sophisticated enough for a grown up lady, but pretty enough that my daughters will say Mommy you smell good.

    The dry down has a rich almost chocolatey smell, whatever it is it's nice.

    Also has great staying power.

  9. Anything with snow in it, Yellow Snowballs, Cloister Graveyard in the Snow (this one actually feels cool, from the mint?), Dust of Snow, Onduris, these are all very cooling.

    Mad Hatter for places where bugs may roam.

    Vampire Bride, Geisha in Orange Kimono Admiring a Samurai for orangey freshness

    Polynesian Pop, Street Festival, The Vine, for general fruity goodness

    Red, my new summer love, could not order a bottle of this fast enough

  10. Holy Barbiemobile Batman! This smells like a doll's head! This smells like My Little Pony!!! I freaking love this!! It's so silly, I think I need some.

    This does remind me of being a kid and opening a new doll. Yay for dollies!!!!! I still like opening new dolls, ahem...

  11. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah this is so gooooooooooooooood!!!!!!!!! I love this! It starts out as delicious dark chocolate, and shortly thereafter becomes a fresh juicy fruity thingie omg I love this!!!!!!!!!!! And it's not limited!!!!!!! I have to buy some!!! Right now!!!!!!

    Um, yeah so little bit excited about this one...


    So...some days have gone by, got my big bottle of this...still ridiculously good. I need 41 bottles of this. Stat. copy?

    So flipping good. Lasts forever too. really good. have I mentioned good?

    This one makes me silly. OK sillier.
