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Posts posted by stellamaris

  1. Love, love, love. Love this. Really. :wub2: Orangey, juicy, grounded with a gorgeous patchouli, so beautiful. This smells like 1967 to me, not quite Filthy Hippy but Love Child.

    And if you like this, try that Ira Bath Oil. OMG gorgeous and so rich.

    On those days when I really need a stronger scent these two are perfect, I prefer Vixen over Snake Oil, it has that citrus note that lightens everything up for me and makes it less goth, more cerebral.

  2. Pink Floyd wasn't around in the fifties, but you might like them if you were fifty :lol:


    But seriously, Lolita is not only a great vintage work, both in film and in print, but from BPAL a really good perfume, sort of fruity and bubblegum, but also very feminine. Like Lolita herself.


    Leanan Sidhe to me is very old timey, also Haunted which smells like an old perfume called Shalimar to me.


    If you like Rosemary you might like Catherine.

  3. As soon as I see reviews that say "Bleech cherry cough syrup gross and yucky" I run to press the Buy It Now button, but somehow I have avoided buying the BB of Black Phoenix, and I thank the Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla for selling me hers.

    I love this. It's cherry and darkness and love. Love. It's not too candy sweet, it has a bit of an edge.

    Oh and I always kiss mirrors, I guess this is perfect for me :twisted:

  4. Have you tried Al-Azif? A lot of people get a sweet incense note from it. I didn't :cry2: but a lot of others do.

    I second this Al Azif is amazing, but it is kind of milky, if you like that it's great. It's kind of what I wanted Morocco to be except I can't smell Morocco. It's similar in feel to Kubla Khan, but less salty.

  5. I'll be gambling, why not. After all I have had so many hits, Cloister Graveyard, Philosopher in Meditation, Arrival at the Sabbath, Lot & His Daughters (shoot me and kill me, this is so good), I want to give a few others a chance, like The Ecstasy of St. Theresa, And There Was a Great Cry in Egypt, La Mort Qui Danse and Ressurection of the Flesh. And that is it. Maybe...

    oh yeah, Judith Victorious, I knew there was one more.

  6. I will be getting a back up of this one before the Salon goes away, wow it is incredible. There are so many levels, and changes in this one, it morphs and vacillates, no need to slather. I get the same incense note of love as The Night Raven and Pteropus Whoeverhewas, a nice soft leather, tangerine, and even I can smell them!!

    It's not men's cologne for me at all, it's smart, sophisticated, beautiful, well blended, heaven. For when I don't want to smell like candy.

    It could be for a lady or a man though, perfectly unisex.

    I don't know why I smell leather in this, something leathery? I don't know.

    The patchouli is so nice too, not obnoxious.

  7. This is sweet and spicey, sort of in the same family as Kubla Khan, but without the leathery stuff. I love this, it's warm and deep. Very golden.


    I just ordered my Big Bottle of this, I am so obsessed with it, the imp is toast. This is so delicious and warm, very much like Morrocco but with a bit more backbone.

  8. Holy Carnation Batman, why did I not order five bottles of this! Wait! I still can!

    OMG this is so good, it's so lush, and Clemence? WTF? I don't smell this in Clemence, that is a clove TKO for me. This is not sharp like Maiden, it's warm and round, lush and gorgeous. Just gorgeous.

    Oh, and it lasts for hours and hours.


    Edit * I am so stupid. Today I reached for my bottle of Clemence (I mean my partial dwindling down to a few precious drops bottle) and there it was! That carnation note right on top and still there an hour later...

  9. Okay. Following Impolight's reviews is like getting two love notes, one containing a perfect and lyrical sonnet, akin to one written by one of the great bards of yore, let's say, Shakespeare for instance, and the second one just saying "Do you like me? Check one for yes, two for no."

    Clearly I wrote the second one.


    On to the review...

    Lately all patchouli is smelling fruity to me. This is OK by me. I have had this imp of Dance of Death for quite some time, but for some reason, I did not really remark on it, but it never got tossed into the No Just No, Get Out box. Today I put it on and thought, wow! Hey! It's that great dirty patchouli of OWS fame, it's furry and fabulous! But there is something else there as well, something super fabulous, and it's my True Love, black musk, sigh.


    I have checked one for yes.
