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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by stellamaris

  1. OK, I think I have to test this another day, it's going pouf right to incense on me, then vanishing. We'll come back to the Library another day then, it smells lovely, for a minute...

    so, patience being a virtue that I am working on, I gave this about a week and it's turned into a very nice round incense scent. Actually nice for sleeping in, picking the kids up from school and not scaring the other parents, etc. I like this one a lot and will wear the heck out of it.

  2. this is like Snake Oil and The Night Raven got married, and they had a baby but it could also have been fathered by Lot and His Daughters, stand by for DNA results...

    So very good, red musky, incensey, very very good.

  3. 2012 Version : This is very heavy and dark, in the Smokey Moon/Schwartzer Mon family however there is something in it that really really strongly (and I like blends that are considered "boy" or "either") Gentleman's Scent to me, so it got pushed over to that side of the cabinet...

  4. 2012 Version : Not crazy for this, seems a bit flat. I prefer The Vine, this one may have to go...


    OK, this was much better yesterday, more of the very fresh pear, I still think I will usually prefer the Vine.

  5. This is very incense heavy to me, with some rich florals in the background, I love this, sigh, need some backups...

    I know I am going to wear the heck out of this one, it's not too anything, not too head shop, not too flowery, not too sweet, it's just right, said Goldilocks. I can see this on a boy too, like most of my favorites.

  6. I received this one due to Mad Good Fortune, and I do like it. It is a morpher, it morphs from strong sharp and green to soft and wet flowers, so very nice.


    It is a sweet floral, but very wearable IMO, will update.


    Just wanted to add, this is AMAZING as a room scent, just gorgeous. Not too perfumey, flowery, my daughter said it smelled like being outside in a garden.

  7. It finally came to me what this was reminding me of, the old Khiel's Musk Oil that I used to buy from the original store in the East Village, back when they sold perfume oils, like a hundred of them, in little brown bottles, like the Black Phoenix ones. You could get bigger bottles too as I remember.

    Kheils, like so many other cosmetic/perfume companies was bought out a few years ago, now it is a "brand", sigh.


    But I still remember the smell of that Musk...

  8. Shoot me and kill me, this is so nice. When I first opened it I thought, whoa, hit me with a big candy brick why don't you, but after application I felt like I could smell something vaguely dusty, like under the sofa cushions? It's been on for about three hours and still has power. Very very good. You need this. Trust me.
