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Posts posted by stellamaris

  1. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous...I keep hearing Elvis Presley in my head, "and Marie's the name, of her latest flame..."

    More violet-y than The Raven, less vanilla, more of a pure floral. Love this. Ordering BB.

  2. Peonies and cream.

    Very mysterious this one, still trying to figure it out. When I first put it on it smells like the pastry note in Knave of Hearts, but then turns into flowers...weird, but I like it. Strong however, go easy...

  3. Eeep. WTF is this! I really like this, and after reading the reviews, I am not surprised, I often like "boy" scents that make others go Blerrrrgh.


    This is sort of a more serious Urd to me. So very nice, but strong!! And thankfully I smell no wood, just wonderful resiny almost fruity, dusty goodness, very dark and a bit stinky, deep and rich...

  4. 2012 here. so. I finally get a bottle of the famous Snow White. I opened and sniffed and thought, eh, what's all the fuss about? This smells like leetle girl perfume...

    Then, on Christmas I tested it. OK. I get it now. This is awesome, fresh without being overly ozone, snowy without the snow note taking over, and floral, but in the most adorable way.

    Snow White for the win. Warning : May require hoarding...


    an addition to my review. Snow White is really long lasting on me, and I am a famous Perfume Eater, my skin sucks everything right up, but this hangs around for days. And is awesome. Must. Have. More.

  5. Seance. Quick run to your interwebs and get some Seance. I find it similar to the Peacock Queen but slightly more rich.


    My rose lovin' friend adores Phantom. Also London. I don't get a whole lot from London myself.


    My favorite hands down ultimate roses are in the Dawns, Mother and Priestess to be exact. I am in the minority as I don't love Maiden. Mourning Victory is more green than flowery, but very very good.

  6. I wore chocolate all day to keep me in the holiday spirit, I started off as a Peppermint Patty, with Lick It and Gelt, then moved on to a slightly more complex Uncle Travelling Matt. I am about to go take a Red Velvet bath, and will surely put on Halloween Las Vegas, I always feel as if that reinforces the Red Velvet. Hmpf.


    I might be pastry tommorow, ala King of Hearts or Jolesvanir...or I might go pine-y with Onduris...
