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Posts posted by stellamaris

  1. I like this. What the heck? I don't usually like aquatics, but lately I have been interested in them, I do like Frederic, I do wear Halloween at Innsmouth, and I enjoyed Mary Read, although I would not really wear it as it's a bit too Aaargh Mateys We Are Pirates on a Wooden Ship for me.

    I ordered this just seeing FRANKINCENSE & PETiTGRAIN and ignoring everything else, and was really scared when I saw the reviews.

    I was scared to even open the bottle, as usually "aquatic" scents just give me a blinding headache, and make me think of Calvin Klein perfume from the eighties.


    Imagine my surprise, I like this! I will wear this! I don't have to resurrect my sales page!


    I think it's all the grounding elements, like the frankincense and petitgrain that make this scent for me. It is so amazingly evocative of sea air, and so wonderfully mouth wateringly salty, but it's also quite lush and deep.


    Love this. I can't stop smelling myself...


    And I finally figured out the scent association I have with this, it's similar to BPTP Coney Island Creek...no wonder I love this. This is getting a lot of wear, it's fresh and salty

  2. ok, surely I hope to revisit this review, as Mother Nature is still not done having her little joke with me...and yes, I can hardly smell this.

    First, I got a clear one, and the cocoa smelled very much like one of the 13s from last year, with a coffee tinged edge, and then pouf it was gone. By next week, who can say?


    OK later in the day I could smell this, and it was fantastic, surprisingly less foodie than I would have thought. This is quite wearable, I like it.

  3. This is freaking delicious, on the same page for me as Hilma, with something sort of high, but very lush and grounded. Yes I know that does not make much sense. To my nose this is very old school Guerlain perfumey, without the headache. Like the dry down of Mitsouko (which I think was a 1930's blend? Will look it up...)OK, 1919 it was launched. This is like the idea of a classic perfume, the remembrance of one.

    Who has known all the evil before us,
    Or the tyrannous secrets of time?
    Though we match not the dead men that bore us
    At a song, at a kiss, at a crime--
    Though the heathen outface and outlive us,
    And our lives and our longings are twain--
    Ah, forgive us our virtues, forgive us,
    Our Lady of Pain.

    Pale frankincense, styrax, East African black patchouli, cinnamon leaf, rosewood, and palisander.

    This is the same frankincense from Midnight Mass, I am actually able, thanks to BPAL, to distinguish between the different ones. This is not the heavy handed frankincense of Penitence, or the rich one in All Souls, but an elegant Midnight Mass one.
    This is heaven.
    Frankincense lovers, buy this right now, it's beautiful.

  5. I ordered this, and then did not really wear it, as it seemed kind of meh, flat, to me.

    However now, months later, love this.

    Strangely, I don't get an overwhelming wine from this, it's more cherry? Weird. The dry down is an awesome rich incense-y cherry (yeah I know, there is no cherry)with a light wine background.

    Love this.

  6. 2013

    Wet to dry I get mostly the apple peel and musk, although I can tell it's grounded by the complexity of the other ingredients. After an hour or so it turns more complex and almost incense-y. Fortunately this is a sharp fruit smell in the apple and other fruits, not the pulpy, cidery, put me in a pot and cook me apples that I can't stand, or the fake appley stuff that I also can't stand.

    This one is nice and fresh, definitely more Garden than Perfumed.

  7. Kudzu vine, raw honey, ginger cream, and gingergrass.


    Whoa. I never reviewed this? This was one of my favorites from last year, and I wear it all the time...
    This is very green but complex, the ginger is fresh, not candy. This smells like the outdoors to me, the honey is more of a back note.
    I go for this when I want something gorgeous and fresh, but a bit menacing.

  8. Is there nothing I can cross off my Must Buy Some Now list? :lol:

    The first thing I smell wet is the hay and honey, then the sharpness of fruit, then it settles down to a nice musky thing with some roses. I don't think rose haters will even hate this.

    This is sweet, and on dry down has an almost creamy feel if that makes any sense. It's a very nice lighter (as in not super resiny dark stuff that I also love) spring/summer thing, along the lines of Strings in Earth and Air.

    It's light in feeling but not actually a light scent that I can't smell after five minutes, it has nice staying power. If I had to pick a color for it, I'd say a yellow-coral.

  9. Sort of gentle and very gorgeous. It's like a lovely sepia toned photograph. Filled with win.

    Soft and quiet, and it does feel "Antique" to me.

    I realized today that this is the only "Amber" perfume that I have smelled that really evoked amber resin for me.

    No nasty leather either, phew.

  10. The scent of the throes of violent passion: entangled limbs, teeth on flesh, furiously grasping hands, the taste of blood and sweat. Golden amber, white honey, red currant, daemonorops, kush, and Arabian musk.


    Oh wow, this is really really nice.
    This decant is going to be a bottle.
    It's lush and velvety, and the musk is not too aggressive.
    The dry down is very incensey.
    :wub2: :wub2: :wub2:
    Edit : Oh My Faery Godmother. I need so many bottles of this...

  11. Wheeeeee, right out of the box, I have the patience of a five year old at Build a Bear.


    OK! Wet, Lavender & cheese?????? Hmmm....drydown more violet-y, very very nice.

    I love this one, it's just sharp at the very beginning, then it becomes lush and flowery.

    I am on a violet kick lately, this one really is making me happy.

  12. What about Mourning Lace?

    I would say try Liz, I don't get floral from it, I do get a strong cigarette smell, but not cigarette smoke, actual tobacco. I don't find it unpleasant, and I am not a smoker.

    Sprinklecake is really sweet.

    Perversion is something I have mixed with super sweet stuff like Boo, to give it more "edge".


    Al Azif is on the same lines as Morroco, but stronger to me.

  13. Wow this is really great, I bought it for my DH and he immediately said, hmm, smells a bit like Obsession (which is what he always used to wear) and damn if it doesn't.

    I like this, and it is not too "boy".

  14. Well, impatient as usual, this is about 12 hours out of the mailbox, and when I first opened it I was like, bleech, why did I buy this? Oh yeah right, apricot, honey, yeah. But wet, aggressive, but it may grow on me, I certainly think it will as the dry down is spicy apricot :wub2: very delicious and a little nose tickling...

  15. This is a blissful, euphoric blend based on an ancient Indian love potion: honey, date palm, tuberose, davana blossom, amber, white sandalwood, vanilla bean, Damask rose, and champaca flower.


    whoops! Wrong imp...OK got my bottle yesterday and now I know what all the fuss is about. 2013 version. This is a very lush and creamy incense blend. At the top I smell something that I assume is dates, and the dry down is spicy and very much like Al Azif to me, however I feel like this is more feminine and a little less In Your Face. Love this.

    UM, Edit...did I say love this? I meant LOVE this. Really really love this. This is a beautiful classic incense, a true Nag Champa incense, gorgeous. I said no more back ups but this one is going to break the rules...

  16. This is absolutely glorious...I can't wait to wear this one, it's a lovely sweet floral, reminds me not in actuality but in feeling of Leanan Sidhe, and it lasts forever.


    Oh no...the horror, the horror...I did not notice this the first day I tested it, but today I smelled that watery note others had talked about, there it was, bleech, just ruined it for me, all that jasmine loveliness, drowned. Fortunately my best BPAL pal loves those aquatic thingies, and now she has a new Luper...sigh...

  17. If something was bad, trust me, you would know it.

    I use up bottles with glee and abandon, I have a pile of empties, but that said, I have stuff that is old old old, and still fine. Sometimes better.


    I don't really like imps except for testing. I like to pour right from the bottle with afore mentioned glee and abandon.

  18. Eeep! Where have they been hiding this one!

    I got an imp of this and frantically went on a search through all the five zillion lab categories...all the time thinking, "if this is DCed I will just scream..." but no! There it is! Right next to Urd...and I would say in the same family as Urd, sweet, fruity, very forceful, almost stinky...love this...love it. It's heady and rich, but not overpowering. This shoots to the top for me.
