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Posts posted by stellamaris

  1. OK, this is like the perfect perfect-thing. It's as if I had a skin scent custom made for me. It has the same feel to me as Arana or Self Portrait, but a little softer in pitch but not in tone. hmm, that makes sense to me...like it's a bit softer but not in power, it is very rich and complex.

    Love it.

  2. Gosh I hate wand caps. I only have a few, from bottles that I bought second hand. I wish like hell I didn't eat up oils so much, then I could enjoy a good wand cap, but with my current slathering modus, they are useless. And annoying, as my usual routine of figuring out what I want to wear involves opening many bottles and sticking the cap under my nose, which is a bit dangerous with the wand cap sticking up... :lol:

  3. Well, wet this smells absolutely vile. Strange and almost like a bitter malt beer or something, can't put my finger on it but blergh.

    Then it dries down. Wow. So amazing. Need so many bottles.

    It reminds me somehow of Lot and His Daughters.

    It's rich and incensey.

  4. I just tried Epibulia, I don't know if you like Urd, but this is similar, but less fruit heavy. That said it's still super fruity with other stuff supporting it,like carnation and something mysterious to me but lovely, which might be Maid of Orleans but I cannot tell.

  5. It has been a heat wave here in NYC all this week, really disgusting, plus working outside, blergh.


    I have been wearing the living daylights out of

    1. Whirling Wind Moon/Onduris/Cloth of Gold anything with the snow/pine combo or just snow are winning lately. That fresh smell brings me out of my heat coma

    2. Cloister Graveyard in the Snow/ Lick it Discreetly (usally with Gelt) Mint minty mint.


    I just tried Stentor, from the Songs of Nature and it is outstanding, it has that skin cooling mint that is so amazing. Love it. Just ordered a big bottle, and I know this one is getting backups. I also ordered Desdemona, as my DH says it smelled like summer.

    I sure hope Beth does another snowy minty thing like Cloister Graveyard, wow that is amazing stuff.

  6. Why did I even bother to get a decant of this? Clearly I was going to buy a bottle. What was I thinking?

    This is the perfect storm of summer stuff. The pine is glorious, and I am so happy because I have almost used down my bottle of Whirling Wind Moon. The strawberry is subtle, not the Attack Strawberry of Strawberry Moon, but just a great accompaniment to the piney mintyness.

  7. Why thank you Beth. How did you know that in this !@#$ heat wave we are having right now in NYC I am clinging desperately to what remains in my mint collection, the last vapors of Dust of Snow (sob), mixing Lick it Discreetly with Gelt, draining my imp of Envy and I NEEDED something minty?

    This is gorgeous, and has the same skin cooling mint that I love in my other minty loves...

    Will require back ups.

  8. Why do I keep calling this one (in my brain) Octopussy? :lol: there is something wrong with me...


    Anyway! Clearly I need a bottle of this, me who up until about six months ago could not be convinced to even try an aquatic, I though they were going to be like the ones that were all the rage in the 80's? in department store perfumes...what did I know?


    This is very much like Mommy in a Boat to me, so much so that I had to Death Match them, and unfortunately for my screaming wallet, it's different enough that I need a bottle. This is a haunting, pretty watery thing, but with a lushness that makes it a real statement fragrance.

  9. Oh my. When I first put this on I got a very heavy earthen note, like the one I loved/hated in Santa Muerte, but that fades very quickly and it turns into a delicious complex incense. I love this one. :wub2:

    It feels a little "fancy", but in a dark, glittering, Stevie Nicks way, not like in a Ralph Lauren way. This makes sense to me :lol:

    It smells more hippie glamorous than Madison Avenue.

    I know I will wear the heck out of this.

    I can see from reading the reviews above that I am clearly having a totally different experience of this scent, but a great one none the less. After reading them I had to resniff my imp and hand to make sure I didn't review the wrong one but nope...


    My husband (son of a perfumer btw) called this "The perfect summer scent, this smells just like summer." And, he smelled the coconut right off, something that is eluding me. Could it be because I have six other BPALs on my arms right now? hmmm....

  10. Hmmm, cannot skin test this one yet, as luck would have it, this Lace and Black Taffetta arrived to me on the same day I got like, ten decants.

    That said, in the bottle I am getting the bubbly and apple-y, and I am hoping that Jesus allows me the caramel that he has kept from October Gwen (see above)

  11. This is a perfect example of how Beth makes the versions of her LEs so similar and so different. I have the 2011 (I think) version, which still has the grapefruit/ginger notes as pretty aggressive, whereas in this version they dry off and I get a very sweet cakey scent that is really round and golden (like a yellow cake), with ginger. Not strange as I tend to amplify sweet and vanilla.

    I can't match the surety and precise beauty of Gwydion's review with my own, not even slightly, but I can say that this is strange, spicy and wonderful.

    It's one of those things that I know there are days when I will wake up thinking "Hungry Ghost Moon"...

  12. I bought this when it came out and never reviewed it, but I am wearing it a lot lately in the hot weather. It's funny, I get a very strong "snow" feeling from this one, it's lovely, reminds me a bit of Cloth of Gold. Very fresh and neither masculine or feminine to me, and although it is on the "soft " side it has very nice presence, very decent throw and longevity.

    This smells cold and winter to me, perfect for summer wearing. I get zero flowers, but much gorgeous.

  13. Love Kill Devil. I don't know if it actually kills devils, but I put some in an atomizer with some perfumer's alcohol, and it is the perfect layer for other vanilla/foody/boozy things.

    Molasses and sugar. Rum. Very nice.

  14. Well, surely there is cookie, right at the top, but then the amazing wonderful musk, wow. I love this. It is a very classic musk, reminding me as did the Siberian Musk SN of Kheil's old Musk, however I find this richer and more substantial than the SN.


    Edit This and The Other Miss Forcible are now my go to blends, along with Playful Wooden Mallets. I can smell this anytime of day or night, it's just gorgeous. I can't decide which one I like better, but The Other lives in my purse, so it may be that one.

  15. Well, I have never tried AM, although I love many of the other scents at the Steamworks (Obsidian Widow, I am looking at you, and yes, you Galvanic Goggles), but this is very warm and cozy, vanilla and sweet, without being cloying. This is a bottle.
