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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by stellamaris

  1. I love cinnamon. I love Sin. WTF is up with this stuff? It's just blergh. I will give it a couple days to mellow out though, I did grab it right out of the envelope and pour it on, and of course, one tiny drop could scent my entire family.


    OK this stuff really is crack. I didn't think I liked it, but there was the little vial going "put me on! You know you want to!"


    a few days later it seems to have calmed down, and I kind of like it? Sigh. It's very rich, less mushrooms than Snakes in the PP....wtf mushrooms?

  2. I would like to say, I am not a HG addict. I can stop anytime I want. I don't think six or seven is a Lot of HG...

    OK back to critique, if I was a HG addict, which I am not, this would not be helping. Gah, this is so very good.

    I spray like eight to ten full spritzes on my hair, about six on child heads.

    so good...get some, you need it...

  3. Cuddly. Is married to my Sylvia. Right on.


    Edit : The Small Girl thinks this is a hilarious name for a hair product. That said she likes to be a shiny furball. I use tons of this in her hair, she has the same fine hair as me, it works great.

  4. It's funny, I smell something that is reminding me of some of the sweeter Weenies this year like Oops or Day of Skulls, with the Boo underneath it. It's this years Boo. Fine by me as I have all the other Boos, all Boo is good Boo...

  5. This is really good stuff people.

    It has that punch that I find very "BPAL" like Urd, or Snake Oil, it's STRONG and rich and lush.

    That said, at the end of the day, it's boy juice.

    I really like it and think it's very BPAL, but too boy for me.

  6. whoa. This is so amazing.

    It's candy!

    It's the entire baking aisle!

    It's buttercream!

    It is not almond! Thank you for that because if it was it would be outta here.

    It is creepy and kooky, mysterious and spooky.

  7. Oooh delicatedisaster, Butterscotch Balls and Black Beetles is one of my all time favorite BPALs to hoard, and count me in the school of those who have enough perfume to last a life time but strangely are buying more...

    Ooky called to me and was my first Weenie this year, because I figured it would be creepy and kooky :lol:

    I also believe I bought Ghosts in Love because the 2011 version was so awesome, Dia De Los Meurtos, which is a very rich perfumey thing for me, All Souls which I also have from previous years and I love for the cold weather in which the foody scents are very comforting, Day of Skulls for the same reason. I think I will be back for the Samhain and Samhainophobia because there are just some days when those things work.

  8. Bittersweet: the scent of forgetfulness, peace, and oblivion. Like asphodel petals on moonlit water.

    I hate to be the first review of this, but this is just Blergh for me. What ever asphodel is keep it away from me and my home. It is super strong and nasty. It reminds me of a giant white flower super anti hero with a really bad weight to lycra ratio who pounces out at me from the shadows and beats me with a ginormous white plastic flower. yeeech.

  9. Wow this is so awesome!!!!!

    I thought I loved Miss Forcible, but her other is amazing. So rich, and I love that dusty thing. One bottle please!

    this lasts forever on me, and it has throw, but the scent is so round I don't have to worry about offending people with it. It just smells great.
