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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by stellamaris

  1. A bath fit for a down-to-earth monarch: sweet aged patchouli, golden amber, cacao, winter honey, precious oudh, and ylang ylang.

    This is like someone took full bottles of Smut and Third Charm (and they better have not been mine :evil: ) and put them in this wonderful lil bottle of bath oil. Wow.

    The phoenix, of which there is only one in the world, is the size of an eagle. It is gold around the neck, its body is purple, and its tail is blue with some rose-colored feathers. It has a feathered crest on its head. No one has ever seen the Phoenix feeding. In Arabia it is sacred to the sun god. It lives 540 years; when it is old it builds a nest from wild cinnamon and frankincense, fills the nest with scents, and lies down on it until it dies. From the bones and marrow of the dead phoenix there grows a sort of maggot, which grows into a bird the size of a chicken. This bird performs funeral rites for its predecessor, then carries the whole nest to the City of the Sun near Panchaia and places it on an altar there.
    - Pliny, Natural History

    Wild cinnamon and frankincense.

    Well, you had me at Wild Cinnamon, but all I can smell right now is the frankincense, which is just fine by me.
    After snoofing my other Pheonix decants, I know why this was the first must have bottle, this is the clear winner to me. The frankincense is so deep, sometimes I just suck frankincense right up and it's so sad (Midnight Mass, I'm looking at you) but this must be some other super powered one...trying to fight the urge to hoard...

  3. Ditto on Gelt ... I thought for some reason it had been every other year since its initial release but it seems to have been each of the last two years so I have my fingers crossed for a Gelt 2013 after finally trying an imp of it in a swap! Delicious!!!

    Gelt, Gelt, Gelt, must have more Gelt

  4. This one is growing on me. It smells like snake oil with spice cookies. I also smell mushrooms. I am really losing it...


    This has aged into OMG Gorgeous. The oil is very dark and thick, and the scent is heady. I wear it out at night, it's kind of perfect. I hope this comes back some day.
