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Posts posted by stellamaris

  1. I am not surprised this one sold out so fast, it is really amazing.

    Strangely, I get at the top a strong dirty note that I suppose is the moss, but then a powdery thing right under it.

    and then the roses.

    It has oomph, and power, so pretty and good, but I can see a man wearing it too.

  2. :cool: gah. reviews. so happy they are back...

    I bought all my OLLA unsniffed and LOVED all of them, but this one is probably the favorite so far.

    Patchouli lovers need to buy this stat. It does however have a sweetness for me almost like Black Taffetta. Love this one. six out of five stars


    thankfully I do not smell any leather, dodged that bullet, if it's in here it's so well blended as to not make me smell like fine furniture or a nice fall jacket.

  3. This one is awesome. Gingerbread Snake was really good, Gingerbread Satyr was great for the ten seconds it stuck around before completely disappearing, but this one is fabulous. Really grounded and good. Gingerbread. With other good stuff. Does not smell very boy to me at all.

  4. Why did I not just order a bottle of this with my first order? oh yeah I was afraid of the coffee, but I can't smell any coffee, just gorgeous chocolate. Beautiful, very much like the chocolate in Gelt, which I am missing sorely this year.

  5. Ahhhhhhh love this one...

    This has the same whatever as Wretched Rose Window, which is a scent that I had actually been longing for and found in WRW. And, it does remind me of the ancient times in Beth's description, as back then I loved to wear perfumes that smelled "classic" and "older elegant lady" to me, and this fits the bill.

    It's soft and fizzy, love love love this...

  6. My bottle of Onduris, much beloved, is almost gone, so I was glad to get this one to replace it. Indeed it is similar enough to supplant it, but it's not a mirror replacement. Still, snow, pine, it's all good.

  7. This is like a florist's shop, as ReallyZeb said, but to me not overwhelming. It is strong though, which is good for me. Heady cut flowers, as if you can smell the stems. I do get the snow note as well. This one is fresh and nice, I can see this being good for work, it's clean. I was thinking it was going to be sort of like Winter Heavens which I love, but it's less green, more flowers and snow.

  8. I love all of the Snows. I wear them in the summer, when I want to feel cool and wintery, and in fall and winter when it snows, just for synchronicity.

    I LOVE Blue Snowballs from last year, Dust of Snow from 2011? Cloth of Gold, but my favorite of all time, the sadly DCed Cloister Graveyard in the Snow.

  9. sigh. I thought I would love this one so much, but it has a very heavy note of Blergh that smells sort of like the residue left in a marijuana pipe, not that I would know what that smelled like. It's the same Blergh as in Expressive Head, but EH has Fabulous that overcomes the Blergh, sadly this is too heavy on the Blergh. I will gift it to my son, he may or may not be familiar with that Blergh smell, I believe he likes it better than me.
