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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by stellamaris

  1. I hate it when other people can express their opinions but mine are verbotten. Really hate that.

  2. so happy to see your Coraline circle...you save me from my impulsive nature every time!

  3. I got my package today, thank you so much!!!!!! Wow I am going to buy all your stuff just to get your cool packages!

    I will go leave feedback.



  4. Hi! I can ship international.

  5. I was reading your description under your avatar, and have to ask, do you like BJDs?

    By chance, I make dreadlock wigs for dolls, I don't have them myself (briefly had a few back in the Before Times) but I LOVE them

  6. Hi! I would take your Avenger if I can has your Maison D'epices



  7. Aww! I have two Pipos cats, I really love the ones with teeth!
